Search Results for evil from you

Found 41 Results for evil from you
Illustration: Peace in Crisis, God’s Faithfulness

Mother experiences the power of God by going to a movie with her two teenage daughters....

Death, Hope & Heaven

Here's an illustration from based on the third installment in The Lord of the Rings trilogy: The Return of the King. The Big Idea: The hope of heaven is the death of fear. Scene Setu...


One bright, beautiful Sunday morning, everyone in the tiny town of Johnstown got up early and went to the local church. Before the services started, the townspeople were sitting in their pews and talk...

Illustration: Faith, Hope

In a sermon on the Sunday after 9/11, M. Craig Barnes said, "The French Philosopher Paul Ricoeur has written about the creative possibility of limit experiences. A limit experience is an experience th...

God's Will

W.A. Criswell noted something interesting about the Mississippi River. Even though everyone knows it flows from north to south, if you fly the length of the river, you will find it at times flows nort...

Pastoring a Pentecostal Church

A Pentecostal minister cannot respond to our postmodern world with strategies that deal only with surface issues. Instead, he or she must create new methods of sharing the message without disturbing t...

Desperate For God's Forgiveness

When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, local Russian officials reopened an old Orthodox church building in what was then still Leningrad and turned it over to a Baptist pastor and his congregation. The...

Loving Our Enemies: A Divine Task

This ordeal left him blind in one eye so he could not take part in contact sports. Miraculously he suffered no brain damage and was fearfully aware that his abductor was still at large. He struggled w...

The Problem With Government

Every once in a while something that resembles religion is shared among lawmakers on Capitol Hill without fear of the ACLU shouting for separation of church and state. Take the story of Noah, ...

When You Are Misunderstood

Assumicide happens when you make false assumptions about others so that you can portray them in the worst possible light. Ever happen to you?...

Justice, Influence

With God in the Crucible: Preaching Costly Discipleship is an Abingdon Press book that contains sermons by Peter Storey, former President of the Methodist Church of South Africa and Bishop of the Joha...

Illustration: Light, Christmas

Let your light so shine that the world sees Christ in you, and the darkness is cast away from such radiance....

Rescuing Fallen Church Leaders

Joe Beam

Pick the sin and it’s likely that someone trusted as a leader in the kingdom of God has done it and been exposed....