Search Results for haggai

Found 15 Results for haggai
Haggai: A Big Lesson from a Small Book

Hope Bolinger

Most of the prophets in the Bible lived prior or during to two catastrophic events that shook the ancient Hebraic world. The first was when the Northern Kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians. Prophe...

4 Powerful Calls to Action from Haggai

Cindy Collier

The book of Haggai is a small two-chapter book of lessons. It is the story of how a sovereign God dealt with a people who allowed outside forces to turn their focus from the task that He had given the...

Zerubbabel and the Temple of Jerusalem

Zerubbabel led the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem that Jesus would one day visit....

How God Uses Stress for Our Good and His Glory

Randy Alcorn

Stress is an effective tool in the hands of our God, a tool that is intended both for His glory and our good. In this article we will look at some ways God uses stress....

What Is the Chronological Order of the 66 Books of the Bible?

Jessica Brodie

The Bible is indeed a well-organized collection of writings penned by more than two dozen authors spanning thousands of years. Instead of being organized chronologically, it is organized by literary g...

Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament

Mike Leake

Malachi, like so many other places within the Old Testament, tells us about the truth of the human condition. We are rebellious people. And even the pain of exile and the joy of being brought back fro...

How Can I Learn to See the Plank in My Eye? (Luke 6:42)

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Following Christ means allowing Him to be the judge and to forgive as He forgives. Here are three simple ways to avoid hypocrisy and remove the plank in your own eye....

Why Does Hosea Warn That God’s People Are “Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge”?

Jessica Brodie

In short, it is a warning that we are never to ignore God’s truth. We are to hold tight to the Word given to us by the Lord and follow Him despite the temptations and other messages surrounding us in ...

Jesus Through the Bible

The salvation that was expected in the Old Testament is exhibited in the Gospels and then explained in the rest of the New Testament....

5 Powerful Lessons from the Book of Habakkuk

Lisa Loraine Baker

No matter what the world foists upon us, God is greater and His plans are far above any human consideration. God truly has the whole world in His mighty, unfailing hands....

What Should We Know about the Number 12 in the Bible?

Andy Lee

Have you wondered if numbers repeated in the Bible, like the number 12, have special meaning? ...

Why Does God Say "Not by Might, nor by Power"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

God is committed to completing any work that he has begun and any work he has asked you to do. When you align with his will and purpose then you can be certain he will finish what he started. ...

Who Was Ezra and Why Is His Book Significant?

Heather Adams

Called “the father of Judaism” or “the second Moses” by some, Ezra was passionate about God’s Law. It was the foundation of his own life, and he used the Torah (which later became the first five books...

What Can We Learn from the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings Verse?

Britt Mooney

Jesus talks about fulfilling everything from the law, the prophets, and the writings. So what does that mean, for his audience and for us today?...

Who Is Malachi the Prophet, the Last Writer of the Old Testament?

Britt Mooney

The book of Malachi is the end of the Old Testament. But God makes it clear that it is not the end of the Story He is telling. The best is yet to come....