Search Results for "that ye may know" and "and believe"

Found 3688 Results for "that ye may know" and "and believe"
Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11?

Britt Mooney

How do the two witnesses in Revelation 11 both reveal a future event and inspire us today?...

10 Important Truths Found in 1st and 2nd Kings

Jennifer Slattery

It’s a story of power, corruption, and at times, unimaginable evil—of a rise to greatness and a fall to destruction, of man's depravity and God's longsuffering and grace. 1st Kings begins wi...

5 Hopeful Prayers When the News Is Overwhelming

Kirstyn Mayden

Despite the mental and emotional toll that the news takes at times, there still is hope. God is sovereign and calls us to continue to put our hope and trust in Him....

8 Verses and Prayers for Those Recovering from Trauma

Jessica Brodie

When we experience a distressing event, whether once or repeatedly, we sometimes exhibit a lasting emotional response that can impact our sense of safety, identity, relationships, and ability to regul...

What Do Christians Mean When They Say Maranatha?

Britt Mooney

Maranatha appears in so many church and conference names, but what does it mean?...

20 Scriptural Ways to Cultivate a “Good and Noble” Heart That Will Bear Fruit

Sheila Alewine

We are responsible to cultivate and keep a “noble and good heart” so that the Word of God continues to bear fruit pleasing to God. Here are twenty ways that Scripture addresses our heart and shows us ...

5 Comforting Psalms for When We Worry

Kirstyn Mayden

Times are tough for so many of us right now. Whether it's financial trouble, health concerns, or anxiety over political issues and current events, there is plenty to worry about. 1 Peter 5:7 says to c...

Who Were the Sadducees?

Pamela Palmer

Scripture places the Sadducees at immense odds with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Sadducees were Jewish, religious, wealthy, and held power. Many were high priests or noblemen. It is likely that alon...

What Bible Debates Inspired Martin Luther's 95 Theses?

Britt Mooney

In 1517, small-town monk Martin Luther marched up to the castle church in Wittenberg and nailed his 95 theses to the door. What led him to write these theses, and how did change how we understand Chri...

Why Exactly Did God Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Bethany Verrett

God did not just turn his eye to Sodom and Gomorrah and decide they were not good enough for him to love them. They indulged in every wickedness and refused to turn their hearts to the Lord and repent...

Is the “Forever and Ever Amen” Prayer in the Bible?

Andy Lee

"Forever and ever amen" sounds great, but where does the phrase come from?...

Prayers for Our Church Leaders

Alicia Searl

 The enemy may be trying to take a stronghold, but he is powerless when we fight back with our most powerful weapon—prayer!...

Why is Jesus ‘Gentle and Lowly’?

Jessica Brodie

Jesus is both man and God, Word and flesh. And as such, it is no wonder He is both the mighty Lion of Judah and the meek and humble sacrificial lamb slain for the sins of the world. ...

A Prayer for Uvalde to Mourn with Those Who Mourn

Cheryl Gilbert

YES, there are issues at hand that are imperative to address, problems that MUST be solved. And yet here, now, this very moment, we must mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15)....

How Can Joshua and Caleb’s Powerful Faith Encourage You?

Jessica Brodie

Faith isn’t always easy, but God is the Creator of the universe, the Alpha and the Omega, and God is all-powerful. On our own, we can do little, but when we are doing God’s will, God will always trium...

"Cleanliness is Next to Godliness": Meaning and Origin

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

6 Ways to Pray for Peace in Jerusalem and Israel

Mike Nappa

A prayer for the peace of Jerusalem includes security from outside attackers, unity, and harmony among residents, familial wholeness, economic and political prosperity—and perhaps most important of al...

Prayers for Health of Body, Mind, and Soul Editorial Staff

Let us trust in the true physician of our health, going to God in prayer for protection or restoration. Discover some of the best prayers for health to use in supplication to the Lord, requesting the ...

6 Valuable Lessons from the Life of Samuel

Bethany Verrett

Samuel spent his life in service to the Lord, setting a great example for anyone who wants to live a life that pleases God. He was used for leadership, prophecy, and wisdom. For anyone seeking to unde...

Who Are the 12 Tribes of Israel, and Why Are They Important?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

The 12 tribes or sons came from Jacob who the Lord renamed Israel in Genesis 32. If you read Genesis 49, you will see the 12 sons or what we now know as the 12 tribes. ...