Search Results for joshua 11

Found 115 Results for joshua 11
The Gospel in Joshua

The spotlight is not on Joshua’s moral example or on timeless principles of conduct but on Yahweh’s fulfillment of a historical promise. Even Joshua’s name (“Yahweh Saves!”) points away from himself t...

Were the Anakim the Giants Who Roamed in the Old Testament?

Jenna Brooke Carlson

The Anakim were the giants who descended from Anak. They may not have looked like they popped out of a fairytale, but they still caused the people of the day great fear and turmoil....

Where Do We See Christ in the Old Testament Book of Joshua?

Mike Leake

The gospel is present in Joshua in that it is part of God’s story of redemption. He puts His people into the land in which He promised to give them. God is faithful to His promises. But this is only a...

Where Does the Bible First Mention the Land of Goshen?

Valerie Fentress

The land of Goshen had a special place in Israelite history: it was the place they went to survive a famine, yet also the place they eventually lived in as slaves. What does the Bible tell us about th...

When the Knowledge That God Is in Control Isn’t Comforting

Lisa Loraine Baker

Sometimes telling someone who is facing a trial that God is in control feels to them like platitudes. We’ve all heard it before, but deep in our hearts, do we believe it when we are suffering? Often, ...

7 Powerful Lessons from the Fall of the Walls of Jericho

Pamela Palmer

This moment is incredibly important because the Israelites have finally entered the land promised to them by God and they go on to successfully conquer the first city along their journey. The fallen w...

Are You Misusing the Verse 'Be Strong and Courageous’?

Jenna Brooke Carlson

"Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them." Joshua was about to lead the Israelites into what God promised them. ...

Beyond Sunday: A Better Rest

In time there are many Sabbaths, but someday there shall be the enjoyment and keeping of a Sabbath-rest that is perfect and eternal. ...

Was the Promised Land Really Flowing with Milk and Honey?

Hope Bolinger

Throughout the Bible, the Promised Land of Israel, Jerusalem, is described as a land flowing with milk and honey. In many ways, that was symbolic for prosperity and joy. But was it also literal? Just ...

The Scarlet Cord: Rahab's Bible Story & Our Story

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Discover the story of Rahab in the Bible and how we can relate to her tale of faith and redemption from a life of sin....

Why Is Rahab, a Fallen Woman, Included in the Hall of Faith?

Brad Simon

Only two women are named in Hebrews 11’s “Hall of Faith”: Sarah, the wife of Abraham, and Rahab, the harlot of Jericho. Humanly speaking, Sarah and Rahab had nothing in common, but they both had exerc...

How Caleb’s Journey of Faith Encourages Us Today

Brad Simon

Caleb left an inheritance of a godly example for us to emulate. Despite what happened to him, he remained loyal to the Lord. While everyone around him doubted, he looked to God for his strength to go ...

How an Ebenezer Can Help Christians Remember God's Faithfulness

Hope Bolinger

We've heard about Ebenezer stones in the Old Testament. But can Christians create one today? And what does it look like?...

What Makes a Miracle?

Jessica Brodie

Whether the miracle has to do with healing sickness or infirmity and showcasing god’s power and status as Almighty God matters not; what matters is that the miracle isn’t merely coincidence, but rathe...

Who Were the Canaanites, and Why Did God Order Their Destruction?

Mike Leake

The story of the Canaanites is a difficult one to reckon with. We do well to let the Bible speak for itself and even allow our questions at times to remain unanswered. God is rescuing people from ever...

Running Wild with Hope

Russ Ramsey

As his parents watched Jesus mature, they couldn’t help but see his Nazareth years as a time of preparation for a calling they knew would inevitably lead him away from them....

What Happens When We Choose to Think on Good Things

Frank Santora

Crazy thoughts, wrong thoughts, impure and ungodly thoughts, fearful and anxious thoughts pop into our minds, without any cause or warning. So how can we ever ensure that we think on “good” things?...

What Does the Bible Say about Women?

Kristi Woods

The Bible uses the word “man” throughout its pages. All twelve disciples were men. Many of the stories we read center on males, including those of Moses, Abraham, Paul, David and Joshua. But what does...

Why Have We Become Okay with the Sin of Greed?

Stephen Baker

The sin of greed can be defined as the excessive desire to acquire something. The most familiar form of greed pertains to material wealth....