Search Results for age to come

Found 52 Results for age to come
What Is Love?

A group of 4-8 year olds was asked, "What does love mean?" Here are some of their answers: "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore so my grandfather d...

Old Age

What are the real stages of life? A lot of people can identify with "The Duration of Life" taken from Grimm's fairy tales: God originally determined 30 years as the ideal span of life for all ...


Winkelbury Camp is an Iron Age hill fort in Wiltshire, England. According to legend, if you march around it at midnight cursing all the time you can summon the Devil who will appear on a black horse a...

Out of the Mouths of Babes ...

A newspaper ran a contest asking kids for their profound thoughts (akin to the old “Deep Thoughts” segment on Saturday Night Live). Here are some submissions:...

Value Of Money

Do money and social position really satisfy? Just read the tragic account of Christina Onassis who died at the age of 37. Commenting on her life, her stepsister Henrietta Gelber said, "She was one ...


John Leo, writing in U.S. News and World Report, noted that twins are now more frequent. Someone said, "I guess it's because little children are afraid to come into this world alone!" Those who think ...

Illustration: Sacrifice

Recently, The Cincinnati Enquirer told the story of a man who donated 80 gallons of blood. He is the record holder for the local blood bank. According to the report, if 60 people gave every drop of bl...

Believer's Duty Performed In Light

The Task A man had built a prosperous business through zealous toil and honest dealings. As he advanced in age, he felt concerned about the future of his enterprise because he had no close relatives e...

To Illustrate

AGE There is a birthday card making the rounds that says, “You know what they say about age — it’s all in your mind.” Inside the card it adds, “and your legs, your arms, your neck, your arches, your b...

How Can Young Pastors Disciple Older Believers?

Here are three tips I have found helpful from myself going to pastor a church at the age of 29 where most the members were between the ages of 70-90 years old....

Young People

Dear Ann Landers: The reader signed "Georgia," who lived through the Depression and described how hard it was to be a teenager in the 1930's, said kids today have an easy time of it compared to teens ...

Good Works

Love Wrought It On one of the arches in a magnificent cathedral in Europe is sculptured a face of wondrous beauty. It can be seen only once a year when the sun is in a certain position. For then its r...

Excellence, Commitment, Work

David Jeremiah tells about the group of men gathered one Saturday morning to help paint a friend's large, two-story home. Toward the end of the day when the job was almost complete, a small bi...

Earthly Riches - Vain

Dear Ann Landers: The letter from the woman married to the tightwad - she couldn't get an extra quarter out of him - reminded me of my wonderful aunt who was beautifully warmhearted and had a great se...

Spiritual Blindness

Unnecessarily Blind A woman named Rose Crawford had been blind for 50 years. "I just can't believe it!" she gasped as the doctor lifted the bandages from her eyes after her recovery from delicate surg...

Illustration: Excellence, Commitment, Work

The difference in the two approaches is the difference between working man's way and working God's way; working in light of the end of the day versus working in light of the end of life; working for i...

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in w...

Too Much Information

With today’s constant media barrage of bad news, people feel bad enough already and don’t want anything that makes them feel worse, says anthropologist-turned-brand-strategist Cheryl Swanson. With all...