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Found 325 Results for writes
What Does the Bible Say about Going to Church?

Meg Bucher

Following Christ is not easy and going to church provides a respite and refueling needed to keep fighting the good fight of faith and the challenging conviction to keep learning and growing in Jesus. ...

What Did Jesus Mean When He Said "I Am the Light of the World" (John 8:12)?

Meg Bucher

Jesus consistently focused on linking Himself to the Father. The Greek word for light in this verse is phos, defined as the light; anything emitting light; light, i.e. brightness. God profoundly state...

The Awe-Inspiring Truth: We Are "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

Lianna Davis

We often hear Psalm 139:14 referenced when a friend announces a new baby. The miracle of new life is truly incredible, enough so that David says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." But beyond pre...

What Does it Mean, "I Can Do All Things through Christ"?

Joel Ryan

In times of trouble and times of doubt, Christians will often turn to Philippians 4:13 for perspective, hope, and strength, and for good reason. In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul wrot...

How Can Christians Watch Out for the Sneaky Sin of Envy?

Jared Salomon

Several Scripture passages show us the traits of envy and troubles that come from envy. But these passages also advise us on how to watch out for envy....

What Does it Mean ‘Without Vision, the People Perish’?

Joel Ryan

This knowledge provides a new vision that allows us to see God and His plan for our lives more clearly. Without this vision, we are left to wander in the dark down a path that ultimately leads to dest...

The Beautiful Meaning and Story Behind the Classic Christmas Carol "Silent Night"

Kristi Walker

"Silent Night" is a traditional Christmas carol that is usually sung by candlelight on Christmas Eve. But who wrote this song, where did it come from, and how did it come to be so popular? F...

Where Does the Bible Say "For the Joy Set Before Him"?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

The Bible not only claims that Jesus loved us enough to die on the cross for us, but that he saw a joy that would come after it. What kind of joy would make up for the pain of the cross?...

10 Verses to Guide Our Reflection on the Painful Events of 9/11

Lynette Kittle

It’s the anniversary again of 9/11. A day marked by shock, terror, sorrow, and tremendous loss, where we remember the devastating terrorist attacks against America that deeply impacted our nat...

How to Be the Bridge : Practical Steps to Racial Reconciliation

Bethany Pyle

Racial reconciliation has been a hot topic in recent years, not just in Christian circles. The phrase itself may evoke a range of emotions in people, but at its heart the practice of racial reconcilia...

What Does the Bible Say about Gossip?

Kathy Collard Miller

The Bible warns us about gossip very clearly. So what can we learn from its advice?...

Who Wrote Romans?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Rome was the political hub of the Roman Empire and one of the largest Mediterranean cities in the ancient world with a population around 1 million. When you consider the history of the Christian churc...

What Are Apostolic Prayers?

Jessica Brodie

Apostolic prayers are found throughout the New Testament. The most famous of these is also known as the Lord’s Prayer, which Jesus prayed after his disciples asked him how they should pray to the Lord...

10 Christian Virtues That Need to be Revived

Carrie Lowrance

We are called to be an example in our society, to guide others in the way of the Lord, although the virtue of society has gone out the window. We are meant to live by example in everything we do.Chris...

Is Your Hope in Jesus on the 9/11 Anniversary?

Carrie Dedrick

The most important thing we can remember about 9/11 is how it points our way to Christ....

4 Essential Aspects of the Gospel That All Christians Should Know

Sheila Alewine

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).In the New Testament, the word Gospel is t...

Why Exactly Were Tax Collectors so Hated?

Joel Ryan

For Jews living in Jerusalem and the surrounding regions during the first century, paying taxes to the Roman Empire was understandably a source of great consternation and displeasure. Those responsibl...

Why Laziness Is a Sin and 5 Ways We Can Flee from It

Meg Bucher

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he ...

10 Ways to Incorporate the Verse "Taste and See That the Lord Is Good" into Your Everyday Life

Meg Bucher

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8).The well-known phrase, “Taste and see that the LORD is good,” is found in Chapter 34 of the Old Testament...

What Exactly Is the "Day of the Lord"?

Jessica Brodie

Is this a “good” and festive day, like a holiday or a Sabbath celebration? Is this a day of foreboding and dread, when something bad is going to happen?...