Search Results for john 7

Found 38 Results for john 7
The Expository Method

"It is, perhaps, an overbold beginning, but I will venture to say that with its preaching, Christianity stands or falls." – P.T. Forsyth...

Rescuing Fallen Church Leaders

Joe Beam

Pick the sin and it’s likely that someone trusted as a leader in the kingdom of God has done it and been exposed....

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

What to Say...When You've Said It All

How does one approach the final sermons in a church before resignation? After having to deal with this challenge a few times, let me make a few observations. ...

Fighting the Battle for Integrity

You want to shock the world? Start here--demonstrating the guts to do what's right when no one is looking....

When Pastors Fail to Practice what they Preach

Prior to the revelations concerning Teg Haggard, Ray Pritchard received an email from a woman distraught about repeated pastoral problems in her local church. Her words speak for multitudes who have b...

The Challenges We Face: A New Generation of Gospel Ministers Looks to the Future

Albert Mohler

Will this generation of gospel ministers finish the race? It will require gospel faithfulness at every turn....

Ten Temptations of a Leader

Dr. Bill Lawrence

Every time we fall into one of the temptations, we end up short-circuiting our purpose, sinning against God, harming others, and deceiving ourselves into thinking we are doing well....

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in w...

What Women Wish Their Preacher Knew

Many Christian women today view the sermon—the proclamation of the gospel—as the centerpiece of the worship experience. They yearn for the serious pastor to stand with integrity in the pulpit, open hi...

The Power of the Big Idea

What did you learn in church today? How is it possible that so many people, young and old, can respond with nothing but silence to such a simple question after spending an entire Sunday morning in chu...

Pastoring a Pentecostal Church

A Pentecostal minister cannot respond to our postmodern world with strategies that deal only with surface issues. Instead, he or she must create new methods of sharing the message without disturbing t...