Search Results for isaiah 9:6-7

Found 10 Results for isaiah 9:6-7
What Is the Second Week of Advent Candle's Meaning?

G. Connor Salter

Each advent candle has some special meaning behind it and presents an opportunity to think about the Christmas season in a new way. The second advent takes us from thinking about hope to a related ide...

6 Things to Know about the Messianic Prophecies of Jesus

Dawn Wilson

Biblical scholars say there are approximately 2,500 prophecies are in the Bible—with about 2,000 of them already fulfilled. But only a few hundred of these are Messianic prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy...

Why It Is so Incredible That "Unto Us a Child Is Born"

Alyssa Roat

Isaiah 9:6 says “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peac...

7 Prayers and Scripture Readings for Christmas Eve and Morning

Denise Kohlmeyer

Here is a list of short prayers (to be prayed individually or collectively as a family). I hope they will bless, encourage, uplift, and set your hearts on the joy, sacredness, and sweetness of Jesus, ...

The True Story of Praise Through Pain in "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"

Bethany Pyle

Among the thousands (millions?) of Christmas songs in the world, "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" is rather lesser-known. But the song, penned while the Civil Way ravaged the country, is a stark r...

What Is God’s “Indescribable Gift” in 2 Corinthians 9:15?

Pamela Palmer

According to the Bible, every good and perfect gift comes from above and is given by the Father (see James 1:17). God loves His children and has good things for those who follow Him....

Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on December 25?

Emma Danzey

Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th. They say that Jesus’ exact birthday is unknown, however, based on the Scriptures, some believed it to be in early spring....

3 Beautiful Prayers for Christmas Eve

Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Prayer is a wonderful way to prepare your heart to receive the true blessings of Christmas. Here are some prayers for you to enjoy on Christmas Eve....

The Big Picture of the Old Testament

When it comes to describing “the theology of the Old Testament,” not everyone is convinced that there is a single theology represented in these diverse books. It's more fruitful to understand the Old ...

The Holy Spirit and the Scandal of Christ's Birth

Sometimes when we come to passages like Matthew’s condensed Christmas story, we don’t come with that childlike curiosity and wonder—looking at the everyday with awe, perceiving the familiar as fascina...