Search Results for savior

Found 732 Results for savior
Yeshua: Deliverer, Savior - Why This Name of God Is So Important for Today

Blair Parke

He is our Lord and Savior, the One who achieved His purposes of representing God to us in life, then dying on the cross for our sins and redemption. His life has led to several experiencing spiritual ...

The Power of the Resurrection

Dena Johnson Martin

As we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the risen Savior. We celebrate triumph over sin and death. But how does it apply to our lives here on this earth?...

10 Christmas Carols That Celebrate the Savior of the World

Keith Getty

On that first Christmas night, the skies above the shepherds’ field were filled with hosts of choiring angels. But even before Jesus lay in the manger, his miraculous story was being told in son...

Where Does the Bible Say 'For Unto You Is Born this Day in the City of David a Savior Who Is Christ the Lord'?

Britt Mooney

How did the shepherds respond when angels told them, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord"?...

10 Things Even Non-Believers Can Learn From Jesus

Scott Savage

Jesus Christ is one of the most significant figures in human history, regardless of your belief about his divinity and humanity. Billions of Christians across the last two millennia have worshiped J...

The Messiah Foretold

Philip Nation

God shatters our expectations. His love for humanity drove Him to provide the Savior who can make all things new....

Why It Is So Important to Remember Easter on Christmas

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Christmas is a unique time in the world. It's the only time of the year we hear songs about Jesus, our King of Kings, on the radio, in department stores, and on everyone's tongue. The world loves to c...

Fanny Crosby: America's Hymn Queen

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

A Picture of Our Need and God's Compassion in the Life of Absalom

Meg Bucher

Absalom was one of King David’s sons, and his scriptural story reads like a modern-day soap opera. Known for his good looks, in particular his long hair, he is best remembered for avenging his si...

How Will We Be United with Christ in Resurrection?

Blair Parke

As we go through death on earth as Jesus did, we will be resurrected in the same way to join Him in heaven when God calls us there. We won’t have to go to the pits of hell if we have accepted Jesus as...

How did Christ bring "Peace and Goodwill on Earth"? (Luke 2:14)

Association of Biblical Counselors

Many of us crave the image in our head of family coming close, friends getting together, and joy and peace marking each moment; yet the reality often looks very different. Why the difference?...

20 Ways We Can Refresh Our Souls When We Are Weary

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you ever been “crying tired?” Crying tired is deep weariness and is not from physical exhaustion; instead, it comes when a person experiences mental and/or spiritual fatigue. Sleeping it off is n...

5 Powerful Ways Palm Sunday Reminds Us Jesus is the King of Kings

Debbie McDaniel

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter that begins the Holy Week. It is the day that we remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem as Savior and King. As Jesus rode a donkey into the...

Is God More Violent in the Old Testament Than the New?

Bethany Verrett

At a casual glance, looking at the Bible from an earthly frame of mind, God’s behavior and character can appear different in the Old Testament compared to the New Testament.  Many dismiss and rej...

4 Steps to Forgiving Yourself for Past Mistakes

Frank Santora

Many people struggle with the effects of their past mistakes, such as saying words in haste or anger that damage relationships, or making life-altering decisions which ended in failure or disappointme...

Scriptures to Read for Each Day of Holy Week

Heather Adams

Holy Week is a time for remembrance of the final events in Jesus’ earthly life. It’s a time for reflection, when we consider all that Jesus went through on our behalf.I used to put all my focus on Eas...

Have You Tried the SOAP Bible Study Method?

Emma Danzey

If we believe God at His Word, then we know that He has spoken to us. He is telling us that His Bible is His Word, and it still speaks today. It is useful to us, changes us, and prepares us to live ou...

10 Reasons Making it to Church Will Improve Your Week

Sarah Coleman

It used to be seen as the right thing to do. So you did it. You made the effort. Walked barefoot through rain, hail, sleet, snow, or shine. You dressed in hats and your Sunday best because that was wh...