Search Results for 1 corinthians

Found 836 Results for 1 corinthians
Should We Approach Our Faith as Religion or Relationship?

Joel Ryan

Practicing Christians will often try and distance themselves from the stigma of bad religion or being seen as religious. One of the ways they do this is by approaching their faith more as a relationsh...

The Power of Choosing to Prioritize Your Health

Frank Santora

Poor choices can create a bondage to ill health that literally steals away years from the life God has promised. The good news is, even if we have made seriously wrong choices regarding our health in ...

10 Promises from the Bible to Embrace Today

Sarah Coleman

Embrace - to accept a belief willingly and enthusiastically. The Bible is full of promises. According to Bible Gateway, 5,467 to be exact. And every one of those promises are for believers. All the ...

5 Important Life Lessons from the Patience of Job

Jennifer Heeren

The story of Job in the Bible shows a man who suffered but never turned away from God. Job didn’t understand everything, and he got frustrated, but he still showed patience by keeping his face poised ...

How Can Suffering Be a Gift?

Britnee Bradshaw

One morning during a recent quiet time, I was meditating on 1 Corinthians 13:4. The verse struck my heart in such a profound way. The scripture, according to the King James Version, reads: “Charity su...

What Does It Mean to Open the Eyes of Your Heart?

Michael Jakes

How should we look at what we see? The apostle Paul tells us of a sharp contrast between that which we can see with our natural eyes, versus that which cannot be seen, which is spiritual....

How Does the Sovereignty of God Impact the Great Commission?

Sheila Alewine

As we read the different accounts of Jesus’ last few days on earth, we are given a picture of the sovereignty of God, and how believing in His sovereignty will impact our success in carrying out the m...

What Is the Sin of Fornication?

Rick Kirby

There are some issues that the Bible is a bit quiet on, while there are other topics that God speaks to directly, leaving no room for interpretation or debate. The sin of fornication, or sexual immora...

A Prayer to Say before Taking Communion

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You can rejoice when taking communion because your forgiveness, your redemption, your eternal life is all because of the great sacrifice Jesus made for you. Don’t let communion just be a solemn moment...

Did Jesus Say We Must Be Baptized in Order to Be Saved?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Nicodemus had spent his whole life endeavoring to do something to gain God’s favor, and there he finally sat in His presence, seeking answers. Nicodemus needed spiritual birth, and Jesus pointed him t...

An Introduction to Corporate Election

Ed Jarrett

The Bible was written in a time when the family, clan, and tribe were very important. And one’s identity was largely based on the group they were a part of. For them, the idea of corporate election wo...

Should Christians Invest in the Stock Market?

Mike Leake

The church was given a substantial gift of $100,000. But they weren’t yet sure how they should spend the money. Someone wisely recommended at least putting the money into savings in order to get some ...

How Foster Care Practically Shows Us the Gospel

Allie Boman

The gospel — the story of God living a human life, giving up that life to defeat death, and rising up again as a human with a whole new kind of life — makes perfect sense out of foster parenting.First...

Nine Ways to Know That the Gospel of Christ Is True

A compelling list shared by John Piper explaining how we can be sure Jesus was who He claimed to be. ...

17 Encouraging Verses for Seasons of Grief

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Since we are all going to face grief in this life, the question is when grief comes, where do you go for comfort? Thankfully God knew you would experience grief in this life, and he has provided numer...

What is Free Will in the Bible? How Does It Relate to Our Salvation?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The question of free will is probably a debate we will have until Jesus comes again. While you can find arguments on both sides of this question, this should not be our main mission or focus. We have ...

What Are the Praiseworthy Things That Christians Should Think On?

Lisa Loraine Baker

One look at this list will show us the qualities of a righteous person, one committed to the Lord and one who keeps His Word. Where do we go to learn the hows of a godly life? The Bible. As we grow in...

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Just Agree to Disagree about Same Sex Relationships

Sam Allberry

Some issues in the Christian life matter more than others. The apostle Paul made a distinction between matters that were primary to the gospel, and issues that were not. In 1 Corinthians 15:3 he write...

Jesus Wept: 2 Simple Words with Incredible Depth

The shortest verse in the English Bible is John 11:35: “Jesus wept.” But for all its grammatical simplicity, it’s packed with unfathomable complexity....

Are Women Really “Saved Through Childbearing”?

The phrase sounds extremely sexist and abrasive, even non-sensical to the modern ear. But there is truth and freedom here if we are willing to go looking for it....