Search Results for regeneration

Found 19 Results for regeneration
Beyond Sunday: Regenerated

D.L. Moody

I often rejoice that Christ did not say this to the woman at the well, nor to that woman who was a sinner. If He had said it to them, people would have said, "Oh, that poor woman needed to be converte...

7 'Churchy' Words That Christians Don't Understand

John McKinley

Occasionally I find myself in a conversation with a non-Christian friend. Sometimes, I have to pay close attention to the language I use if the talk turns to things related to God and ultimate reali...

6 Keys to Responding when Someone Sins against Us

Sometimes we Christians seem as bad at handling others' failures as we are at overcoming our own. No doubt these two things are related. Scripture gives several principles which should govern our resp...

Christmas: The Only Gift Everyone Really Needs

Christmas in America is mostly about gifts given and received. But Christmas is really about the gift no one seeks but everyone needs....

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

Emma Danzey

His kindness came to us. Jesus, the incarnate deity, came to earth to show us the greatest act of kindness and love on the cross at Calvary. Death was defeated and not only that, by the Holy Spirit we...

Why Does 1 John 2:23 Say We Cannot Deny the Son or the Father?

Michael Jakes

On the surface, and taken on its own, this verse seems to be a simple statement letting us know that if one denies or rejects Christ, they are at the same time rejecting God — which is absolutely true...

What Should Christians Know about the Controversial History of Paedobaptism?

Ben Reichert

What makes paedobaptism controversial and what should Christians know before considering it?...

What Does the Bible Say about Resurrection Day?

Tammy Kennington

Resurrection Day is the culmination of Holy Week and one of the most important events in the Bible. Within this story we think we know so well are messages we need for today....

How Can We Embrace a Contrite Heart and Spirit?

Stephanie Englehart

When it comes to our sin, is it enough to just say sorry? In Psalm 51:17, David is crying out to God for forgiveness. He says that his sacrifice to God is a "broken and contrite heart." But what exact...

Why Did Jesus Have to Die on the Cross?

Heather Riggleman

Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Couldn’t God just erase everyone’s sins?...

What Is Biblical Prophecy about Israel?

Greg Grandchamp

Where does the nation of Israel fit into God’s plan for the End Times? What does God have in store for Israel and the gift of eternal life at the end of the world?...

What's the Difference between Expiation and Propitiation?

Stephanie Englehart

Expiation and propitiation will only ever make sense if we see ourselves as sinners who once were under the wrath of God, but through the death and resurrection of Christ we have been saved today, tom...

What Does It Mean That We Have "Assurance of Salvation"?

Bethany Verrett

After being forgiven and starting that relationship with God, it can be difficult to believe that all of someone’s wickedness can be washed away. The Bible promises the person who repents and accepts ...

Why Must We “Trust in the Lord with All Our Heart”?

Dawn Wilson

Proverbs 3:5-6 is often used to counsel and encourage believers as they make decisions in life. Notice the simplicity and strength in these two verses: “Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean ...

How Did Jesus' Death Pay the Penalty for Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is called the Lamb of God and the Last Adam. These two titles help us understand how Jesus’ death paid the penalty for our sin. As the Lamb of God, He fulfilled the Law as the perfect sacrifice....

The Holy Spirit and the Scandal of Christ's Birth

Sometimes when we come to passages like Matthew’s condensed Christmas story, we don’t come with that childlike curiosity and wonder—looking at the everyday with awe, perceiving the familiar as fascina...

What Happens After Death? Understanding Where Your Soul Goes

Dr. Michael A. Milton

 “What happens to my soul when I die?” The question is not an esoteric inquiry into the unknowable. God has revealed to us in his word what happens to the human soul at the moment...