Search Results for exodus 7

Found 304 Results for exodus 7
Where Does the Bible First Mention the Land of Goshen?

Valerie Fentress

The land of Goshen had a special place in Israelite history: it was the place they went to survive a famine, yet also the place they eventually lived in as slaves. What does the Bible tell us about th...

8 Beautiful Life Lessons from Moses' Brother Aaron

Betty Dunn

The most famous Levites born during Israel’s enslavement in Egypt were Aaron and his younger siblings, Moses and Miriam. Aaron was three years older than Moses (Exodus 7:7), yet Moses was chosen to le...

What Makes a Miracle?

Jessica Brodie

Whether the miracle has to do with healing sickness or infirmity and showcasing god’s power and status as Almighty God matters not; what matters is that the miracle isn’t merely coincidence, but rathe...

Exploring the 10 Commandments: The Second Command

Emma Danzey

As we approach the second commandment, may we remember that even if we are not physically fashioning an idol to worship, that our hearts can quickly turn towards other gods to fill spaces where we neg...

When Was Judaism Founded According to the Bible?

Valerie Fentress

Judaism is one of the three major religions of our world. But when was Judaism founded? ...

Who Hardened Pharaoh's Heart in Exodus?

Ed Jarrett

He chose this specific person to be Pharaoh. He put him into power at that time and place for a purpose, so that God’s name might be proclaimed throughout the earth. It became a contest between the go...

Is There Any Significance to Colors in the Bible?

Madeline Twooney

In modern Christianity, colors are used frequently to represent the differing facets of God’s character and promises. Colors, like numbers, have significant meaning in the Bible. Understanding w...

7 Meanings of Yahweh and Why It's Such an Important Name for God

Jenna Martin

God has no shortage of names--He is called by almost 1000 different ones in the Bible. But one of these names stands alone, and that name is Yahweh. Before we get into what the name “Yahwe...

Why Do We Need the Old Testament?

Sonya Downing

Without the Old Testament, you and I wouldn’t know half of what God has done to save the Israelites from themselves. The New Testament tells us about the reason for our hope, but the Old Testament tel...

Who Was Zipporah and What Can We Learn from Her Life?

Bethany Verrett

There are many lessons to learn from the marriage of Moses and Zipporah about leadership, communication, and how there can be unintended consequences to zealous obedience. ...

6 Reminders of Who God Is from the Book of Exodus

Lianna Davis

As God sets out upon initiating His plan to rescue the Israelites from slavery, we can note at least six facets of His character and of His work with regard to Moses, who was selected to lead this del...

Why Did God Kill Aaron's Sons Nadab and Abihu?

Stephen Baker

Along with their father and other brothers, Nadab and Abihu underwent a meticulous seven-day cleansing/consecration ceremony. This assured they might be presented as holy before the Lord and fit for s...

Invaluable Lessons from 7 (Good and Bad) Old Testament Kings

Jason Soroski

When we become followers of Christ, we accept Jesus as our savior and as our king. Throughout Scripture we see God referred to as our king, and in our worship we proclaim him to be our king. Ther...

Why Is Mount Sinai One of the Most Important Landmarks in the Bible?

Emma Danzey

This landmark was significant to the communication between God and Moses, as well as the place of intimacy. Mount Sinai itself is not holy, however, the Lord dwelling on top of that mountain made it h...

Does Exodus 23:25 Promise God’s Blessing if We Worship Him?

Bethany Verrett

This blessing assured the soon-to-be nation of Israel that if they loved Him and kept His ways, He would bless them with good food, an abundance of water, and health. This covenant with the nation of ...

15 Things You Need to Know about the Antichrist and His Rise to Power

Ron Rhodes

Revelation pictures the antichrist as a beast 32 times. The image points to the brutal, bloody, uncontrolled, and wild character of this diabolical dictator....

What Is the Surprising Meaning of God's Name I Am?

Annette Griffin

When God revealed Himself to Moses as I Am, the name carried such a significant meaning that it would become the banner under which His people would gain eternal freedom....

Exploring the 10 Commandments: The First Command

Emma Danzey

As we begin our series on the 10 Commandments, it will be vital that we approach these Scriptures with hearts of repentance, humility, and the perspective that Jesus has set all believers free. ...