Mateus 26

1 E havendo Jesus concluído todas estas palavras, disse aos seus discípulos:
2 Sabeis que daqui a dois dias é a páscoa; e o Filho do homem será entregue para ser crucificado.
3 Então os principais sacerdotes e os anciãos do povo se reuniram no pátio da casa do sumo sacerdote, o qual se chamava Caifás;
4 e deliberaram como prender Jesus a traição, e o matar.
5 Mas diziam: Não durante a festa, para que não haja tumulto entre o povo.
6 Estando Jesus em Betânia, em casa de Simão, o leproso,
7 aproximou-se dele uma mulher que trazia um vaso de alabastro cheio de bálsamo precioso, e lho derramou sobre a cabeça, estando ele reclinado � mesa.
8 Quando os discípulos viram isso, indignaram-se, e disseram: Para que este disperdício?
9 Pois este bálsamo podia ser vendido por muito dinheiro, que se daria aos pobres.
10 Jesus, porém, percebendo isso, disse-lhes: Por que molestais esta mulher? pois praticou uma boa ação para comigo.
11 Porquanto os pobres sempre os tendes convosco; a mim, porém, nem sempre me tendes.
12 Ora, derramando ela este bálsamo sobre o meu corpo, fê-lo a fim de preparar-me para a minha sepultura.
13 Em verdade vos digo que onde quer que for pregado em todo o mundo este evangelho, também o que ela fez será contado para memória sua.
14 Então um dos doze, chamado Judas Iscariotes, foi ter com os principais sacerdotes,
15 e disse: Que me quereis dar, e eu vo-lo entregarei? E eles lhe pesaram trinta moedas de prata.
16 E desde então buscava ele oportunidade para o entregar.
17 Ora, no primeiro dia dos pães ázimos, vieram os discípulos a Jesus, e perguntaram: Onde queres que façamos os preparativos para comeres a páscoa?
18 Respondeu ele: Ide � cidade a um certo homem, e dizei-lhe: O Mestre diz: O meu tempo está próximo; em tua casa celebrarei a páscoa com os meus discípulos.
19 E os discípulos fizeram como Jesus lhes ordenara, e prepararam a páscoa.
20 Ao anoitecer reclinou-se � mesa com os doze discípulos;
21 e, enquanto comiam, disse: Em verdade vos digo que um de vós me trairá.
22 E eles, profundamente contristados, começaram cada um a perguntar-lhe: Porventura sou eu, Senhor?
23 Respondeu ele: O que mete comigo a mão no prato, esse me trairá.
24 Em verdade o Filho do homem vai, conforme está escrito a seu respeito; mas ai daquele por quem o Filho do homem é traido! bom seria para esse homem se não houvera nascido.
25 Também Judas, que o traía, perguntou: Porventura sou eu, Rabí? Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Tu o disseste.
26 Enquanto comiam, Jesus tomou o pão e, abençoando-o, o partiu e o deu aos discípulos, dizendo: Tomai, comei; isto é o meu corpo.
27 E tomando um cálice, rendeu graças e deu-lho, dizendo: Bebei dele todos;
28 pois isto é o meu sangue, o sangue do pacto, o qual é derramado por muitos para remissão dos pecados.
29 Mas digo-vos que desde agora não mais beberei deste fruto da videira até aquele dia em que convosco o beba novo, no reino de meu Pai.
30 E tendo cantado um hino, saíram para o Monte das Oliveiras.
31 Então Jesus lhes disse: Todos vós esta noite vos escandalizareis de mim; pois está escrito: Ferirei o pastor, e as ovelhas do rebanho se dispersarão.
32 Todavia, depois que eu ressurgir, irei adiante de vós para a Galiléia.
33 Mas Pedro, respondendo, disse-lhe: Ainda que todos se escandalizem de ti, eu nunca me escandalizarei.
34 Disse-lhe Jesus: Em verdade te digo que esta noite, antes que o galo cante três vezes me negarás.
35 Respondeu-lhe Pedro: Ainda que me seja necessário morrer contigo, de modo algum te negarei. E o mesmo disseram todos os discípulos.
36 Então foi Jesus com eles a um lugar chamado Getsêmane, e disse aos discípulos: Sentai-vos aqui, enquanto eu vou ali orar.
37 E levando consigo Pedro e os dois filhos de Zebedeu, começou a entristecer-se e a angustiar-se.
38 Então lhes disse: A minha alma está triste até a morte; ficai aqui e vigiai comigo.
39 E adiantando-se um pouco, prostrou-se com o rosto em terra e orou, dizendo: Meu Pai, se é possível, passa de mim este cálice; todavia, não seja como eu quero, mas como tu queres.
