Search Results for grace spirit

Found 41 Results for grace spirit
Giving Of Tithes

Tithe in the Spirit of Love The Sevenfold Blessing Of The Tithe 1. It blesses the heart by making it receptive to God's will. 2. It blesses the life by lifting it to a higher plane of grace. 3. It bl...


Forgiveness Includes Fellowship A pastor once rebuked a Christian lady who had an unforgiving spirit toward someone who had offended her. After a moment's thought she replied, "Well, I guess I'll pard...

Humility Enjoined

Only a Cobbler William Carey, sometimes called "the father of modern missions," always seemed to have a humble spirit. In young manhood he had a job repairing shoes. As the years went by, honors we...

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in w...


In his book Falling in Love with Prayer (NexGen), Mike MacIntosh writes: "When I was a teenager I wanted so much to be accepted by my peers, and I decided that a foul mouth was a way to act like a man...

Illustration: Prayer

“My point is this: One of the best ways to develop your prayer life is to be attentive to the changes and growth that are occurring in your life as a result of prayer. The more you grow, the more you ...


In the Dallas Seminary Daily Devotional for Oct. 24, 2003, Chuck Swindoll writes: "There we sat, a cluster of six. A stubby orange candle burned at the center of our table flickering eerie shadows acr...

Hymns - The Way We'd Sing Them If We Were Honest

I Surrender, Some There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings Fill My Spoon, Lord Oh, How I Like Jesus He's Quite a Bit to Me I Love to Talk About Telling the Story Take My Life and Let Me Be It Is...

Beware Tuneless Preaching

Part One of a Series on Preaching and Trinitarian Worship...

Third Sunday of Advent (B): The True Meaning of Christmas

Santa Claus, sleigh bells, reindeer. Snow falling, icicles forming, Christmas music playing. Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas presents. Shopping, planning, cooking, eating, visiting with f...

Second Sunday after Easter: The Hands of Peace

April 7, 2013—John 20:19-31...

Only One: Making a Difference for Jesus Christ

One godly man or woman can make a dramatic difference, even in the darkest of circumstances....

Illustration: Forgiveness

The scene is a courtroom trial in South Africa. A frail black woman stands slowly to her feet. She is more than 70 years old. Facing her from across the room are several white security police officers...

The Apostles’ Creed, Part Two: God the Father Almighty

Jared C. Wilson

“We believe” the creed has us say, and this belief begins where the gospel story and our worship ought to begin, with the one who has no beginning (or end): God himself. ...

What Is the Apostles' Creed?

Jared C. Wilson

The creed, attributed to the earliest missionary followers of Jesus, distills the basic outline of what it means to be a Christian into a short summation that belies the depth and richness of what it ...

7 Things We Regularly Get Wrong about Worship

Joe McKeever

Listen as the congregation files out of the sanctuary on Sunday, and you'll hear the common refrain: "I didn't get anything out of ___ [fill-in-the-blank] ___."...