Search Results for deuteronomy 10

Found 257 Results for deuteronomy 10
What Does the Bible say about Israel?

Jason Soroski

The history of Israel, and their unique relationship with God, is a rich and fascinating one that began in the Garden of Eden and continues to this very day. God is certainly not done with Israel!...

How Did 'Footprints in the Sand' Become So Popular Among Christians?

Candice Lucey

“Footprints in the Sand” is popular with Christians, in part, because of the profound biblical themes conveyed therein. Particular among them are promises from God. The writer has indicated that faith...

Why Can We Not Serve Both God and Money?

Heather Adams

The Lord didn’t tell His listeners not to pursue gaining wealth. But He did give them a caution not to make that a higher priority in life than obeying and serving God. In the same chapter, He pointed...

Why Should Christians "Be Not Afraid"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We all know people, including ourselves, who were paralyzed in one way, shape, or form because they were afraid. As believers, how do we deal with this issue of fear? We have been given a different ma...

Why Is Hope an Anchor for Our Souls?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Our hope is in God through Jesus Christ. He Whom we can trust in everything and every way, never changes, always fulfills His promises, will never leave us or forsake us, and cannot lie. ...

Does God Care about My Weight?

Sheila Alewine

What does God think about this? Does the Bible give us any guidance on whether or not our weight matters to Him? Are we spending our lives worrying about something that is irrelevant from an eternal p...

What Does the Bible Say about Immigrants?

Mike Leake

We can debate laws and such within our nation when it comes to the receiving of immigrants, how to handle asylum-seekers, and whether or not to provide refuge as a nation. But the Scriptures call us t...

Three Steps for Studying the Gospels

Johnny Cisneros

A Bible study guide for the Gospels...

Should We Be Reading the Bible Every Day?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We belong to Christ, and we are His bride (2 Corinthians 11:2). How do we get to know the One who saved us from the wrath of God except by spending time in His Word — the Bible? But is it biblical to ...

How Do I Tithe?

Bethany Verrett

Offerings can also come in many forms, not just monetarily. Someone can give of their time, volunteering in their church or using their gifts or expertise to bless other people. Worship and prayer can...

Why Should We Know about the Overlooked Judge Shamgar?

Lisa Loraine Baker

. Shamgar served as the third judge over Israel, after Othniel and Ehud. Under Ehud, Israel had rest for 80 years (Judges 3:30)....

An Introduction to Corporate Election

Ed Jarrett

The Bible was written in a time when the family, clan, and tribe were very important. And one’s identity was largely based on the group they were a part of. For them, the idea of corporate election wo...

Honor Your Need for Both Work and Rest This Labor Day

Nick Batzig

As we come to celebrate another Labor Day, let's step back for a moment and consider what Scripture has to say about the rhythm of work and rest....

How Does Scripture Instruct Us to Care for the Poor?

Emma Danzey

The Lord calls us in His Word to look out for the needs of the poor. We are to love them well. We are worshiping God when we care for them. We are loving Jesus when we love people who have needs....

What Does "the Joy of the Lord Is My Strength" Mean in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Ezra read from God’s Word and recited His Law to the people (recorded in Nehemiah 8), and they were shattered by the vast disobedience and rebellion. ...

Why Did God Give the Law?

John Piper

The law which God gave to Moses at Mount Sinai a few months after bringing the people out of Egypt has been the victim of some very bad press in the past several hundred years. My guess is that there ...

Why Is God Called the Ancient of Days?

Heather Riggleman

God has so many names in the Bible, and all of them teach us something important about His incredible character. The name Ancient of Days only appears three times, and all in the book of Daniel. But d...

Does God Forgive All of Our Sins?

Jessica Brodie

The good news is that God will forgive our sins. In the early days, people sacrificed animals and did other rituals to make up for their wrongdoings, but these things had to be done over and over agai...

What Is the Wormwood Star That Shows Up in the End Times?

Connor Salter

The wormwood star falls into water sources, and it poisons waters. The Bible specifically starts that a third of the rivers were poisoned, which is interesting since three is an important number that ...