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Found 264 Results for read
Overcoming Difficulties

Hans Christian Andersen, whose stories have thrilled millions of children, suffered from dyslexia. Winston Churchill, noted for his oratory, had a problem with stuttering. He wrote his speeches carefu...

Evil Tendency Of Riches

The Dollar God A missionary in Africa had been witnessing faithfully to a certain individual. Following their conversation one day the unconverted man placed a small statue and a silver coin on the ta...

Family Worship

In the book Give Praise to God, J. Ligon Duncan III and Terry L. Johnson write, "If your children are in your home for eighteen years, you have 5,630 occasions (figuring a six-day week) for family wo...

Men In The Church

If a child is the first person in a household to become a Christian, there is a 3.5 percent probability everyone else in the household will follow. If the mother is the first to become a Christian, th...

The Bible

Serious Study John Huffman tells the classic story of the man who was in a difficult situation, and in desperation turns to the Bible. He didn't know where to look, so he let the book flop open and he...

Children, Priorities, Memories

A family in Colorado tried unsuccessfully for years to save enough money to replace their ancient bathroom fixtures with new modern sleek ones. But each year as skiing time rolled around, the bathroom...

Illustration: Rivalry

After having dug to a depth of 10 meters last year, Scottish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors had a telephone network more t...


If you are in the historic district of Charleston, South Carolina, a little after seven o'clock in the morning you will see a 75-year-old man with a plastic grocery bag. If you follow him for his two-...

Gifts & Gratitude

A nice young Post Office worker was sorting through her regular mail when she discovered a letter addressed as follows: GOD, c/o Heaven. Upon opening the envelope, the enclosed letter told about a li...


"Advent comes from a Latin word meaning 'coming' or 'arrival,' and marks the four Sundays preceding Christmas as a time to prepare for celebrating Christ's birth. Advent is a season for Christians int...

Family Conflict

People find different ways to deal with family conflicts. But a 25-year-old Norwegian woman discovered a rather imaginative way to deal with her father, who had moved in with her after his divorce. S...

Illustration: Strength, Providence

What first appears to be a curse God can turn into a manifold blessing....


Most people would affirm the genius of Thomas Jefferson. He was an eloquent writer, an inquisitive thinker and a great inventor. Those who visit the Jefferson home, Monticello, are amazed at his many ...

Presence of God

It sounds like a made-up story, but it is true. Some years ago a church in Carter County, Tennessee had an attorney draw up a deed for their property....


General George Washington had known nothing but defeat in the American Revolution until he won the famous victory at Trenton on Christmas Day, 1776. Every school boy or girl knows how he waited until ...


Rick Warren recently wrote, "God's purpose for the church is also his purpose for every Christian. As individual followers of Christ we are to use our lives in worship, ministry, evangelism, disciples...

Evil Choices

On the table side by side; The Holy Bible and the TV Guide, One is well worn but cherished with pride, (Not the Bible, but the TV Guide). One is used daily to help folks decide, No! It isn't the Bibl...

Inspiration of Example

Henry Ward Beecher related an incident about Charles Smith, a laborer on his father's farm in Litchfield, Connecticut. He said, "He had a little room, in one corner of which I had a small cot. A...