40 Voltando para os discípulos, achou-os dormindo; e disse a Pedro: Assim nem uma hora pudestes vigiar comigo?
41 Vigiai e orai, para que não entreis em tentação; o espírito, na verdade, está pronto, mas a carne é fraca.
42 Retirando-se mais uma vez, orou, dizendo: Pai meu, se este cálice não pode passar sem que eu o beba, faça-se a tua vontade.
43 E, voltando outra vez, achou-os dormindo, porque seus olhos estavam carregados.
44 Deixando-os novamente, foi orar terceira vez, repetindo as mesmas palavras.
45 Então voltou para os discípulos e disse-lhes: Dormi agora e descansai. Eis que é chegada a hora, e o Filho do homem está sendo entregue nas mãos dos pecadores.
46 Levantai-vos, vamo-nos; eis que é chegado aquele que me trai.
47 E estando ele ainda a falar, eis que veio Judas, um dos doze, e com ele grande multidão com espadas e varapaus, vinda da parte dos principais sacerdotes e dos anciãos do povo.
48 Ora, o que o traía lhes havia dado um sinal, dizendo: Aquele que eu beijar, esse é: prendei-o.
49 E logo, aproximando-se de Jesus disse: Salve, Rabi. E o beijou.
50 Jesus, porém, lhe disse: Amigo, a que vieste? Nisto, aproximando-se eles, lançaram mão de Jesus, e o prenderam.
51 E eis que um dos que estavam com Jesus, estendendo a mão, puxou da espada e, ferindo o servo do sumo sacerdote, cortou-lhe uma orelha.
52 Então Jesus lhe disse: Mete a tua espada no seu lugar; porque todos os que lançarem mão da espada, � espada morrerão.
53 Ou pensas tu que eu não poderia rogar a meu Pai, e que ele não me mandaria agora mesmo mais de doze legiões de anjos?
54 Como, pois, se cumpririam as Escrituras, que dizem que assim convém que aconteça?
55 Disse Jesus � multidão naquela hora: Saístes com espadas e varapaus para me prender, como a um salteador? Todos os dias estava eu sentado no templo ensinando, e não me prendestes.
56 Mas tudo isso aconteceu para que se cumprissem as Escrituras dos profetas. Então todos os discípulos, deixando-o fugiram.
57 Aqueles que prenderam a Jesus levaram-no � presença do sumo sacerdote Caifás, onde os escribas e os anciãos estavam reunidos.
58 E Pedro o seguia de longe até o pátio do sumo sacerdote; e entrando, sentou-se entre os guardas, para ver o fim.
59 Ora, os principais sacerdotes e todo o sinédrio buscavam falso testemunho contra Jesus, para poderem entregá-lo � morte;
60 e não achavam, apesar de se apresentarem muitas testemunhas falsas. Mas por fim compareceram duas,
61 e disseram: Este disse: Posso destruir o santuário de Deus, e reedificá-lo em três dias.
62 Levantou-se então o sumo sacerdote e perguntou-lhe: Nada respondes? Que é que estes depõem contra ti?
63 Jesus, porém, guardava silêncio. E o sumo sacerdote disse- lhe: Conjuro-te pelo Deus vivo que nos digas se tu és o Cristo, o Filho do Deus.
64 Repondeu-lhe Jesus: É como disseste; contudo vos digo que vereis em breve o Filho do homem assentado � direita do Poder, e vindo sobre as nuvens do céu.
65 Então o sumo sacerdote rasgou as suas vestes, dizendo: Blasfemou; para que precisamos ainda de testemunhas? Eis que agora acabais de ouvir a sua blasfêmia.
66 Que vos parece? Responderam eles: É réu de morte.
67 Então uns lhe cuspiram no rosto e lhe deram socos;
68 e outros o esbofetearam, dizendo: Profetiza-nos, ó Cristo, quem foi que te bateu?
69 Ora, Pedro estava sentado fora, no pátio; e aproximou-se dele uma criada, que disse: Tu também estavas com Jesus, o galileu.
70 Mas ele negou diante de todos, dizendo: Não sei o que dizes.
71 E saindo ele para o vestíbulo, outra criada o viu, e disse aos que ali estavam: Este também estava com Jesus, o nazareno.
72 E ele negou outra vez, e com juramento: Não conheço tal homem.
73 E daí a pouco, aproximando-se os que ali estavam, disseram a Pedro: Certamente tu também és um deles pois a tua fala te denuncia.
74 Então começou ele a praguejar e a jurar, dizendo: Não conheço esse homem. E imediatamente o galo cantou.
75 E Pedro lembrou-se do que dissera Jesus: Antes que o galo cante, três vezes me negarás. E, saindo dali, chorou amargamente.

