Search Results for serve one another in love

Found 233 Results for serve one another in love
Why Is It So Important (and Refreshing!) to Praise the Lord?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Many think they can praise the Lord only in a corporate setting, such as weekly church services or along with others at a conference or worship music event. But there are so many ways we can praise th...

What Does Manifest Mean, and How Does It Help Us See God More Clearly?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Christians are to walk with Christ, manifesting His presence through our actions. Through the Spirit’s presence and work in us (John 15:26, Ephesians 1:13-14), we are able to provide unbelievers (and ...

How Does the Bible Address Medical Assistance in Dying?

Candice Lucey

The Bible is clear about who is Sovereign over life and death: God alone has the final say. Although some churches have advocated for euthanasia, calling it the compassionate option, the Christian chu...

Why Is the Blood of Jesus so Powerful?

Tessa Emily Hall

But why is the blood of Jesus so powerful? And have we truly grasped the weight of Jesus’ sacrifice and the immense privilege we have to be washed by the blood of the Lamb?...

Lessons from Jude: Danger of Apostasy and a Reminder to Be Faithful

Alice William

Today let’s dive into the rest of the epistle of Jude, verses 12-25, and learn about the sin of apostasy, the actions of apostates, the consequences, and how to build our lives on Jesus Christ...

How Can We Find the Amazing Hope in Christ?

Britt Mooney

How does this inspiring Romans 15 verse about hope in Christ help us today?...

10 Faithful Moms Throughout History Who Teach Us about God

Dawn Wilson

Mothers hold their children’s hearts for a relatively short time. It’s never too soon to teach them, in age-appropriate ways, about the God who can guide them throughout life....

What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "Whatever You Do for the Least of These"?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

"Whatever you do for the least of these" is one of the most famous passages in the New Testament. But have we missed the point that Jesus was making?...

The Women in Christ's Life: The Woman at the Well

Like the women at the well, God wants to use you where you are, how you are, and who you are. He can take any situation we are in and use it for His Glory. He just expects us to be obedient. ...

Biblical Encouragement for Those Facing Infertility

Bethany Verrett

Infertility is not a punishment from God, but a byproduct of living in a fallen world; it can also be an opportunity to get to know the Lord better, and pursue different kinds of opportunities to crea...

What Is the Significance of the Seven Churches in Revelation?

Bethany Verrett

In the beginning of the book of Revelation, the number seven appears multiple times. One of the most notable is that John is instructed to give a copy of Revelation to seven churches. Theories abound ...

How Often Should the Lord's Supper/Communion Be Observed?

Betty Dunn

The Lord’s Supper is not just something that the early church did, but something we should practice today. But how often should we do it? Does it make a difference?...

3 Undeniable Truths to Help Us Understand the Trinity

Sheila Alewine

The nature of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit - is just something that we will never be able to understand this side of eternity. But it doesn't mean we can't catch glimp...

Thy Kingdom Come: The Prayer that Changes the World

The Lord’s Prayer can be rote, or it can become a divine force unleashing God’s glorious blessing. How is “Thy kingdom come” a prayer that literally changes the world? Pray then like this: “Our Fat...

10 Ways to Really Encourage Single Missionaries

Heather Adams

As thrilling as missionary work may be at times, days are usually filled with physical labor or ministering to the needs of others. To stay strong, every worker needs undergirding, a strong foundation...

What Happens When Christians Don't Know Ecclesiology?

Meghan Trapp

Churches often find themselves in trouble. Ecclesiology helps us understand what went wrong and where to go next....

When Does Advent Start This Year? - 2019 Dates

Liz Kanoy

Advent marks the start of a season of preparation that looks forward to the celebration of Christmas and the second coming of Christ....

God's Promises: Scripture Truths to Cling To Every Day

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

The Bible is full of promises - hundreds of truths for our faith to be founded on. And every one of those promises are for believers. All the promises have been fulfilled. Unfortunately, very few of u...

Transformed by Grace: The Power to Say No

According to Scripture, there is something that teaches us to say no to sin—something that trains us to renounce ungodliness and teaches us instead to live righteous and godly lives....

20 Powerful Bible Verses to Help You Be Patient

Aaron Brown

Jesus told his disciples then and continues to inform believers today through Scripture, in life, we will face difficulty. We cannot choose a life free of conflict, heartache, or hardship. Though we d...