Search Results for jesus no condemn*

Found 76 Results for jesus no condemn*
Does the Bible Condemn Casting Lots?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Casting lots was a practice that was used in the ancient world to attempt to decipher what was the divine will in a particular matter. Because the outcome produced by casting lots was random, the resu...

Does the Bible Condemn Using Tarot Cards?

Lisa Loraine Baker

A piece of printed paper or cardstock is, in and of itself, harmless. But the use of such an article for sinful intent is therefore evil. Because of their use in a sinful manner, it’s best to have no ...

10 Reasons Why the Trial of Jesus Was Illegal

Mike Leake

In Proverbs 17:15, we read,He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.How does this verse apply to the trial of Jesus? Was it...

How Can I Learn to See the Plank in My Eye? (Luke 6:42)

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Following Christ means allowing Him to be the judge and to forgive as He forgives. Here are three simple ways to avoid hypocrisy and remove the plank in your own eye....

What Does "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" Mean in the Bible?

Debbie Wilson

To judge means: to separate, to pick out, select, choose. By implication, it means to condemn, punish—avenge, conclude. It also carries the idea of having discernment. The passage where Jesus said, “D...

5 Ways to Love Your Unsaved Friends

Denise Kohlmeyer

Here are a few ways to express our love to our unsaved friends. These can also apply to unsaved family members, co-workers, neighbors—anyone in your relationship sphere who does not know Jesus as Savi...

What Is the One Needed Thing That Mary Chose and Martha Missed?

Meredith N Mills

When Jesus corrected Martha, he didn’t condemn her or say her service didn’t matter. Instead, he pointed to the turmoil in her soul. Her restless heart revealed a deeper issue — she was missing the po...

Does God Judge Some Sins More Than Others?

Denise Kohlmeyer

Many of us—myself included—have believed or been taught that God weighs every sin equally upon his divine scale of justice. It may surprise you, then, as it did me, that that is not the case at all....

4 Ways Christianity Is Unique from Other Religions

Rachel Britton

Christianity is the only faith with an empty grave, whose leader came back from the dead and walked and talked with his followers. Without the incarnation of God in the flesh and Jesus Christ’s resurr...

Bible Study Won’t (Necessarily) Change Your Life

Trevin Wax

It is possible to know the Scriptures, read the Scriptures, revere the Scriptures and miss the point entirely....

Don’t Skip the Incredible Verses Surrounding John 3:16

Emma Danzey

It is always important to look at the context. If we just focus on John 3:16, then we miss out on the whole picture....

Where Is Galatia, and Why Did Paul Write to the Galatians?

Bethany Verrett

This book provides a bridge from the Old Testament to the New, and shows that while there are divisions in this life, all are one in Christ. One day we shall live as one people in God’s kingdom. ...

Why Do We Believe In and Follow Christ?

Pamela Palmer

To understand why we believe and follow Jesus, it is vital to understand who Jesus is. ...

What Does the Verse "If God Is for Us, Who Can Be against Us" Mean?

Alyssa Roat

Just about any list of encouraging Bible verses will include Romans 8:31: “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” But what are ...

Why Did Pontius Pilate Allow Jesus to Be Crucified?

Hope Bolinger

Pontius Pilate's sentence is a crucial part of the Easter story. Despite finding Jesus guiltless, Pilate still allows him to be killed. However, after washing his hands of the whole situation, Pilate ...

5 Things God Doesn't Know

Micah Maddox

While yes, God knows everything, it’s good sometimes to remember how far God’s love, mercy, and grace extends. There is no limit to the goodness, the healing, the hope, the saving of Jesus....

Why Should Christians Be Aware of Lamech, the First Man to Commit Polygamy

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

The Lamech who took two wives mentioned in Genesis 4 is descended from Adam’s murderous son, Cain. After Cain killed his brother Abel, God cursed Cain and sent him out to wander the earth....

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Ed Jarrett

Christmas, at its heart, is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. But it is true that some of what we see at Christmas is pagan in origin. Christmas trees also have a pagan origin, as do some of the de...

Why Do We Say Christians Are "Born Again"?

Heather Adams

Many see being reborn and being saved as very closely related. Being saved means escaping God’s wrath because we have professed our faith in Jesus. At that moment, we are also reborn spiritually. Both...