Search Results for job 1-2

Found 79 Results for job 1-2
Why Does God Rebuke Job in Job 40:2?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

If you live long enough, you will experience things in life that seem unfair. There may be times when you do everything right to the best of your ability, and yet something goes wrong. This can cause ...

How Job 13:15 Encourages Us on Our Darkest Days

Lisa Loraine Baker

Throughout the book, Job faces adversity — first the losses, then from his wife, and then from his friends. At one point, we read this heart-wrenching utterance, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust H...

What Does the Bible Say about Darkness?

Lisa Loraine Baker

From the darkness over the waters in Genesis 1 to the darkness overcome at the end of Revelation, the Bible is filled with discussions about darkness. But what does the Bible say about darkness, as a ...

Is It Biblical to Say “the Lord Gives, and the Lord Takes Away”?

Jessica Brodie

It’s important to know that God’s plan is not for humans to live separated from Him by sin forever. He gave us temporary bodies on purpose, knowing that if we chose the true path—His Son, Jesus—we wou...

What Is the Difference Between Trials and Temptations?

Bethany Verrett

At every turn it seems there is a sudden problem, or bad habits creep in, and it feels like our walks are set back. Sometimes a tragedy strikes so great our faith shakes. Though they may feel the sa...

Why Did People Wear Sackcloth and Ashes When They Grieved?

Heather Riggleman

Sackcloth and ashes were an outward sign of mourning, repentance, or abasement. It was a type of cloth made of black goat’s hair that was thick, rough, and coarse material. ...

Why Was Abishag so Important to King David and His Sons?

Sylvia Schroeder

Abishag was a young virgin chosen to keep King David warm in his bed during his last days. Let’s paint the factual backdrop from which our imaginations run as the untold story full of drama and conspi...

What Pronoun Is Used for the Holy Spirit: He, She, or It?

Jessica Brodie

Whichever way we choose to refer to God does not change God’s nature, and it is the same with the Holy Spirit. As long as we are in full understanding that the Holy Spirit is a person, a full and comp...

How Do We Give Thanks to the Lord When We're Hurting?

Connor Salter

Bible passages like Psalm 107 affirm that we should give thanks to the Lord at all times, not because things are going well but because he is worthy of our thanks....

20 Things to Thank God for in the Midst of Adversity

Lisa Loraine Baker

We can rest in Who He is and be thankful because we are made in His image and because throughout every adversity He allows, He is changing us from one degree of glory to another or to mold us more and...

What Does the Bible Say about Suffering and Why Everyone Goes through It?

Tammy Kennington

Suffering, though, is not relegated to Christians alone. What does the Bible say about suffering and why everyone goes through it?...

Comforting Ways to Support Families Experiencing Miscarriage

Lisa Loraine Baker

Christians, share these comforting and strengthening passages with families suffering through miscarriage. We can also comfort unbelievers with the same passages, assuring our beloved ones of the hope...

Don't Waste Your Cancer

There are many other ways to waste your cancer. I am praying for myself and for you that we will not waste this pain....

How Can We Cultivate a Spirit of Reverence in Today's World?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Certain biblical words take on extra spiritual “weight” in the light of their object. Reverence is one such term. ...

How Abraham Teaches Us to Trust God’s Good Provision

Frank Santora

Clearly, in the age we live in, as we are facing high inflation rates and rising fuel and food prices, we need to know Him as Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider. We need to know that our source of susten...

What Exactly Is Intercessory Prayer?

Heather Adams

Intercessory prayer, sometimes called "standing in the gap," is essentially lifting up the needs and concerns of others to God. And it is an expression of agape, or selfless, love....

Can We Really Believe that God Is Just in an Evil World?

Joel Ryan

We know we live in an unjust world. So is it really possible to believe that God is just?...

Is it Important to Know the Exact Age of the Earth?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

At the end of every great question in the Bible (whether about the age of the earth or a mysterious doctrine — as in Romans 9 and predestination — ), the Holy Spirit appeals to the incomprehensible di...

How to Find Strength in the Lord Like Elijah

Michael Jakes

The prophet Elijah was thrown into the grips of a depression that only God was able to bring him out of. Elijah’s experience teaches us several simple, but valuable lessons we all need to remember as ...

Who Were Lois and Eunice and How Do They Encourage Today’s Christian Moms?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

If you search through the scriptures, you are not going to find a lot of information about these two women. What you will discover is that these two women had a genuine faith which didn’t just live in...