Search Results for communion

Found 118 Results for communion
Who Can Take Communion?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Communion, which can also be known as the Eucharist or The Lord’s Supper, is a time when we come together to commemorate the death of Jesus for our sins. To celebrate this, we will take a bread elemen...

How Do Christians Decide When to Take Their First Communion?

Betty Dunn

Why does the age when Christians have their first communion change so much from one church to another?...

How Often Should the Lord's Supper/Communion Be Observed?

Betty Dunn

The Lord’s Supper is not just something that the early church did, but something we should practice today. But how often should we do it? Does it make a difference?...

A Prayer to Say before Taking Communion

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You can rejoice when taking communion because your forgiveness, your redemption, your eternal life is all because of the great sacrifice Jesus made for you. Don’t let communion just be a solemn moment...

Do You Have to Be Baptized to Take Communion?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Communion is only for believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible does not say you must be baptized to receive communion, and I won’t say it either....

10 Things to Know about Taking Communion

Sam Storms

Why is it Called the Lord's Supper or Communion? The Lord's Supper is also called "the Lord's table" (1 Corinthians 10:21), "communion," "cup of blessing" (1 Corinthians 10:16), and "breaking of bread...

What Is Communion and Why Is it Celebrated Differently?

Alyssa Roat

Pieces of bread or hard little wafers. Wine or Welch’s. Or maybe you get fancy with sparkling grape juice. Weekly, monthly, or hardly ever. Communion is celebrated in Christian churches around t...

Do You Have to Be Saved to Take Communion?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Members of the Christian church — those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ — practice many traditions. Some customs include but are not limited to worshipping on Sundays (which is a comm...

What Is Eucharist, and How Is It Different from Communion?

Mike Leake

Words do have meaning, but sometimes they get lost in translation. And sometimes words are used like identical twins but in reality, there is a pretty substantial difference between them. ...

What Are the Sacraments of Christianity?

Melissa Henderson

The sacraments of Christianity provide not only an opportunity to confess our faith, but also to draw closer to God. ...

What Should Christians Remember about the Breaking of Bread?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What does the Bible mean when it tells Christians to practice "the breaking of bread"?...

10 Things You Should Know about the Lord's Supper and Communion

Sam Storms

The primary biblical text on the nature and meaning of the Lord’s Supper/Table, also known as Communion or the Eucharist (from the Greek word for the giving of thanks) is 1 Corinthians 11:23-34. Here ...

What Is the Significance of Bread in the Bible?

Karen Whiting

The account of Jesus feeding thousands of people with bread and fish shows extravagant love. The miracle went beyond mere food. It showed us the compassion of Jesus and his ability to provide much mor...

3 Things You Didn't Know Communion Did for Your Spiritual Life

Jordan Standridge

There was a man named Ian Durkin who was working one day when his tooth fell out of his mouth. After a few days of badgering him, his partner convinced him to see a dentist. The dentist promptly warne...

What Should All Christians Know about Transubstantiation?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

What is the doctrine of transubstantiation and why has it divided Catholics and Protestants for centuries?...

Prayer with an Attitude

The Bible tells us we should “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Unfortunately, for many of us, a few minutes spent in prayer feels like forever. Why do we struggle so much with prayer when we ...

How the Meaning of Maundy Thursday Reminds Us to Love Others

Pamela Palmer

Holy Week is a sacred and blessed time for Christians around the globe. The week leading up to Easter Sunday is one that helps Christians focus on the cross in heart and spirit by recounting the final...

What Is Anointing of the Sick and Is it Biblical?

Dolores Smyth

The Anointing of the Sick is most commonly associated with the Roman Catholic Church and, as such, this article explores the rite from the Catholic faith’s perspective. In Catholicism, the Anointing o...

The Magnificent Truth in the Command “Do This in Remembrance of Me”

Jason Soroski

There are several places in Scripture where we are encouraged to remember, but the commandment from Jesus spoken on the night he was betrayed stands out from the rest.   There is a deep and vibra...

10 Things Christians Should Know about Lutherans

Vivian Bricker

As Christians, it is important for us to remember that Lutherans believe in Jesus as their Savior, and they also believe that salvation is by grace through faith. The Lutheran Church is a very large d...