Salmos 86

1 Oración de David. Inclina, oh SEÑOR, tu oído, y óyeme; porque estoy pobre y menesteroso.
2 Guarda mi alma, porque soy misericordioso; salva tú, oh Dios mío, a tu siervo que en ti confía.
3 Ten misericordia de mí, oh SEÑOR; porque a ti clamo cada día.
4 Alegra el alma de tu siervo; porque a ti, oh Señor, levanto mi alma.
5 Porque tú, Señor, eres bueno y perdonador, y grande en misericordia para con todos los que te invocan.
6 Escucha, oh SEÑOR, mi oración, y está atento a la voz de mis ruegos.
7 En el día de mi angustia te llamaré; porque me respondes.
8 Oh Señor, ninguno hay como tú entre los dioses, ni hay otro que haga tus obras.
9 Todos los gentiles que hiciste vendrán y se humillarán delante de ti, Señor; y glorificarán tu Nombre.
10 Porque tú eres grande, y hacedor de maravillas; tú solo eres Dios.
11 Enséñame, oh SEÑOR, tu camino; caminaré yo en tu verdad; afirma mi corazón para que tema tu nombre.
12 Te alabaré, oh SEÑOR Dios mío, con todo mi corazón; y glorificaré tu Nombre para siempre.
13 Porque tu misericordia es grande sobre mí; y has librado mi alma del hoyo profundo.
14 Oh Dios, soberbios se levantaron contra mí, y conspiración de fuertes ha buscado mi alma, y no te pusieron delante de sí.
15 Mas tú, Señor, Dios misericordioso y clemente, lento para la ira, y grande en misericordia y verdad;
16 mira en mi, y ten misericordia de mí; da fortaleza tuya a tu siervo, y guarda al hijo de tu sierva.
17 Haz conmigo señal para bien, y véanla los que me aborrecen, y sean avergonzados; porque tú, SEÑOR, me ayudaste, y me consolaste.

Salmos 86 Commentary

Chapter 86

The psalmist pleads his earnestness, and the mercy of God, as reasons why his prayer should be heard. (1-7) He renews his requests for help and comfort. (8-17)

Verses 1-7 Our poverty and wretchedness, when felt, powerfully plead in our behalf at the throne of grace. The best self-preservation is to commit ourselves to God's keeping. I am one whom thou favourest, hast set apart for thyself, and made partaker of sanctifying grace. It is a great encouragement to prayer, to feel that we have received the converting grace of God, have learned to trust in him, and to be his servants. We may expect comfort from God, when we keep up our communion with God. God's goodness appears in two things, in giving and forgiving. Whatever others do, let us call upon God, and commit our case to him; we shall not seek in vain.

Verses 8-17 Our God alone possesses almighty power and infinite love. Christ is the way and the truth. And the believing soul will be more desirous to be taught the way and the truth. And the believing soul will be more desirous to be taught the way and the truth of God, in order to walk therein, than to be delivered out of earthly distress. Those who set not the Lord before them, seek after believers' souls; but the compassion, mercy, and truth of God, will be their refuge and consolation. And those whose parents were the servants of the Lord, may urge this as a plea why he should hear and help them. In considering David's experience, and that of the believer, we must not lose sight of Him, who though he was rich, for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich.

Chapter Summary


\\<>\\. The title is the same with the Seventeenth Psalm, and the subject of it is much alike: it was written by David, when in distress, and his life was sought after; very likely when he was persecuted by Saul, and fled from him; so Aben Ezra, Jarchi, and Kimchi: and as he was a type of Christ in his afflictions, as well as in his exalted state, it may not be unfitly applied to him, as it is by some interpreters. The Syriac inscription of it is, ``for David, when he built an house for the Lord; and a prophecy of the calling of the Gentiles; and moreover, a prayer of a peculiar righteous man.'' Theodoret thinks it predicts the siege of Jerusalem by the Assyrians, and Hezekiah's hope in God.

Salmos 86 Commentaries
