Search Results for is 37-38

Found 20 Results for is 37-38
Is Judging Others a Sin?

Pamela Palmer

We've all heard it: "you can't judge me!" Or maybe, "only God can judge me." But is that Biblical advice? After all, Matthew 7:1 says "“Do not judge, or you too will be judged."One of the significant ...

Does Jeremiah 11:11 Mean God Turns His Back on Us?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This verse is a reminder that God is faithful to do what he has said, even when it includes the judgment of his people....

Why Do We Believe In and Follow Christ?

Pamela Palmer

To understand why we believe and follow Jesus, it is vital to understand who Jesus is. ...

4 Ways God Guides Us through Seasons of Change and Transition

Rachel Britton

Our world, created and managed by God, is structured to meet the physical needs of all creatures, including humanity. But, as Matthew 6:26 declares, human beings are much more valuable than animals or...

How Can Faith Come by Hearing?

Lisa Baker

But faith comes by hearing. It can only come by hearing (Romans 10:17). The Apostle Peter, in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, spoke Scriptural truth as he quoted Joel and David....

What Should Christians Know about the Euphrates River?

Whitney Hopler

The Euphrates River has fascinating symbolic meaning in the Bible and is mentioned in biblical prophecies about it drying up, as well. Learning about the Euphrates River can help us understand more ab...

Discover the Power of Luke's Gospel: A Greek Word Study without Greek

Those students of the Bible who don't read Greek can still reach beyond the English Bible to the original Greek in four easy steps....

What Can Christians Learn from the Fact the Veil Was Torn at Jesus’ Death?

Britt Mooney

Why do three of the four gospels emphasize that a temple veil was torn before or just after Jesus' died? Does this detail mean more than we think?...

Seeing Christ in the Life of Joseph – Part 1

Stephen Baker

In the book of Genesis, Joseph’s family life is one which many of us can relate to on multiple levels. Yet in this stunning account, God provides a vivid picture of Christ against the backdrop of evil...

What Are Apostolic Prayers?

Jessica Brodie

Apostolic prayers are found throughout the New Testament. The most famous of these is also known as the Lord’s Prayer, which Jesus prayed after his disciples asked him how they should pray to the Lord...

Is God Really Enough?

Ruth Clemence

Everything we need can be found in God. It seems like a cliché, but the truth of this statement is life-giving, thirst-quenching, and soul-satisfying. All of the longings of the heart can be brought t...

What Does Jeroboam Teach Us about Success in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When you ask the question who is Jeroboam in the Bible, the first question you must ask is which one? In the history of the kings of Israel in the Old Testament, you will find two kings who were named...

What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "Whatever You Do for the Least of These"?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

"Whatever you do for the least of these" is one of the most famous passages in the New Testament. But have we missed the point that Jesus was making?...

Can You Believe in God But Not Believe in Jesus?

Sheila Alewine

"I'm spiritual but not religious." "I love God, but I don't really trust the Bible." "All that Jesus stuff happened so long ago, you know?" Can a person say these things and still be a Christian? What...

Why Does Ezekiel Curse Seven Cities?

Hope Bolinger

Throughout Ezekiel, we find a number of curses called down upon various groups of people. Although this may seem odd in lieu of the text showing how God will pour his wrath upon Judah, it makes sens...

What Does Psalm 135:6 Mean for the Coronavirus?

Stephanie Englehart

Friends do not let God's good pleasure, in any matter, scare you away or harden your hearts in anger. Rather, let His good pleasure mold your heart to His—let it help you see the greatness of who God ...

7 Loves That Tempted Peter Away from Christ

Kristi Walker

The disciple who walked to Jesus on the water was the same one who denied Jesus three times. Simon Peter (Simon son of John/Jonah, given the name Peter, Petros, or Cephas meaning “rock” ...

Who Was King Xerxes?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We have implicit and explicit information about Xerxes from the book of Esther, but the extra-biblical archives aid our understanding about this man and how God used him. ...

What the Bible Says about Loneliness and How to Overcome It

Michael Lee Stallard

The Bible has a lot to say about feeling lonely and its opposite, feeling connected. But before we get to that, let’s take a closer look at loneliness and the effect it has on us....