Search Results for matthew 15

Found 18 Results for matthew 15
When a Story Is the Best Response

Whenever we face a communication challenge, telling a story is a good option, and sometimes it is the very best option....

Illustration: Integrity

In his book The President is a Sick Man, Matthew Alge tells the story of a man who in August of 1893 wrote a story in which he claimed the President of the United States Grover Cleveland had cancer. H...

The Three Voices of God

How can we hear from God? And what if the counsel we're getting seems to contradict?...

The Gospel in an Abortion Culture

Russell Moore

What we often forget is the second casualty of an abortion culture: the consciences of countless men and women....

Growers of People

Rick Whitter

Like farmers, pastors must know the purpose of their work, and we must be willing to do whatever it takes to produce disciples. Fulfilling the Great Commission is not an option for today’s church lead...

What Is the Apostles' Creed?

Jared C. Wilson

The creed, attributed to the earliest missionary followers of Jesus, distills the basic outline of what it means to be a Christian into a short summation that belies the depth and richness of what it ...

Miley Cyrus and the Disappearance of Childhood

Sometimes I think the late Neil Postman is the prophet for out time. After reading about the Miley Cyrus photo fiasco, I am convinced of this. If you have a pre-teen daughter, you know that Miley is t...

Does God Really Talk to People?

In this week's sermon, you'll discover how to know God's voice when He speaks to us....

If I Only Knew More

Philip Nation

Have you ever met that guy who just knew more than everyone else in the room? Or wanted to prove it? Does knowing any of this make you feel better about life and eternity? No, as Ecclesiastes shows....

Temptation: The Hardest Test You Will Ever Take

Matthew 4: 1-11 The challenge of taking tests starts rather early in......

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Theological Thoughts from a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are threatening, but the theology surrounding them can be thrilling! The term theological refers to something that is of or pertaining to the field of theology. Theology is the study of ...

Too Good to be True

Sometimes the resurrection seems to good to be true, but this Easter sermon challenges us to be the living proof. The world needs an appearance of Jesus and a word from Him. Will it come from you and...

Preaching and the Externally-Focused Church: An Interview with Rick Rusaw

Rick is the co-author of The Externally Focused Church and 60 Simple Things Every Pastor Should Know, and his newest book is Living a Life on Loan. He was recently interviewed by Preaching editor Mich...