Search Results for father

Found 251 Results for father

Forget all the church growth techniques you have learned. Forget about seeker sensitive or purpose driven churches. Forget about contemporary music or even the cowboy church. Catch the next wave an...

Past / Future

There is an old Chinese proverb that says a man who keeps one eye on the past is blind in one eye. A man who keeps no eye on the past is blind in both eyes. Virgil wrote that Aeneas founded Rome after...

Children and Parents

After tucking their three-year-old child Sammy in bed one night, his parents heard sobbing coming from his room. Rushing back in, they found him crying hysterically. He managed to tell them that he ha...


Finding Nemo is the most popular animated feature of all time. What is the secret of its success? Much of its appeal is in the amazing technical and artistic features that helped produce a wonderful u...

Prayer "knows" where "The Big Bang" occurred and can allegedly direct you-- and your prayers-- to God's residence. It explains, "NewPrayer has designed and built a directional radio transmitter...


A convention was called in 1787 in America to revise the Articles of Confederation. For weeks delegates reviewed ancient history and analyzed governments of modern Europe in search of insights...

Children, Priorities, Memories

A family in Colorado tried unsuccessfully for years to save enough money to replace their ancient bathroom fixtures with new modern sleek ones. But each year as skiing time rolled around, the bathroom...

Illustration: Listening, God Cares

Do we pay as close attention to our kids as we should?...


Thanksgiving by way of daily thanks-living demands that we pray, yes; but it also demands that we "unload" our prayers at the doorsteps of those who are hungry, lonely and just plain without....

To Illustrate: Empathy/Sympathy

Harold and Don Reid, two of the legendary Statler Brothers, tell a wonderful story in their book Random Memories. ...

Human Compassion

Arthur Gordon in an article entitled "The Rewards of Caring," tells the story of how once, as a small boy, he was witness to a near tragedy. At the beach, a woman stepped off a sandbar into deep, swif...


A recent issue of US News & World Report featured a story entitled "Faith in America: In troubled times, how Americans' views of religion are changing."...

New Things

Only Angels Fly A blunder was made by a bishop in 1870. While visiting a small denominational college and staying at the home of its president, he expressed the firm conviction that the Bible predicte...

Pastoral Infidelity: Problems and Solutions

Dr. Chet Weld

When a pastor falls into sin, especially sexual sin, the ripple effect on the lives of others is often immeasurable....

Pastor, Before You Quit...

Joe Mckeever gives counsel to pastors in stressful, high-pressure situations who are thinking of throwing in the towel....

Illustration: Strength, Providence

What first appears to be a curse God can turn into a manifold blessing....

Illustration: Thanksgiving

King David was an enormous benefactor for the first temple, always remembering his wealth came from the hand of God, to whom it should be returned....


A recent issue of US News & World Report featured a story entitled "Faith in America: In troubled times, how Americans' views of religion are changing." Throughout the article several polls reported C...