Search Results for israel

Found 27 Results for israel

One type of hyssop is a small, hardy shrub. Another is an herb from the basil family, somewhat bitter and mint-flavored. Tourists to Israel are purportedly sold this "hyssop" in small jars, though ...

Divine Fellowship

One of Rabbi Ben Jochai's scholars once asked him, "Why did not the Lord furnish enough manna to Israel for a year all at one time?" The teacher said, "I will answer you with a parable. Once there was...

Illustration: Thanksgiving

King David was an enormous benefactor for the first temple, always remembering his wealth came from the hand of God, to whom it should be returned....

Personal Dedication

Some years ago I was told of a young Jewish man from the United States who decided to go to Israel and live. After working there for two years he was required either to serve in the army for a...

Illustration: God, Whimsical Creator

God values what seemingly is insignificant by our human estimation....


John Leo, writing in U.S. News and World Report, noted that twins are now more frequent. Someone said, "I guess it's because little children are afraid to come into this world alone!" Those who think ...


For years preachers have used the Dead Sea as an illustration of the importance of giving back. The have made the point that the Dead Sea receives but has no outlet to give to and that is what makes i...


For years preachers have used the Dead Sea as an illustration of the importance of giving back. The have made the point that the Dead Sea receives but has no outlet to give to and that is what makes i...

Illustration: Faith, Eagle

After watching the bald eagle in flight, some people are surprised to learn that Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the wild turkey the American national bird. While turkeys are beautiful in their own w...

Old Age

"The world stands aside," said David Jordan, "to let anyone pass who knows where he is going." This applies to those, who learn where they are going late in life as well as for the young. At age 53, M...


Moses must have seemed like an unlikely candidate for an inferiority complex. Raised in privilege as an adopted son in Pharaoh's household, he "was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and w...

Illustration: Light, Christmas

Let your light so shine that the world sees Christ in you, and the darkness is cast away from such radiance....

Illustration: Legalism, Self-Righteousness

"All groups of human beings have a tendency to be exclusive; they want to know who is inside and who is out. So they adopt identity markers—visible practices of dress, vocabulary or behavior that serv...

When a Story Is the Best Response

Whenever we face a communication challenge, telling a story is a good option, and sometimes it is the very best option....

Theological Thoughts from a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are threatening, but the theology surrounding them can be thrilling! The term theological refers to something that is of or pertaining to the field of theology. Theology is the study of ...

Easter Sunday: Deliverance Now!

March 31, 2013—John 20:1-18...

Preaching the Psalms as Stories

I had an epiphany while listening to Johnny Cash that transformed the way I preached the Psalms. ...