Search Results for fruit of

Found 395 Results for fruit of
Is “Prepare to Meet Thy God” in the Bible?

Lianna Davis

“Prepare to meet thy God” could be harrowing or comforting words. So what makes the difference?...

What Does the Bible Say about Christmas Trees?

Cally Logan

Traditional Nativity scenes typically include camels, lambs, a bed made of hay for Baby Jesus, but how do Christmas trees come into the picture? Could it be that like candy canes, there is a deeper me...

Why Does the Bible Elevate Gentleness?

Heather Adams

Looking at how our Heavenly Father is described throughout both the Old and New Testaments starts to give us a sense that this attribute is active, passionate and impactful to those who receive it....

10 Scriptures to Prepare Your Heart for Thanksgiving

Micah Maddox

The season of thankfulness is upon us! But as believers, we are called to praise God and give thanks all year long. So no matter what time of the year it is, these 10 beautiful verses can help you tur...

Does God Care How I Spend My Free Time?

Kristi Walker

Living a Christian life is not something we clock in and out of. It's no 9-5, and then on the weekends we can live as we please. But does God have an opinion about how we spend our free time? The Apos...

Can Women Be Pastors? The Ordination of Women to Pastoral Ministry

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The biblical revelation of the role relationships of men and women, those who are called to the office of pastor, to those who were called to the office of deacon, or elder, or those who serve in a va...

What Is Joy in Christianity?

Mel Walker

It is a natural human inclination to think that living through trials and negative circumstances would not be an occasion for joy. Choosing to respond to life’s difficult situations with inner content...

10 Beautiful Worship Songs about Thanksgiving

Bethany Verrett

Whether it is an old-fashioned hymn or a contemporary and up-beat tune, song-writers have expressed their gratitude to God for their life, for Creation, for their salvation, for blessings, and even fo...

4 Blessings of a Disciplined Faith

Kirstyn Mayden

Maybe it was a New Years resolution. Maybe it was an inspirational friend pushing you to do more. Maybe it was a convicting sermon. Regardless, you had high hopes to eat healthier, communicate better,...

What Are the Seven Spirits of God?

Heather Riggleman

What are the seven spirits of God? This question arises when we stumble into the book of Isaiah and Revelations. The only way to truly know the seven spirits of God is to get to know God Himself throu...

What Did Jeremiah Mean by 'There Is Balm in Gilead'?

Blair Parke

In the book of Jeremiah, there was one balm in particular mentioned, the balm of Gilead, of which the prophet Jeremiah asked God why He hadn’t supplied this treasured balm to help in the healing of hi...

What Are the Oaks of Righteousness and Why Do They Give Us Hope?

Emma Danzey

Isaiah 61 talks about believers being oaks of righteousness. As we study the concept of an oak tree today, may we have a greater appreciation for the meaning of this statement....

Where Is the Garden of Eden?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Garden of Eden was Heaven on earth - at least until the Fall of Man. The Bible records that Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, and an angel with a flaming sword was set to guard its entranc...

Why Christians Should Understand the Daughter of Zion

Candice Lucey

Zion is mentioned more than 160 times in the Old Testament and only seven in the New Testament. How does the symbol of Zion as the holy city of God’s people relate to Christ? ...

Did God Create Hell?

Mike Leake

Hell is a place of separation from the goodness of God, and all the good which He has created. How could we say that God could create such an awful place? We begin to answer this question when we cons...

What Can the Jars of Clay Bible Verse Teach Us Today?

Melissa Henderson

Why does the Bible use "jars of clay" to talk about something Jesus gave us?...

Who Was Jesse in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesse was an ordinary man, from a small clan, and out of his seed came the greatest natural king Israel ever had, David. Also, from the line of David came the King of all kings, the One who is greater...