Search Results for revelation 7

Found 391 Results for revelation 7
What Is the Significance of the Seven Churches in Revelation?

Bethany Verrett

In the beginning of the book of Revelation, the number seven appears multiple times. One of the most notable is that John is instructed to give a copy of Revelation to seven churches. Theories abound ...

15 Things You Need to Know about the Antichrist and His Rise to Power

Ron Rhodes

Revelation pictures the antichrist as a beast 32 times. The image points to the brutal, bloody, uncontrolled, and wild character of this diabolical dictator....

How Should We Read and Interpret Revelation?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Revelation can be a frightening or confusing book for many of us. But when we understand how to approach it, we can read with confidence. ...

What Are the Seven Trumpets in Revelation?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

One of the things mentioned in the book of Revelation is the seven trumpets. What we want to look at today is what are the seven trumpets in Revelation? It is probably not possible to give you a full,...

Why Is Number 7 So Important in the Bible?

Hope Bolinger

In over 700 biblical occurrences, we can see the intricate patterns by which God has used the number 7 in history, throughout Scripture, and in the age to come. ...

How Is the Lamb Worthy in Revelation 5?

Jessica Udall

Just like the lambs had to be spotless to be worthy to sacrifice for temporary atonement for God’s people, Jesus was also sinless and pure, “tempted just as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). ...

Why Do We Avoid Reading Revelation?

Ed Jarrett

Revelation is the last book in the Bible and is a letter written to seven churches in what is today the country of Turkey. It was written by John at Jesus direction. Beyond that there are a wide var...

Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11?

Britt Mooney

How do the two witnesses in Revelation 11 both reveal a future event and inspire us today?...

7 Ways to Read the Bible (and Actually Meet God)

Barnabas Piper

Often we simply read scripture for information, to follow a rule, or as an academic pursuit. Reading to meet God sounds like a great idea and the ideal for a Christian, but how do we actually do it? H...

What Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Bethany Verrett

During the seven years of tribulation, the Bible warns of seven seals, the fourth of which, when broken, will cause four great creatures to call forth four riders, who carry with them conquest, war, f...

What Is the Wormwood Star That Shows Up in the End Times?

Connor Salter

The wormwood star falls into water sources, and it poisons waters. The Bible specifically starts that a third of the rivers were poisoned, which is interesting since three is an important number that ...

Who Wrote Revelation?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Revelation is the last book in the Bible, and often, the last book people want to pick up and read. It's filled with mind-boggling imagery that can be frightening or hard to comprehend. But just who w...

Do We Know Who the 24 Elders of Revelation Are?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

There is much speculation as to who the 24 elders in Revelation are. As you can see, they are seated on thrones, dressed in white robes, wearing crowns. Whoever these elders are, one of the things you...

What Believers Need to Know about the Whore of Babylon in Revelation

Lucas Hagen

In Revelation, we're introduced to 'mother of prostitutes,' often referred to as the 'whore of Babylon.' Let's focus on the big picture of John's description, and what we must know, allowing that to g...

What Do the Two Cities in Revelation Represent?

Ed Jarrett

We often think of Revelation as a book that just focuses on the end of the world. But Revelation was written to believers near the end of the first century, to encourage and challenge them. We see thi...

Is Coronavirus One of the Plagues in the Book of Revelation?

Ed Jarrett

Many people automatically look to connect any large-scale disaster to Revelation and see in it a sign of the end. But should we? This article will look at this virus and its relationship to Revelation...

What Does It Mean That Jesus Holds the Keys of Death and Hades?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Though death is genuine, Christ, by His death and resurrection, claimed victory over it. We who love and cherish Him need have no fear of those who kill the body (Matthew 10:28). In that very moment o...

What Should Christians Know about the Locusts in Revelation?

Britt Mooney

What should we know about the locusts in Revelation?...

7 Ways to Find True Peace in the Unexpected

Micah Maddox

Life happens. It’s hard when unexpected trials march into your world without warning. These are the times when it’s hardest to really cling to the truth that we know. It’s a strugg...

Why Are There So Many Repeated Numbers in the Bible?

Michael Jakes

In the Bible, numbers play an even more important role in that they communicate. They symbolically represent essential concepts which help us to better understand the workings of God throughout biblic...