Search Results for jeremiah 16

Found 173 Results for jeremiah 16
Beyond Sunday: Evidence of Real Change

In Jeremiah and Deuteronomy 30:6, we find the spiritual significance of circumcision....

Is It True That "the Heart Is Deceitful above All Things"?

Jessica Brodie

The concept of listening to our hearts — trusting our minds, our inclinations, our intuitions — when it comes to decision-making is foolish. Instead of trusting our ways, which are false and misguided...

Jeremiah: Answering the Call

Everyone who believes in Christ has a special calling to a particular sphere of obedience and ministry. Jeremiah was not just set apart for salvation, he was set apart for vocation. God had work for h...

What Does Jeremiah 25:32 Teach Us about Pandemics?

Karen Whiting

Christians should realize that the world is connected, and pestilence, disease, and other problems can easily spread worldwide, but love and kindness can spread faster. God can use situations to inspi...

How to Know with Certainty the Plans God Has for You

John UpChurch

If God “knows the plans He has for you,” then how can you figure out what those are? You might be surprised to know that the answers are in that very same passage in Jeremiah 29....

Does Jeremiah 29:11 Mean That God Won’t Let Bad Things Happen to Me?

Jolene Underwood

God knew the plan he had for Jeremiah, and it included challenging work in the face of opposition. God reassured Jeremiah of his presence with him and that he didn’t have to be afraid. Deliverance wou...

3 Real Ways to Know You are Precious to God

Rachel Britton

Many verses in the Bible tell us we are important and precious to God (Isaiah 49:16, Jeremiah 31:3, John 3:16, Romans 5:8). But sometimes, getting that knowledge to move from our heads to our hearts a...

The Problem with False Prophets, Then and Now

Hope Bolinger

Ancient Israel around the early 600s/late 500s BC was getting a lot of bad news from prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel. They didn't like what they were hearing. So instead of heeding the prophets' wa...

Seven 'Last Days' Passages You'll Rarely Hear Pastors Preach On

When was the last time you heard a "last days" sermon from the Old Testament?...

What Does the Bible Tell Us about King Zedekiah?

Britt Mooney

The Bible constantly reminds us that there are consequences for our actions, especially if we are leaders who idolize anything other than God. Zedekiah, king of Judah, learned this lesson in a particu...

What Does Amen Mean, and Why Do We Say It?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Sure, we can close a prayer without saying Amen, but why would we want to omit a verbal exclamation point which highlights God and His character? Our Lord and Savior is our King, and as His subje...

What Does the Bible Say about Knowledge?

Dawn Wilson

God predicted that in the last days knowledge will increase, but the knowledge of the world is not the same as biblical knowledge.What does the Bible say about knowledge? How does it differ from ...

In Times of Trouble, Remember Where Your Help Comes From

Dawn Wilson

God is the believer’s protector, guarding day and night both now and into eternity. He grips the believer’s hand and says, “Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13). He knows everything and watche...

Does God Ever Change His Mind?

Changing our minds feels so natural to us as humans, it’s hard to envision life without it. But what would it mean for God to change his mind? Does he? Could he? Or are all his plans and purposes immu...

5 Things to Know about Pestilence in the Bible

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

If you know the history of the Israelites and how they spent four hundred years in the wilderness as God dealt with them, you know that they suffered many things. Some of that had to do with pestilenc...

What Is Akeldama in the Bible?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Akeldama is connected to some dark events in the New Testament. So why is it important we remember it?...

Why Is It So Important (and Refreshing!) to Praise the Lord?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Many think they can praise the Lord only in a corporate setting, such as weekly church services or along with others at a conference or worship music event. But there are so many ways we can praise th...

What Are the Gates of Hell Jesus Talked About?

Maddy Rager

Anyone who has been around Christian culture for some time has heard, “the gates of hell will not prevail.” But does this phrase mean Jesus wanted the church to attack the gates of hell, or something ...

What You Need to Know about Hezekiah in the Bible

Dawn Wilson

Verifying his place in biblical history, archaeologists found Hezekiah’s royal seal in 2010 in an area at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem....