Numbers 16

1 And Corah the sonne of Iezehar the sonne of Cahath the sonne of Leui: and Dathan and Abiram the sonne of Eliab and On the sonne of Peleth the sonne of Ruben:
2 stode vpp before Moses with other of the childern of Israel .ij. hundred and fyftie heedes of the congregacion and councelers and men of fame
3 and they gathered the selues together agenst Moses and Aaron and sayed vnto them: ye haue done ynough. For all the multitude are holy euery one of them and the Lorde is amonge them. Why therfore heue ye youre selues vpp aboue the congregacion of the Lorde.
4 When Moses herde it he fell apon his face
5 and spake vnto Corah and vnto all his companye sayenge: tomorow the Lorde will shewe who is his and who is holy and will take them vnto him and whom so euer he hath chosen he will cause to come to him.
6 This doo: take fyrepannes thou Corah and all the companye
7 and do fyre therein ad put ces thereto before the Lorde tomorowe: And then whom soeuer the Lorde doeth chose the same is holy. Ye make ynough to doo ye childern of Leui.
8 And Moses sayed vnto Corah: heare ye childern of leui
9 Semeth it but a small thynge vnto you that ye God of Israel hath separated you fro the multitude of Israel to brynge you to him to doo the seruyce of the dwellynge place of the Lorde and to stonde before the people to minystre vnto them?
10 he hath taken the to him and all thi brethern the sonnes of leui with the and ye seke the office of ye preast also.
11 For which cause both thou and all thi companye are gathered together agenst the Lorde: for what is Aaron that ye shulde murmure agenst him.
12 And Moses sent to call Dathan ad Abiram the sonnes of Eliab and they answered: we will not come.
13 Semeth it a small thynge vnto the that thou hast broughte us out of a londe that floweth with mylke and honye to kyll us in ye wildernesse. But that thou shuldest reygne ouer us also?
14 More ouer thou hast broughte us vnto no londe that floweth with mylke and honye nether hast geuen us possessions of feldes or of vynes. Ether wilt thou pull out the eyes of these men? we wyll not come.
15 And Moses waxed very angrye and sayed vnto the Lorde: Turne not vnto their offerynges. I haue not taken so moch as an asse from them nether haue vexed any of them.
16 Then Moses sayed vnto Corah: Be thou ad all thy companye before the Lorde: both thou they and Aaron to morowe.
17 And take euery man his censer and put cens in them and come before the Lorde euery man with hys censer: two hundred and fyftie censers and Aaron with his censer.
18 And they toke euery man his censer and put fyre in them and layed cens thereon and stode in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse and Moses and Aaron also.
19 And Corah gathered all the congregacyon agenst them vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.And the glorye of the Lorde appered vnto all the congregacion.
20 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge:
21 separate youre selues from this congregacion that I maye consume them at once.
22 And they fell apon their faces and sayed: O most myghtie God of the spirites of all fleshe one ma hath synned and wilt thou be wroth with all the multitude?
23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
24 speake vnto the congregacion and saye: Gett you awaye from aboute the dwellynge of Corah Dathan and Abiram.
25 And Moses rose vpp and went vnto Dathan and Abira and the elders of Israel folowed him.
26 And he spake vnto the congregacyon sayenge: departe from the tentes of these weked men and twyche nothinge of theres: lest ye peryshe in all there synnes.
27 And they gate them from the dwellynge of Corah Dathan and Abiram on euery syde. And Dathan and Abiram came out and stode in ye dore of there tetes with their wyues their sonnes and their childern.
28 And Moses sayed: Hereby ye shall knowe that the Lorde hath sent me to doo all these workes and that I haue not done them of myne awne mynde:
29 Yf these men dye the comon deth of all men or yf they be visyted after the visitacion of all men then the Lorde hath not sent me.
30 But and yf the Lorde make a newe thinge and the erth open hir mouthe and swalowe them and all that pertayne vnto them so that they goo doune quycke in to hell: then ye shall vnderstod that these me haue rayled apon the Lorde.
31 And as soone as he had made an ende of speakynge all these wordes the grounde cloue asunder that was vnder them
32 and ye erth opened hir mouthe and swalowed them and their housses and all the me that were with Corah and all their goodes.
33 And they and all that pertayned vnto them went doune alyue vnto hell and the erthe closed apon them and they peryshed from amonge the congregacyon.
34 And all Israel that were aboute them fledde at the crye of them. For they sayed: The erthe myghte happelye swalowe vs also.
35 And there came oute a fyre from the Lorde and consumed the two hundred and fyftye men that offred cens.
36 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
37 Speake vnto Eleazer the sonne of Aaron the preaste and let him take vppe the censers oute of the burnynge and scater the fyre here and there for
38 the censers of these synners are halowed in theyr deethes: and let them be beten in to thyne places and fastened apon the altare. For they offred the before the Lorde and therfore they are holye and they shalbe a sygne vnto the childern of Israel.
39 And Eleazar the preast toke the brasen censers which they that were burnt had offered and bet them and fastened them vppon the altare
40 to be a remembraunce vnto the childern of Israel that no straunger whiche is not of the seed of Aaron come nere to offer cens before the Lorde that he be not made like vnto Corah and his companye: as the Lorde sayed vnto him by the hande of Moses.
41 And on the morowe all the multitude of the childern of Israell murmured agenste Moses and Aaron sayenge: ye haue kylled the people of the Lorde.
42 And when the multitude was gathered agenste Moses and Aaron they loked towarde the tabernacle of witnesse. And beholde the cloude had couered it and the glorye of the Lorde appeared.
43 And Moses and Aaron went before the tabernacle of witnesse.
44 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
45 Gett you from this congregacyon that I maye consume them quyckelye. And they fell apon theyr faces.
46 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: take a censer and put fyre therein out of the alter and poure on cens and goo quyckly vnto the cogregacion and make an attonement for the. For there is wrath gone oute from the Lorde and there is a plage begone.
47 And Aaron toke as Moses commaunded him and ran vnto the congregacion: and beholde the plage was begone amonge the people and he put on cens and made an attonement for the people.
48 And he stode betwene the deed and them that were alyue and the plage ceased.
49 And the numbre of them that dyed in the plage were .xiiij. thousande and seuen hundred: besyde them that dyed aboute the busynes of Corah.
50 And Aaron went agayne vnto Moses vnto the dore off the tabernacle of witnesse and the plage ceased.

