Search Results for jesus

Found 527 Results for jesus
Taking No Chances

Some people in Japan find value in many religions and do not adhere strictly to one. So people will wear a cross as jewelry, have a Shinto wedding and a Buddhist funeral. It appears that they are taki...


Howard K. Smith, the well known newscaster, said that his daughter was not at all impressed by his fame. Even though he had interviewed presidents, and had a nationwide listening audience, she was uni...

Taking No Chances

Some people in Japan find value in many religions and do not adhere strictly to one. So people will wear a cross as jewelry, have a Shinto wedding and a Buddhist funeral. It appears that they are taki...

Love, Sacrifice

According to a recent news story, a man in Bakersfield, Calif. began walking 150 miles to Los Angeles to prove his love......


Senator Jim Talent says he prayed to trust Jesus as his Savior in response to an invitation he heard on the radio. The Missouri Republican gave his Christian testimony at a National Day of Prayer eve...


In an interview which appeared in, Campus Crusade founder Bill Bright said, "My life's message is be a slave of Jesus. And all that involves. Love your master, trust your master and obey y...

The Expository Method

"It is, perhaps, an overbold beginning, but I will venture to say that with its preaching, Christianity stands or falls." – P.T. Forsyth...

Prayer "knows" where "The Big Bang" occurred and can allegedly direct you-- and your prayers-- to God's residence. It explains, "NewPrayer has designed and built a directional radio transmitter...

Death of Christ

When silent film star Rudolf Valentino died, nine thousand people passed by his casket every hour and the viewing lasted for three days! The Lord Jesus knew no such homage. Those who passed by His cro...

Water Of Life

The city of Bath, England is famous for its mineral waters and hot springs. It is thought that the springs were formed from rain water that fell ten thousand years ago. The water penetrated the earth ...

Spiritual Rest

On one occasion F.B. Meyer visited D.L. Moody in Northfield, Massachusetts. Moody, showing Meyer a team of oxen, said that whenever one of those oxen was being yoked in, the other, which might be on t...


Missionary Susie Hobert believes that one of her main responsibilities as a mother is to instill in her children a burden for their lost fiends. And she has done a good job. Ten-year-old Ryan was driv...


Sociology professor Anthony Campolo recalls a deeply moving incident that happened in a Christian junior high camp where he served. One of the campers, a boy with spastic paralysis, was the object ...


There is a legend among the gypsies of Eastern Europe that Roman soldiers were sent out to find a blacksmith to forge four nails to crucify Jesus. ...

Godly Example

The great missionary, Adoniram Judson, endured unbelievable hardship to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Burma. Hunger and privation haunted him for seven long years. Arrested and ...

The Cup

Edinburgh, Scotland has a new museum with objects depicting the land's long and varied history. There are ancient rock carvings and almost modern furniture as it might have been seen in a Glasgow tea ...


At a zoo in Taipei in Taiwan, a 46-year old man jumped into a den of lions and cried out, "Jesus will save you." According to press reports, he also taunted the lions, "Come bite me." One lion decided...


"When Jesus came the first time, He came in a manger. When He comes again, He is coming in majesty. The first time, He shed His royal blood for our redemption. When He comes again, He is going to be d...


Adrian Rogers wrote: "When Jesus came the first time, He came in a manger. When He comes again, He is coming in majesty. The first time, He shed His royal blood for our redemption. When He comes again...


Newspapers recently carried the story of a streetlight that casts a shadow that many say resembles the image of Jesus Christ. The city of East Chicago has decided to turn off the light to discourage t...