Search Results for deuteronomy 20

Found 194 Results for deuteronomy 20
7 Crucial Reasons We Need to Remember God's Word

Ruth Clemence

The Bible is a long and often confusing book, and it's hard to remember all of the truths found within. But when we take time to sit down and read these words, we are reminded of God's goodnes...

How Can We Make Lemonade from Painful Situations?

Frank Santora

Like all of us, when life dealt him lemons, David stood at the intersection of a “bitter road” and a “better road.” It’s an intersection of decision. What do we do? Bite the lemon and become bitter in...

Should We Be Reading the Bible Every Day?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We belong to Christ, and we are His bride (2 Corinthians 11:2). How do we get to know the One who saved us from the wrath of God except by spending time in His Word — the Bible? But is it biblical to ...

Why Were Judaizers Such Big Problems in the Early Church?

Stephen Baker

Judaizers were people (both ethnic Jews and Gentiles) who continued to adhere to the Jewish customs and laws after Christ’s salvific work. ...

What the Bible Tells Us about Demons and How to Protect Ourselves

Whitney Hopler

Learning about demons is unpleasant. But it’s important to know what the Bible says about demons in order to protect yourself from them....

What Is Purim?

Valerie Fentress

Purim doesn't rank high on lists of famous Jewish holidays, but it's an important holiday that commemorates one of the most dramatic stories in the Old Testament: Esther saving her people from genocid...

Who Was Enoch and Why Is He Mentioned in the “Hall of Faith”?

Brad Simon

Enoch did not keep his life of faith private. He boldly announced that God would come to judge the world’s sins (Jude 14-15). Enoch’s faith shone brightly in a world darkened by sin. Through the right...

Is Gentle Parenting Biblical?

Bethany Verrett

This can be a tempting model for Christian parents because it models values like gentleness, patience, and love, which are Fruits of the Spirit and Christ-like virtues. However, we should examine ever...

Why Is God Called the Ancient of Days?

Heather Riggleman

God has so many names in the Bible, and all of them teach us something important about His incredible character. The name Ancient of Days only appears three times, and all in the book of Daniel. But d...

Why Is God Called "the Most High"?

Bethany Verrett

Part of having a correct understanding of who Jesus is, why He needed to come, and why His death and resurrection are significant, is tied to having a right understanding of the nature of God. Because...

Does God Forgive All of Our Sins?

Jessica Brodie

The good news is that God will forgive our sins. In the early days, people sacrificed animals and did other rituals to make up for their wrongdoings, but these things had to be done over and over agai...

What Does “One Day the Sons of God Came to Present Themselves Before the Lord” Mean?

Britt Mooney

What does, “One day the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord” tell us about the supernatural realm?...

The Rich Young Ruler Reflects Our Own Struggles with Money

Frank Santora

Jesus’ statement challenges the idea of working hard and climbing the ladder of success, and confronts the current of independence and materialism that is foundational to our modern society....

What the Seventh Commandment Teach Us about Being Faithful Spouses

Britt Mooney

Our modern culture has minimized the idea that extramarital sex is a problem. Yet God finds it so serious he discussed the problems with “committing adultery” in the seventh commandment....

Who Is the Bride of Christ in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You are betrothed to Christ and he has given you a friend to assist you, but how are you preparing for that day? My prayer for you is that you would not get distracted by other things...and would rema...

The Power and Joy of Being in the Family of God

Meg Bucher

Family conveys a sense of belonging. To be in the family of God means to be accepted for who we are: loved, cherished, celebrated, and fully forgiven. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new c...

Can You Believe in God But Not Believe in Jesus?

Sheila Alewine

"I'm spiritual but not religious." "I love God, but I don't really trust the Bible." "All that Jesus stuff happened so long ago, you know?" Can a person say these things and still be a Christian? What...

15 Things All Christians Should Know about Judaism

Bethany Verrett

Just because many people of Jewish descent have rejected Jesus, that does not mean God has turned His back on them. One of the beautiful prophecies in Revelation is that many Jews will turn to their t...

Is it Always Sinful to Lie?

Alyssa Roat

God knows we all have the propensity to lie. But what does the Bible say about lying as a sin?...

Where Was Jesus Crucified? - Golgotha "the Place of the Skull"

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth is one of ancient history’s most proven events. The fact has been substantiated by theologian and historian alike. It has been written without hyperbole....