Images for Mateus 26

Mateus 26 Commentary

Chapter 26

The rulers conspire against Christ. (1-5) Christ anointed at Bethany. (6-13) Judas bargains to betray Christ. (14-16) The Passover. (17-25) Christ institutes his holy supper. (26-30) He warns his disciples. (31-35) His agony in the garden. (36-46) He is betrayed. (47-56) Christ before Caiaphas. (57-68) Peter denies him. (69-75)

Verses 1-5 Our Lord had often told of his sufferings as at a distance, now he speaks of them as at hand. At the same time the Jewish council consulted how they might put him to death secretly. But it pleased God to defeat their intention. Jesus, the true paschal Lamb, was to be sacrificed for us at that very time, and his death and resurrection rendered public.

Verses 6-13 The pouring ointment upon the head of Christ was a token of the highest respect. Where there is true love in the heart to Jesus Christ, nothing will be thought too good to bestow upon him. The more Christ's servants and their services are cavilled at, the more he manifests his acceptance. This act of faith and love was so remarkable, that it would be reported, as a memorial of Mary's faith and love, to all future ages, and in all places where the gospel should be preached. This prophecy is fulfilled.

Verses 14-16 There were but twelve called apostles, and one of them was like a devil; surely we must never expect any society to be quite pure on this side heaven. The greater profession men make of religion, the greater opportunity they have of doing mischief, if their hearts be not right with God. Observe, that Christ's own disciple, who knew so well his doctrine and manner of his life, and was false to him, could not charge him with any thing criminal, though it would have served to justify his treachery. What did Judas want? Was not he welcome wherever his Master was? Did he not fare as Christ fared? It is not the lack, but the love of money, that is the root of all evil. After he had made that wicked bargain, Judas had time to repent, and to revoke it; but when lesser acts of dishonesty have hardened the conscience men do without hesitation that which is more shameful.

Verses 17-25 Observe, the place for their eating the passover was pointed out by Christ to the disciples. He knows those hidden ones who favour his cause, and will graciously visit all who are willing to receive him. The disciples did as Jesus had appointed. Those who would have Christ's presence in the gospel passover, must do what he says. It well becomes the disciples of Christ always to be jealous over themselves, especially in trying times. We know not how strongly we may be tempted, nor how far God may leave us to ourselves, therefore we have reason not to be high-minded, but to fear. Heart-searching examination and fervent prayer are especially proper before the Lord's supper, that, as Christ our Passover is now sacrificed for us, we may keep this feast, renewing our repentance, our faith in his blood, and surrendering ourselves to his service.

Verses 26-30 This ordinance of the Lord's supper is to us the passover supper, by which we commemorate a much greater deliverance than that of Israel out of Egypt. Take, eat; accept of Christ as he is offered to you; receive the atonement, approve of it, submit to his grace and his government. Meat looked upon, be the dish ever so well garnished, will not nourish; it must be fed upon: so must the doctrine of Christ. This is my body; that is, spiritually, it signifies and represents his body. We partake of the sun, not by having the sun put into our hands, but the beams of it darted down upon us; so we partake of Christ by partaking of his grace, and the blessed fruits of the breaking of his body. The blood of Christ is signified and represented by the wine. He gave thanks, to teach us to look to God in every part of the ordinance. This cup he gave to the disciples with a command, Drink ye all of it. The pardon of sin is that great blessing which is, in the Lord's supper, conferred on all true believers; it is the foundation of all other blessings. He takes leave of such communion; and assures them of a happy meeting again at last; "Until that day when I drink it new with you", may be understood of the joys and glories of the future state, which the saints shall partake with the Lord Jesus. That will be the kingdom of his Father; the wine of consolation will there be always new. While we look at the outward signs of Christ's body broken and his blood shed for the remission of our sins, let us recollect that the feast cost him as much as though he had literally given his flesh to be eaten and his blood for us to drink.

Verses 31-35 Improper self-confidence, like that of Peter, is the first step to a fall. There is a proneness in all of us to be over-confident. But those fall soonest and foulest, who are the most confident in themselves. Those are least safe, who think themselves most secure. Satan is active to lead such astray; they are most off their guard: God leaves them to themselves, to humble them.

