Search Results for isaiah 3

Found 530 Results for isaiah 3
Holy Week Timeline for 2022

Anna Oelerich

The eight days of Holy Week mark the culmination of everything Jesus came to earth to accomplish. Let's follow the timeline of his last days in Jerusalem, leading up to the cross and beyond that to th...

What Does Paul Mean by Godly Sorrow?

Heather Adams

True godly sorrow is founded on the Lord. In order to feel it, then, we first have to know what pleases God. The Bible lays out His standard for us, as well as His Laws. And any success we have in thi...

Who Was Joel the Prophet and What Did He Prophesy?

Joel Ryan

What we ultimately know about Joel, who he was, and when he ministered, are probably less important than his actual ministry and message. According to Macarthur, “the message of Joel is timeless, form...

Where Does Kanye West Reference the Bible in "Jesus Is King"?

Bethany Pyle

Rapper Kanye West dropped his latest album, "Jesus is King" in October, and fans and critics alike are buzzing about it. The singer's 180 from traditional rap music to worship music has caused most of...

How to Cultivate Thankfulness When You Don't Feel Very Thankful

Heather Adams

We hear a lot about the season of thankfulness this time of year, but whether it's financial or personal struggles, anxiety or any number of other personal issues - it is sometimes really tough to...

Who Is Jesus?

Jason Soroski

To some, he is a great teacher with good moral ideas. To others, he is an interesting myth. There are even some who fail to believe, contrary to all evidence, that he ever existed at all. To believers...

Who Does God Say I Am?

Meg Bucher

The pre-requisite of our identity can be found in godly priorities. By aligning our everyday lives to biblical truth, we set our internal GPS to His will. Through Scripture, creation, and purposefully...

What Is the Significance of a Plumb Line in the Bible?

Greg Grandchamp

Even today, the plumb line of God’s law serves as a guideline for those saved by grace through faith. Jesus quite specifically taught that he had not come to abolish the Law, but rather to fulfill it....

5 Beautiful Prayers for Peace

Tammy Kennington

When we say a prayer for peace, we aren't just asking for things to go well. The Bible makes it clear that there is a special kind of peace in Jesus, which means more than just absence of trouble....

What Does Psalm 135:6 Mean for the Coronavirus?

Stephanie Englehart

Friends do not let God's good pleasure, in any matter, scare you away or harden your hearts in anger. Rather, let His good pleasure mold your heart to His—let it help you see the greatness of who God ...

Why Did God Appear So Many Times to Moses?

Dawn Wilson

God did not necessarily call, appear to, and communicate with Moses because of his innate skills or personality. The Scriptures remind us that God often chooses the foolish, weak, lowly, and despised ...

Why Would God Want to Use Me?

We are like Abraham. There is nothing in us to commend us to God. And yet God loves us. Just as He sought Abraham, He seeks to draw us into fellowship with Himself....

Why Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh Were Given to Baby Jesus

Scott James

One of the most well-known parts of the Christmas story is the account of wise men bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These valuable gifts were clearly intended to honor Jesus, but it’s p...

Lessons from Jude: Learning from Past Mistakes

Alice William

Today, we will focus on Jude 1:5-11 where the author draws references from the Old Testament reminding the audience of past sins and the lessons to learn from them....

What Is Beauty through the Lens of the Gospel?

Christine Carter

We all know beauty is subjective. What one person perceives as stunning, another may glimpse and sneer at. Each one of us, in some manner or another, wrestles with the desire to feel attractive. Wha...

The End of Loneliness

Joe Thorn

If God is with his people, then as a Christian you can rest assured that he is with you. And if God is with you, to uphold you, you have the promise of perseverance....

Does Prayer Change Things?

Heather Adams

God certainly doesn’t need us to pray in order to accomplish His plans. He already has all the strength and might He needs. And yet He calls us to do it, as Paul wrote, “at all times.” That’s because ...

Is There Cannibalism Found in the Bible, and if so, Why?

Connor Salter

Unless you were that Sunday School student who liked looking up Bible stories that no one mentions, you probably never asked “is cannibalism in the Bible?” ...

Is the Heresy of Adoptionism Still Plaguing the Church?

Tim Pietz

While the vast majority of biblical scholars reject these claims, it’s universally accepted that adoptionism was one of the earliest heresies to plague the church....

How Can You Be Certain That Jesus Is God?

Meg Bucher

Jesus stands at the center of salvation, He is the author of freedom: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36...