Search Results for but i tell you

Found 714 Results for but i tell you
What Is God’s Purpose for Marriage?

Joel Ryan

Like many married men, I can remember my wedding day like it was yesterday.I can tell you what it felt like to see my then bride-to-be walking down the aisle in her wedding dress. I can tell you about...

Why Is Lying Such a Big Deal?

Paula Marsteller

No one had to teach me how to lie; I was spinning the truth almost as soon as I learned to talk. It came naturally, as you can see from this funny example my mom journaled about when I was just three ...

6 Ways the Bible Tells Us What Church Should Look Like

Stephen Altrogge

To claim that the Bible doesn’t tell us what church should look like allows a person to substitute his own preferences for the clear teaching of scripture. So what does the Bible have to say about chu...

How to Guard Your Heart

Adrian Rogers

Why is the thought life so important? Why did Solomon tell his son, “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life?” Because the thought life controls the rest of your life....

15 Things You Need to Know About Angels

We seem to know very little about the existence and ministry of Angels. To most of us angels are more decoration than the reality. Angels appear on tombstones, the walls of nurseries, jewelry, Renaiss...

Finding Help

I say, “Help comes from God.” I tell people, “You’re not alone.” Both are empty phrases if I don’t live like I believe them. The author of Psalm 121 spotted this problem....

4 Risky Paths to Denying Jesus

Michael Jakes

When we read about Peter denying Jesus after the rooster crowed, we are often quick to think "God, I'm glad I'm not like that!" But when we take a long, hard look at our hearts, we realize that it is ...

Why Does Jesus Tell Us to Count the Cost of Following Him?

Linda Lyle

Jesus Christ told his disciples exactly what it would cost them to follow him, even with their lives. So, why is it important to count the cost of following him? How do we count it? Let’s look at the ...

Beyond Sunday: Regenerated

D.L. Moody

I often rejoice that Christ did not say this to the woman at the well, nor to that woman who was a sinner. If He had said it to them, people would have said, "Oh, that poor woman needed to be converte...

Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace, or a Sword?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesus in these verses brings to light a truth about the gospel and Christianity that sometimes gets overlooked, especially when you live in a country like America. The gospel is confrontational. The g...

Why Does Jesus Tell Us to Pray for Our Daily Bread?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You may have a job or money in the bank, but those things are resources that can come and go, as recent events in our society have proven. By relying on God for provision, you are acknowledging him as...

Can Enemies and Challenges Actually Benefit Us?

Frank Santora

Perhaps when you read the title of this article, it puzzled you, but you read it correctly. There are many benefits of having an enemy. I know that’s counter-intuitive, and kind of messes with our bra...

The Women in Christ's Life: The Woman at the Well

Like the women at the well, God wants to use you where you are, how you are, and who you are. He can take any situation we are in and use it for His Glory. He just expects us to be obedient. ...

Limit Your Liability, Lose Your Freedom

Colin Smith

Why would anyone who had found freedom in Christ want to turn back to the law? Why would anyone let themselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery? Why would anyone want to be under the law?...

10 Tips to Remember as You Teach Your Child to Pray

Lisa Loraine Baker

We are never too young to memorize Scripture, and a good one to help your children realize the importance of prayer is 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”...

Telling Others the Gospel, Even When It's Difficult

Luis Palau

Today, in an effort to be sophisticated and contemporary, many Christians have stopped trying to persuade others to follow Christ. There's an underlying feeling in our society that nice people just do...

What God Really Thinks about Women

Sharon Jaynes

We can tell how beloved women are to God by how radically Jesus treated women as he walked the earth. He broke every societal rule to include, encourage, and uplift women--and believes in you the same...

Do the Creation Stories in Genesis Contradict One Another?

Mike Leake

This claim that the Bible doesn’t contradict itself is often questioned. The discrepancies between the creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2 cause some to call foul. Do these contradict each other? Can...

What Are the 10 Most Beloved Hymns?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

How is it possible to find the 10 most beloved hymns? I can tell you, doing this was difficult. As with any countdown or list, when you limit it to only ten, some really great and beloved hymns are go...