Verses 36-46 He who made atonement for the sins of mankind, submitted himself in a garden of suffering, to the will of God, from which man had revolted in a garden of pleasure. Christ took with him into that part of the garden where he suffered his agony, only those who had witnessed his glory in his transfiguration. Those are best prepared to suffer with Christ, who have by faith beheld his glory. The words used denote the most entire dejection, amazement, anguish, and horror of mind; the state of one surrounded with sorrows, overwhelmed with miseries, and almost swallowed up with terror and dismay. He now began to be sorrowful, and never ceased to be so till he said, It is finished. He prayed that, if possible, the cup might pass from him. But he also showed his perfect readiness to bear the load of his sufferings; he was willing to submit to all for our redemption and salvation. According to this example of Christ, we must drink of the bitterest cup which God puts into our hands; though nature struggle, it must submit. It should be more our care to get troubles sanctified, and our hearts satisfied under them, than to get them taken away. It is well for us that our salvation is in the hand of One who neither slumbers nor sleeps. All are tempted, but we should be much afraid of entering into temptation. To be secured from this, we should watch and pray, and continually look unto the Lord to hold us up that we may be safe. Doubtless our Lord had a clear and full view of the sufferings he was to endure, yet he spoke with the greatest calmness till this time. Christ was a Surety, who undertook to be answerable for our sins. Accordingly he was made sin for us, and suffered for our sins, the Just for the unjust; and Scripture ascribes his heaviest sufferings to the hand of God. He had full knowledge of the infinite evil of sin, and of the immense extent of that guilt for which he was to atone; with awful views of the Divine justice and holiness, and the punishment deserved by the sins of men, such as no tongue can express, or mind conceive. At the same time, Christ suffered being tempted; probably horrible thoughts were suggested by Satan that tended to gloom and every dreadful conclusion: these would be the more hard to bear from his perfect holiness. And did the load of imputed guilt so weigh down the soul of Him of whom it is said, He upholdeth all things by the word of his power? into what misery then must those sink whose sins are left upon their own heads! How will those escape who neglect so great salvation?

Verses 47-56 No enemies are so much to be abhorred as those professed disciples that betray Christ with a kiss. God has no need of our services, much less of our sins, to bring about his purposes. Though Christ was crucified through weakness, it was voluntary weakness; he submitted to death. If he had not been willing to suffer, they could not conquer him. It was a great sin for those who had left all to follow Jesus; now to leave him for they knew not what. What folly, for fear of death to flee from Him, whom they knew and acknowledged to be the Fountain of life!

Verses 57-68 Jesus was hurried into Jerusalem. It looks ill, and bodes worse, when those who are willing to be Christ's disciples, are not willing to be known to be so. Here began Peter's denying him: for to follow Christ afar off, is to begin to go back from him. It is more our concern to prepare for the end, whatever it may be, than curiously to ask what the end will be. The event is God's, but the duty is ours. Now the Scriptures were fulfilled, which said, False witnesses are risen up against me. Christ was accused, that we might not be condemned; and if at any time we suffer thus, let us remember we cannot expect to fare better than our Master. When Christ was made sin for us, he was silent, and left it to his blood to speak. Hitherto Jesus had seldom professed expressly to be the Christ, the Son of God; the tenor of his doctrine spoke it, and his miracles proved it; but now he would not omit to make an open confession of it. It would have looked like declining his sufferings. He thus confessed, as an example and encouragement to his followers, to confess him before men, whatever hazard they ran. Disdain, cruel mocking, and abhorrence, are the sure portion of the disciple as they were of the Master, from such as would buffet and deride the Lord of glory. These things were exactly foretold in the fiftieth chapter of Isaiah. Let us confess Christ's name, and bear the reproach, and he will confess us before his Father's throne.

Verses 69-75 Peter's sin is truly related, for the Scriptures deal faithfully. Bad company leads to sin: those who needlessly thrust themselves into it, may expect to be tempted and insnared, as Peter. They scarcely can come out of such company without guilt or grief, or both. It is a great fault to be shy of Christ; and to dissemble our knowledge of him, when we are called to own him, is, in effect, to deny him. Peter's sin was aggravated; but he fell into the sin by surprise, not as Judas, with design. But conscience should be to us as the crowing of the cock, to put us in mind of the sins we had forgotten. Peter was thus left to fall, to abate his self-confidence, and render him more modest, humble, compassionate, and useful to others. The event has taught believers many things ever since, and if infidels, Pharisees, and hypocrites stumble at it or abuse it, it is at their peril. Little do we know how we should act in very difficult situations, if we were left to ourselves. Let him, therefore, that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall; let us all distrust our own hearts, and rely wholly on the Lord. Peter wept bitterly. Sorrow for sin must not be slight, but great and deep. Peter, who wept so bitterly for denying Christ, never denied him again, but confessed him often in the face of danger. True repentance for any sin will be shown by the contrary grace and duty; that is a sign of our sorrowing not only bitterly, but sincerely.

Mateus 26 Commentaries

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