Search Results for history

Found 742 Results for history
Is John's Gospel History or Theology?

Michael J. Kruger

Over the years, biblical scholars have challenged the historicity of the canonical gospels on a number of fronts. But no gospel has taken it on the chin like the Gospel of John. Ever since Clement of ...

What Is Christmas: Understanding the History and Origin

Rachel Dawson

Christmas is so full of wonder, meaning and tradition. But, where did all these things that we now call "Christmas" come from? Let's briefly sketch the origin and development of what we now celebrate ...

7 Things You Didn't Know about the Book of Judges

Bethany Verrett

The Old Testament is full of epic battles, weighty history, and examples of God’s might and mercy. One of the most exciting books of the Bible, with one of the most unique governmental structures in I...

The Value of Learning History: A Lesson From Jude

The little letter of Jude teaches us something about the value of learning history. This is not the main point of the letter. But it is striking. In this next-to-last book of the Bible, Jude writes to...

The Samaritans: Hope from the History of a Hated People

Alyssa Roat

Someone who helps others is often referred to as a “good Samaritan.” But what is a Samaritan?The Samaritans were a people group in the Bible that lived in the area of Israel following the Assyrian con...

What Is the Meaning of BC and AD? What Does Jesus Have to Do with It?

Mike Leake

If it had not been for a monk named Dionysius the year could have very easily been A.U.C. (which marks time by the start of the Roman Empire) or any other previously used dating system, rather than AD...

10 Christians Who Shaped History

Rhonda Stoppe

I love studying the lives of others who’ve gone on before us. The faithful followers of Christ and their resolve to serve Him in their generation inspires me to follow their example. It’s easy to loo...

What Is the History Behind Esther's Story

Hope Bolinger

We can learn a great deal from Esther without diving into the historical context. For instance, the book has quite a few lessons on God’s provision, his timing, and his protection. But learning ...

What Do BC and AD Mean?

Bethany Verrett

As people have tracked history, they created their own ways of keeping dates. Only a few hundred years after the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, faith in Him had spread into northern A...

5 Reasons All Christians Should Celebrate Juneteenth

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Juneteenth serves not only as a day of remembrance, it is also a platform for reflection and dialogue about the struggle for racial equality that still exists in our nation 160 years later. This holid...

What Is the Chronological Order of the 66 Books of the Bible?

Jessica Brodie

The Bible is indeed a well-organized collection of writings penned by more than two dozen authors spanning thousands of years. Instead of being organized chronologically, it is organized by literary g...

What Is the History of Galilee and Why Was it Important to Jesus?

Meg Bucher (Megs)

Our Savior grew up in Nazareth, one of the major cities within Galilee. But what is the history of this land, not just in the gospels, but throughout the Bible? And how does that unique history and cu...

10 Things Even Non-Believers Can Learn From Jesus

Scott Savage

Jesus Christ is one of the most significant figures in human history, regardless of your belief about his divinity and humanity. Billions of Christians across the last two millennia have worshiped J...

How Does Pontius Pilate Fit into the Resurrection Story?

Meg Bucher

The life of Pontius Pilate is difficult to accurately trace outside of his stature as a Roman ruler. Artifacts with his image and name place him unquestionably in history, and the Bible records his pr...

Don't Celebrate Reformation Day Until You Know These 10 Things

Bethany Blankley

One man, Martin Luther, stood alone against an empire. His motivation was spiritual, but the outcome of his conviction was spiritual and political, leaving a global legacy 500 years later and celebrat...

The Origin and History of America’s Christmas Traditions

Annette Griffin

Much of our Christmas history is marred by pagan practices and beliefs. But just like Jesus came to redeem the world from sin, Christians—through Him—can reclaim the holiday to celebrate our Savior, w...

8 Presidents Who Looked to God for Guidance

Veronica Neffinger

America has now had 45 presidents in its history. Most of these men have been at least nominally Christian, and none have declared themselves atheists. As this President's Day approaches (on February ...

10 Bible Mothers Who Changed the Church

Sue Schlesman

The fact that a mother’s influence is a powerful force over the destinies of her children is undeniable. While the Bible is filled with snapshots of courageous women, no mother is held up as a specifi...

10 Things You Should Know about Mysticism

Sam Storms

Mysticism is an approach to Christianity that focuses on preparation for, consciousness of, and reaction to what can be described as the immediate or direct presence of God. Emphasis is placed on the ...

7 Ways to Read the Bible (and Actually Meet God)

Barnabas Piper

Often we simply read scripture for information, to follow a rule, or as an academic pursuit. Reading to meet God sounds like a great idea and the ideal for a Christian, but how do we actually do it? H...