Search Results for create

Found 336 Results for create
Why Did God Create Everything?

Ed Jarrett

The Scripture is clear that God created the physical universe, the earth, and all life on it, including humanity. But it is less clear just why he created it all. This article is an attempt to provide...

Did God Create Hell?

Mike Leake

Hell is a place of separation from the goodness of God, and all the good which He has created. How could we say that God could create such an awful place? We begin to answer this question when we cons...

What Does the Bible Say about Cloning?

Hope Bolinger

Would a clone have a soul? What does a creator think about someone distorting His creation? Contemplating what the Bible says about life's sanctity and the nature of evil goes a long way to helping us...

How Does the Bible Address Racial and Gender Inequality?

Bethany Verrett

After the fall of mankind, sin entered the world, and a great deal changed. Over time, the effects of sin began to create hierarchies between men and women. After the Flood, Noah’s sons took to the va...

Was the American Revolution Sinful?

Bethany Verrett

One of the great mysteries of this life that will be answered in eternity is how the delicate balance between God’s sovereign will and man’s free will act in balance toward the end of all things. The ...

Is Jeremiah Right That Nothing Is Too Hard for God?

Hope Bolinger

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).This verse introduces readers to a couple of important topics. First, God is God over all mankind. That means we ...

How Can We All Use Our Creative Talents to Glorify God?

Ruth Clemence

When we look at the intricacy of a snowflake, the symmetry of a butterfly, or the perfect location of the earth’s position in the rest of the solar system, we see the handiwork of our Creator God. He ...

What Does the "Renewing of the Mind" Look Like for Christians?

Matt Tommey

That rich and satisfying life manifests in the life of believers through one simple, lifechanging strategy: the renewing of the mind....

Why Oholiab's Story Proves God Values Artists

Hope Bolinger

Creatives show up all the time in the Bible poets, songwriters, craftsmen, etc. God uses the lowly artist Oholiab to work on one of the most important tasks in the Bible, the Tabernacle....

Why Did David Ask God for a Clean Heart and Renewed Spirit?

Betty Dunn

Like king and prophet David in Psalm 51:10, you can ask God to “create in me a clean heart.”  I think of the woman at the well. She was drawing drinking water, no doubt, but I like to think some ...

Choosing Your Life Verse

Have you ever been asked what your “life verse” is? You know, the scripture quote that seems to speak to you directly – the one that holds a personal meaning for you....

If God Created for 6 Days, Why Does 7 Symbolize Perfection?

Hope Bolinger

God actively created the world in six days, but we should never exclude the seventh day from Creation. In fact, if anything, the seventh day is one of the most important—showing that if our Lord can r...

How an Ebenezer Can Help Christians Remember God's Faithfulness

Hope Bolinger

We've heard about Ebenezer stones in the Old Testament. But can Christians create one today? And what does it look like?...

Does the Bible Encourage Us to Be Creative?

Bethany Verrett

The ultimate form of creativity, of course, was creation. While humanity takes things that already exist, like minerals, woods, and pigments, and makes something new, God took void, and created the un...

Where Did God Come From?

Hope Bolinger

One of the most common questions an atheist may try to pose to a Christian is, “where did God come from?” In other words, who created God? Or when did God begin? The question itself is...

Is It True that "Love Never Fails"?

Heather Adams

We are all born with a need to be loved, a longing to find someone who accepts us completely and who is worthy of our trust. Family, friendships and romantic relationships are important but can fill o...

Does John 12:25 Teach That We Must Hate Our Lives?

Mike Leake

“I hate my life!”Those words create immediate alarm. When I have a student (or adult) say something similar, I’m always probing for more information. I need to make sure that self-harm isn’t in the pi...

"Cleanliness is Next to Godliness": Meaning and Origin

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

8 Signs You're Growing Spiritually

Philip Nation

An assignment without a means of measuring success normally ends in frustration or abandonment. In the church, our work is to make disciples. But can you really measure discipleship? A strong case ca...

What Makes Each of the Gospel Accounts Unique?

Bethany Verrett

When the Holy Spirit began to move among the early church to record their experiences with Jesus Christ, He did not move one person to create the one definitive story of Jesus’ life and ministry. Inst...