Search Results for easter

Found 123 Results for easter
10 Powerful Truths Your Kids Need to Know about the Easter Story

Alicia Michelle

As Christian parents, we know that Easter is about so much more than fuzzy bunnies and plastic eggs. But do our kids? Do our kids have a deep understanding of what Jesus’ death on the cross really m...

What Is the Meaning of Easter and Why Do We Celebrate it?

For many of us, we may think about Easter bunnies and colorful eggs that cover our front yards. But what is the meaning of Easter from the Bible, and why do Christians celebrate this holiday?...

The Holy Week - What is the Significance of The 8 Days of Easter?

Liz Kanoy

Holy Week spans from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Do you know what happened on the days leading up to the crucifixion and after? Russ Ramsey, pastor and author, has written a helpful article for The ...

10 Scriptures That Bring the Easter Celebration Back into Focus

Jennifer Waddle

I still remember the first time we celebrated Easter in our current house. Our kids were small, the carpet was new, and my husband was adamant that I not bring out the Easter-egg dye that year. He’s j...

3 Ways to Prepare Our Families for Easter

Danielle Ayers Jones

A few weeks before Easter I start rummaging around for our Easter-themed books and decorations. I pull out picture books like The Colt and The King and The Tale of the Three Trees to stack in a basket...

5 Ways We Can (and Should!) Keep Celebrating Easter after the Actual Day

Rachel Dawson

You can always tell that Christmas is coming, even before it’s close. Radio stations start playing Christmas carols before we’ve even eaten all the Halloween candy, and commercials beckon us to start ...

Why Do Christians Celebrate Easter?

Bethany Verrett

Every spring, Christians celebrate the most important date in their calendar. Easter is a celebration of life, rebirth, joy, and promises for the future - but these themes of Easter are not the purpos...

A Beautiful Easter Prayer for Resurrection Sunday

Noelle Kirchner

Easter invites believers to exchange Lent's solemn contemplation for celebration as we remember Jesus Christ's victory. Here is an Easter prayer to reflect on that change and rejoice in our new life....

27 Easter Quotes and Blessings to Celebrate the Incredible Miracle of Jesus

Kathy Collard Miller

Without Easter, there’s no Christianity. No wonder there are so many powerful Easter quotes about this essential celebration....

3 Wonderful Ways Easter Transforms How We View Death

Debbie W. Wilson

Have you ever worried about dying? Have you wondered what happens to a loved one when they pass away? Every spring, colorful bulbs and budding trees replace the deadness of winter and proclaim the hop...

5 Purposeful Prayers for the Easter Season

Jessica Brodie

Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, is the most important holiday in the life of the church. That’s because its entire purpose is to commemorate and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, ...

Easter in Quarantine: What Does the Holiday Mean in This Season?

Allie Boman

Easter 2020 will look pretty different for all of us. And while it is entirely valid to mourn the loss of time with our family, friends, and brother and sister in Christ, don't let those feelings over...

10 Beautiful Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home This Year

Meg Bucher

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matthew 28:6, ESVEaster will arrive, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, with many of us quarantined to our homes. As the virus continues to sweep aroun...

Why Preaching Christ Crucified Is Not Just for Easter

Ruth Clemence

Easter seems like the best time for evangelism. It is often seen as a window of opportunity to talk freely about faith. During this time especially, the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus are t...

4 Easter Dinner Prayers and Blessings to Celebrate as a Family

Lori Freeland

No matter how you celebrate, I pray this Easter will be a blessing to your heart. Jesus’ gift of life is the original gift that keeps on giving—all the way into eternity. Take some time this season to...

Why It Is So Important to Remember Easter on Christmas

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Christmas is a unique time in the world. It's the only time of the year we hear songs about Jesus, our King of Kings, on the radio, in department stores, and on everyone's tongue. The world loves to c...

Is Easter Pagan? The Holiday's Origins and History 

Jay Ryan

There has been an increasing trend among evangelicals to shun Easter as allegedly being derived from a pagan source. Explore the history here!...

Celebrating Easter through God’s Eyes

Dawn Wilson

Easter is not simply about the physical death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, though it is that. The perspective of the participants is important too. Just imagine all the vantage points — for go...

10 Best Easter Hymns to Celebrate: "He is Risen!"

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Celebrate the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ with these beautiful Easter hymns to sing and rejoice in Him Who Lives! ...

Can You Find ‘He Is Risen Indeed’ in the Bible?

Melissa Henderson

Sharing a greeting of ‘He Is Risen Indeed’ reminds us that Jesus did not die. He lives. He Is Risen! Hallelujah!...