Search Results for we believe

Found 1316 Results for we believe
10 Lies People Believe about Purity

Dawn Wilson

Growing up, I laughed at comedian Flip Wilson’s excuse for doing wrong: “The Devil made me do it.” It took me years to understand that the Devil couldn’t make me do anything; that was a lie. Yet our ...

What Do Christians Mean When They Say ‘I Believe in God the Father’?

Melissa Henderson

When we accept Jesus as our Savior and ask God to come into our life, we are acknowledging that there is only one true God. When we speak or write the words ‘I believe in God the Father’ we are showin...

What Must Someone Believe in Order to Be Saved?

What are the most basic things a person needs to believe in order to be saved?...

Why Do We Believe In and Follow Christ?

Pamela Palmer

To understand why we believe and follow Jesus, it is vital to understand who Jesus is. ...

What Do Christians Really Believe?

Stephanie Englehart

Belief in the gospel changes everything. Before Christ, we are lost in a sinless world with no hope, no satisfaction, and no purpose. With Christ, we have new life and new desires....

10 Reasons You Should Believe in Heaven

Joe McKeever

“Heaven is a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark.” –Stephen HawkingI’m afraid of the dark.If we’re talking about the endless kind of darkness that offers no light anywhere, no hope ever, and not...

5 Things You Won't Believe Are NOT in the Bible

Cindi McMenamin

Would you believe there are some secular sayings that sound so religious people often believe they came from the Bible?  These pieces of presumed Christian “wisdom” can sound bibl...

4 Truths to Believe When God Seems Far Away

Rachel Britton

The Bible tells us God’s presence is everywhere and He is with us, yet we can still struggle to understand He is near us at all times. Sometimes it feels like God is far away – that He is no closer th...

10 Myths People Believe about Their Sunday School Teacher

Meg Bucher

People volunteering to serve God’s church are, first and foremost, still people. God did not grant humankind the power to rise above out of our own abilities. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us, “For it is by...

Can You Believe in God But Not Believe in Jesus?

Sheila Alewine

"I'm spiritual but not religious." "I love God, but I don't really trust the Bible." "All that Jesus stuff happened so long ago, you know?" Can a person say these things and still be a Christian? What...

5 Wrong Things the World Believes about God

Mike Leake

His anger was as obvious as a neon sign in the dark. He was glowing hatred of God. I should probably make that a lower case “g,” though. It wasn’t the God of the Bible that he was raging against. He d...

What Does "I Believe! Help My Unbelief!" Teach Us about Faith?

Andy Lee

Have you prayed, “I believe! Help my unbelief!”?...

6 Things We Must Consider as We Wait for God to Act

Sheila Alewine

A good friend often shares this reminder: God is never late, and rarely early; He is an on-time God. These are encouraging words for all of God’s people who believe in prayer and worship a sovere...

What Makes John 3:16 Such a Beloved Verse?

Pamela Palmer

This famous verse is important because it tells us about the unconditional love that God has for his creation, it teaches us about the sacrifice God made for us, and it helps us understand the eternal...

How Can We Understand the Trinity?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Trinity is one of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. While defining it and knowing what it means is straightforward, it is one of the most difficult aspects of God for people to compr...

What Does it Mean to be Baptized in the Spirit?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Christianity has two camps on the work of the Holy Spirit. Depending on the camp, what it means to be baptized in the Spirit is very different. So what does Holy Spirit baptism really mean?...

Believe That God Will Break Through Your Barriers

Frank Santora

Many years ago, I became a young pastor of a small church in Connecticut. One day a man who had been attending for a while approached me with some news – he had recently won a very large legal settlem...