Search Results for romans 8:31

Found 20 Results for romans 8:31
What Does the Verse "If God Is for Us, Who Can Be against Us" Mean?

Alyssa Roat

Just about any list of encouraging Bible verses will include Romans 8:31: “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” But what are ...

If God Is for Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

We may feel at times that God has departed from us. How do we counter such feelings? How can we know He’s truly for us?...

How to Get Back Up and Keep Running the Race

Frank Santora

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked ...

20 Things to Thank God for in the Midst of Adversity

Lisa Loraine Baker

We can rest in Who He is and be thankful because we are made in His image and because throughout every adversity He allows, He is changing us from one degree of glory to another or to mold us more and...

What Does Amen Mean, and Why Do We Say It?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Sure, we can close a prayer without saying Amen, but why would we want to omit a verbal exclamation point which highlights God and His character? Our Lord and Savior is our King, and as His subje...

Why Should Christians Be Concerned about Moral Relativism?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

Does the Bible provide any insights on moral relativism’s ideas and the dangers it brings?...

Relying on Heaven’s Divine Reminder

Frank Santora

I think Jesus was saying, you guys are going to have a tendency to remember all sorts of random and unprofitable worldly stuff, and are going to forget what I’ve taught you. So I’m going to give you a...

Should We Be Reading the Bible Every Day?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We belong to Christ, and we are His bride (2 Corinthians 11:2). How do we get to know the One who saved us from the wrath of God except by spending time in His Word — the Bible? But is it biblical to ...

What Ways Does the Bible Advise to Deal with Grief?

Tammy Kennington

We know we all grieve in different ways, but some are healthy and some aren't. Does the Bible help us understand how to deal with grief in a God-honoring way?...

5 Ways to Truly Enjoy Christ

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Enjoying Christ is all about the relationship you share with him, and if you miss this, then you miss it all. The fact is you have someone you can be completely transparent with, who knows everything ...

Get Back, Satan! 5 Tips for Using Scripture as Defense

Alicia Purdy

Battles hit us in many forms. You feel helpless, hopeless, despairing, angry, hurt, anxious, and worse. What do you do now? Here are 5 ways to fight the good fight. ...

God Never Wastes Our Faith

Frank Santora

We will at times suffer unexpected setbacks and disappointments, even as we are progressing and our lives generally improve. So what do you do when such disappointment beckons you to pull back your fa...

How Does Honesty Help Us Model the Love of Jesus?

Sheila Alewine

For Christ-followers, honesty isn’t just an option; it’s non-negotiable. Scripture is clear that lying is a sin, and that sincere disciples of Jesus are committed to truth-telling. We understand that ...

How Paul’s Life Encourages Us When We Face Life’s Storms

Frank Santora

Even spiritual giants face storms. Just look at how many storms the Apostle Paul faced during his life and ministry. This is the same Paul who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament. This is the man wh...

How to Face Your Battle with Fear Courageously

Frank Santora

“Fear not” is neither an accusation of cowardice, nor gaslighting in a dangerous situation; it is the assurance that God is present, and therefore, all will be well....

God's Promises: Scripture Truths to Cling To Every Day

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

The Bible is full of promises - hundreds of truths for our faith to be founded on. And every one of those promises are for believers. All the promises have been fulfilled. Unfortunately, very few of u...

How Knowing Jesus Destroys Anxiety

Somehow we think we still have the power to mess things up. But God's care is not theoretical. It is intensely practical....

The 10 Commandments: What Are They & Are They Still Relevant?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Perhaps you have heard someone say that we live in the age of grace and the age of the law is now over. Is that right? How does one reconcile this with the continuing commandments in the New Testa...

What Is Theology & Why Is it Important?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Theology is studying God. Christian theology is knowing God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Theology is “the queen of the sciences.” This was not only the opinion of the great Middle Ages scholar, Thom...