Search Results for life blood

Found 433 Results for life blood
Why Is the Blood of Jesus so Powerful?

Tessa Emily Hall

But why is the blood of Jesus so powerful? And have we truly grasped the weight of Jesus’ sacrifice and the immense privilege we have to be washed by the blood of the Lamb?...

Why Is Blood So Important in Christianity?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

My prayer is we would even more proclaim the wonder and necessity of the blood of Jesus. Let us declare louder than ever before “O precious is the flow that makes me white as snow, no other fount I kn...

Was There Power in Jesus' Physical Blood?

Michael Jakes

Jesus was God-incarnate. He was (and still is) both fully God and fully man, with a body that felt the same joys and pains that we do. The miracle of the cross, of Jesus sacrificing himself for our si...

What Should All Christians Know about Transubstantiation?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

What is the doctrine of transubstantiation and why has it divided Catholics and Protestants for centuries?...

What Is Hyssop and Why Is It so Significant in the Bible?

Heather Adams

Passages about hyssop in the Old Testament are connected to the blood of animal sacrifices. It represents God’s compassion on His people, how He is willing to reach down to save and heal us. Psalm 51 ...

What Is Akeldama in the Bible?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Akeldama is connected to some dark events in the New Testament. So why is it important we remember it?...

7 Reasons Why it Was Necessary That Jesus Became Flesh

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Have you ever stopped to think why was it necessary for Jesus to come in the flesh? I am going to present to you seven reasons which I believe will help to answer this question....

Did Jesus Sweat Blood in the Garden of Gethsemane?

Mike Leake

Was Jesus actually sweating blood? Is this even medically possible? What has our Lord in such agony? We’ll find that this actually is a medical condition—though rare—and his agony here is important fo...

How Do We "Behold the Lamb of God" in John 1:29?

Meg Bucher

Jesus, to defeat death, laid down His life, willingly, not for “good” people, but for all who could never measure up to the bar of “righteousness” that would grant us access to God the Father. Jesus i...

What Is the Day of Atonement?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament sacrifices show us it’s the blood which makes atonement. The life (blood) of the animal is poured out in its death, which brings peace between God and the people (Leviticus 17:11). J...

10 Things You Should Know about the Lord's Supper and Communion

Sam Storms

The primary biblical text on the nature and meaning of the Lord’s Supper/Table, also known as Communion or the Eucharist (from the Greek word for the giving of thanks) is 1 Corinthians 11:23-34. Here ...

Why Is Jesus Called the Lamb of God?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The title Lamb of God puts a direct spotlight onto the primary mission for which Jesus came. He came to sacrificially offer his life for the redemption of humanity. More personally, he came to die for...

What Is Eucharist, and How Is It Different from Communion?

Mike Leake

Words do have meaning, but sometimes they get lost in translation. And sometimes words are used like identical twins but in reality, there is a pretty substantial difference between them. ...

What Is the Mercy Seat, and Why Is It Important?

Ed Jarrett

The mercy seat in the Old Testament was God’s dwelling place among his people, and that is really a good description of Jesus as well. He was God, wrapped in human flesh, and dwelling among us – Emman...

Why Did John the Baptist Call Jesus the ‘Lamb of God’?

Hope Bolinger

Jesus did conquer, but not Rome. He toppled a greater evil: sin. And he did so through his perfect, unblemished life and then sacrifice on the cross. Behold, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of...

Is It Okay for Christians to Eat Meat?

Bethany Verrett

Biblical guidance is something that Christians hold in high esteem. They want to live according to God’s precepts, under His guidance, and righteously. For varying reasons, some individuals have a cri...

How Does the Story of Cain and Abel Point to Christ?

Emma Danzey

When we look at the overall theme of the gospel from beginning to end, we can appreciate that Abel’s offering would point to the greater offering of Jesus, who would give His life on behalf of all who...

Why Is It So Important That God Sent His Only Begotten Son?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This verse expresses God’s love for humanity and his plan for redemption. It is the gospel summed up in one sentence. God loves us the way we are, but loves us enough not to leave us the way we are. T...

The Magnificent Truth in the Command “Do This in Remembrance of Me”

Jason Soroski

There are several places in Scripture where we are encouraged to remember, but the commandment from Jesus spoken on the night he was betrayed stands out from the rest.   There is a deep and vibra...

Someone Had to Die

Greg Gilbert

God revealed to us that sin, by its very nature, deserves and demands death as its payment. But He also taught us something else: the penalty of death did not have to be paid by the sinner!...