Search Results for remember

Found 1018 Results for remember
10 Verses to Read When Tragedy Strikes

Meg Bucher

Tragedy is a prevalent backdrop this side of heaven. Our hearts and minds are scorched with sorrow and drained of comprehension as we scroll through our daily news feeds. For modern generations of chi...

4 Lessons from Jacob’s Ladder to Encourage and Challenge You

Janet Thompson

I first heard the colorful story of Jacob’s Ladder as a young child in Sunday school. I still remember the teacher showing us pictures of angels descending and ascending on the ladder from heaven in J...

4 Truths to Believe When God Seems Far Away

Rachel Britton

The Bible tells us God’s presence is everywhere and He is with us, yet we can still struggle to understand He is near us at all times. Sometimes it feels like God is far away – that He is no closer th...

Is It Wrong for Christians to Wear Makeup and Jewelry?

Jessica Brodie

Flip through any magazine or TV channel, and it’s hard not to miss the elaborate hair and makeup styles, jewelry, and other adornments on display. It’s big business, too — in spite of the pandemic, th...

5 Ways a Challenging Teen is Blessing You

Mark Altrogge

What? Are you serious? What good can it possibly be to have a difficult child? Or a teen who struggles with sin? Or a child who rebels against you? Challenges with our children are as much (or more) a...

What Does it Mean that Jesus Is the Lamb of God?

Kyle Blevins

I remember one of my first church experiences as a teenager; the pastor was tossing around unusual sounding names related to God. A very passionate “Yeshua!” or “El Shaddai!”...

10 Scriptures That Bring the Easter Celebration Back into Focus

Jennifer Waddle

I still remember the first time we celebrated Easter in our current house. Our kids were small, the carpet was new, and my husband was adamant that I not bring out the Easter-egg dye that year. He’s j...

The Importance of Honor in the Christian Life

Frank Santora

Memorial Day is upon us again. It’s the holiday that kicks off summer; we fire up the grill, plant the garden, and pack up the sweaters. But what many people don’t realize is that, in reality, Memoria...

7 Psalms of Hope for When the Holidays Hurt

Micah Maddox

The holidays can be one of the most joyous times of the year, but also the most grievous. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you know the deep struggle that lives in the heart to rejoice...

Advent Readings and Scriptures to Read as Family Each Week

Hope Bolinger

Advent: four weeks that lead up to the holiday of Christmas. Many churches will light a different candle each week to represent joy, hope, peace, etc. as we remember about the true meaning of the seas...

What Is God’s Purpose for Marriage?

Joel Ryan

Like many married men, I can remember my wedding day like it was yesterday.I can tell you what it felt like to see my then bride-to-be walking down the aisle in her wedding dress. I can tell you about...

6 Scriptures That Changed My Life

Ruth Clemence

Growing up, the Bible was in my bedroom but seldom opened. I believed in Jesus and cannot remember a time I felt as if God didn’t exist. God just was. However, I did not follow Him as Lord and Savior ...

How Many Missionary Journeys Did Paul Take?

Scripture does not tell us whether or not Paul traveled to Spain, but in the Book of Acts and in Paul’s letters, we can tell that Paul went on many more than four journeys....

Prayers for Health of Body, Mind, and Soul Editorial Staff

Let us trust in the true physician of our health, going to God in prayer for protection or restoration. Discover some of the best prayers for health to use in supplication to the Lord, requesting the ...

Why Is Mount Sinai One of the Most Important Landmarks in the Bible?

Emma Danzey

This landmark was significant to the communication between God and Moses, as well as the place of intimacy. Mount Sinai itself is not holy, however, the Lord dwelling on top of that mountain made it h...

Why Does Isaiah Encourage Us to Not Be Afraid?

Ashley Hooker

So, why should we not be afraid? Why should we have no fear even when we face life-or-death circumstances? Because God said so. Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed...

What Does the Verse "If God Is for Us, Who Can Be against Us" Mean?

Alyssa Roat

Just about any list of encouraging Bible verses will include Romans 8:31: “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” But what are ...

The Beginner's Guide to Reading the Bible

Donna Jones

Scores of people feel overwhelmed when it comes to reading the Bible. Maybe you’re shaking your head in agreement, thinking, Yes. That’s me....

Why Are There So Many Different Bible Translations?

Emma Danzey

May we remember the gift and the privilege to even have one full version of the Scriptures in our English language. We are in the top 10% around the world. Not only this, but we have multiple translat...

What Does Nehemiah's Life Teach Us about Following God?

Lianna Davis

Nehemiah was a heartfelt follower of God, exhibited in his prayer life and in the leadership decisions he made throughout the grand process of rebuilding the Jerusalem walls. God responded to Nehemiah...