Search Results for wife

Found 503 Results for wife
Falling in Love?

The phrase "falling in love" isn't a biblical expression. In fact, the Bible reveals that love is much greater than just a feeling....

Did Moses Have Two Wives or Just One?

Hope Bolinger

Many of us have a slight familiarity with Zipporah, Moses' wife from Midian. But did he also marry a Cushite named Tharbis? ...

Who Is the Bride of Christ?

Jessica Udall

All the great love stories of the world echo this greatest of love stories. And just like a good husband acts, God’s actions towards the Church are always full of love....

Your Guide to the Top 10 Most Extraordinary Mothers of the Bible

Liz Kanoy

These mothers were strong in the Lord, and they gave everything they had for their children....

7 Phrases Christians Like to Say That Aren't Biblical

Lori Hatcher

We’ve all heard them—phrases that sound wise, insightful, and biblical. But are they really?First Corinthians 10:13 is one of the first verses I memorized as a new believer, and its truth has carried ...

10 Examples of Feminine Courage from Women in the Bible

Rachel Lehner

These women of the Bible knew the greatness of their God and had a boldness of speech to match....

What Makes a Miracle?

Jessica Brodie

Whether the miracle has to do with healing sickness or infirmity and showcasing god’s power and status as Almighty God matters not; what matters is that the miracle isn’t merely coincidence, but rathe...

Wisdom and Warnings from the Life of Miriam

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Miriam was Moses’ older sister and though she is not talked about a lot in Scripture, she played an important part in the life of Moses and the nation of Israel. There are four key places where Miriam...

What Does the Bible Say about Head Coverings?

Bethany Verrett

Some of this debate is brought on by theologians who remove the original cultural context in which Paul’s letter was written. Where was Paul from? Who were the people he was writing to? What was the c...

When Should Christians Seek Divorce?

Jessica Brodie

Clearly, divorce is not God’s preference or something he likes, but rather something he permitted as a way to provide for his people who were suffering....

20 Inspiring Baby Names Found in the Bible

Emma Danzey

As believers in Christ, the Bible is always a popular place to go to find inspiration for a child’s name. However, maybe you or a loved one is looking for something a little more outside of the box....

What Does the Bible Have to Say about Marriage Problems?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Does the Bible say anything about what to do if you have marriage problems?...

Why Does the Bible Say It's Crucial to Exercise Self-Control?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To be the people God wants us to be, we must show self-control. But what does the Bible say about achieving that? What advice does it give about achieving self-control?...

What Does the Bible Say about Couples Living Together before Marriage?

Sheila Alewine

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what our culture decides about this issue of engaging in a sexual relationship with someone outside the covenant of marriage. The real issue is what God thinks of you, fo...

20 Bible Verses to Grow Your Marriage

Debbie McDaniel

Marriage is a gift – an amazing blessing from God. ...

A Biblical Guide for Praying over Your Marriage

Liz Auld

This is why we must pray for our marriage through changing circumstances, our commitment is to love our spouse in good times and bad just as God loves us. We should pray for our marriage when things a...

Why Did Jesus Say John the Baptist Was the Greatest Prophet?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

John the Baptist was a great prophet. His birth was foretold in Luke 1. He is the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth. He would eventually be the one who baptized our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ...

What Hosea's Daughter Lo-Ruhamah Teaches Us about God's Love and Mercy

Sylvia Schroeder

Yet, through what Hosea's daughter Lo-Ruhamah teaches us about God's love and mercy, this attribute of God’s character shines....

6 Valuable Lessons from the Life of Samuel

Bethany Verrett

Samuel spent his life in service to the Lord, setting a great example for anyone who wants to live a life that pleases God. He was used for leadership, prophecy, and wisdom. For anyone seeking to unde...

How Do Married Couples Leave and Cleave?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We hear the phrase "leave and cleave" in Sunday School talks about marriage, but what does it mean to do that?...