Numbers 16 Commentary

Chapter 16

The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram Korah contends for the priesthood. (1-11) Disobedience of Dathan and Abiram. (12-15) The glory of the Lord appears The intercession of Moses and Aaron. (16-22) The earth swallows up Dathan and Abiram. (23-34) The company of Korah consumed. (35-40) The people murmur A plague sent. (41-50)

Verses 1-11 Pride and ambition occasion a great deal of mischief both in churches and states. The rebels quarrel with the settlement of the priesthood upon Aaron and his family. Small reason they had to boast of the people's purity, or of God's favour, as the people had been so often and so lately polluted with sin, and were now under the marks of God's displeasure. They unjustly charge Moses and Aaron with taking honour to themselves; whereas they were called of God to it. See here, 1. What spirit levellers are of; those who resist the powers God has set over them. 2. What usage they have been serviceable. Moses sought instruction from God. The heart of the wise studies to answer, and asks counsel of God. Moses shows their privileges as Levites, and convicts them of the sin of undervaluing these privileges. It will help to keep us from envying those above us, duly to consider how many there are below us.

Verses 12-15 Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram to bring their complaints; but they would not obey. They bring very false charges against Moses. Those often fall under the heaviest censures, who in truth deserve the highest praise. Moses, though the meekest man, yet, finding God reproached in him, was very wroth; he could not bear to see the people ruining themselves. He appeals to God as to his own integrity. He bade them appear with Aaron next morning, at the time of offering the morning incense. Korah undertook thus to appear. Proud ambitious men, while projecting their own advancement, often hurry on their own shameful fall.

Verses 16-22 The same glory of the Lord that appeared to place Aaron in his office at first, ( Leviticus 9:23 ) , now appeared to confirm him in it; and to confound those who set up against him. Nothing is more terrible to those who are conscious of guilt, than the appearance of the Divine glory. See how dangerous it is to have fellowship with sinners, and to partake with them. Though the people had treacherously deserted them, yet Moses and Aaron approved themselves faithful shepherds of Israel. If others fail in their duty to us, that does not take away the obligations we are under to seek their welfare. Their prayer was a pleading prayer, and it proved a prevailing one.

Verses 23-34 The seventy elders of Israel attend Moses. It is our duty to do what we can to countenance and support lawful authority when it is opposed. And those who would not perish with sinners, must come out from among them, and be separate. It was in answer to the prayer of Moses, that God stirred up the hearts of the congregation to remove for their own safety. Grace to separate from evil-doers is one of the things that accompany salvation. God, in justice, left the rebels to the obstinacy and hardness of their own hearts. Moses, by Divine direction, when all Israel were waiting the event, declares that if the rebels die a common death, he will be content to be called and counted an imposter. As soon as Moses had spoken the word, God caused the earth to open and swallow them all up. The children perished with their parents; in which, though we cannot tell how bad they might be to deserve it, or how good God might be otherwise to them; yet of this we are sure, that Infinite Justice did them no wrong. It was altogether miraculous. God has, when he pleases, strange punishments for the workers of iniquity. It was very significant. Considering how the earth is still in like manner loaded with the weight of man's sins, we have reason to wonder that it does not now sink under its load. The ruin of others should be our warning. Could we, by faith, hear the outcries of those that are gone down to the bottomless pit, we should give more diligence than we do to escape for our lives, lest we also come into their condemnation.

Verses 35-40 A fire went out from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense, while Aaron, who stood with them, was preserved alive. God is jealous of the honour of his own institutions, and will not have them invaded. The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. The censers are devoted, and, as all devoted things, must be made serviceable to the glory of God. This covering of the altar would remind the children of Israel of this event, that others might hear and fear, and do no more presumptuously. They brought destruction on themselves both in body and soul. Thus all who break the law and neglect the gospel choose and love death.

Verses 41-50 The gaping earth was scarcely closed, before the same sins are again committed, and all these warnings slighted. They called the rebels the people of the Lord; and find fault with Divine justice. The obstinacy of Israel notwithstanding the terrors of God's law, as given on mount Sinai, and the terrors of his judgments, shows how necessary the grace of God is to change men's hearts and lives. Love will do what fear cannot. Moses and Aaron interceded with God for mercy, knowing how great the provocation was. Aaron went, and burned incense between the living and the dead, not to purify the air, but to pacify an offended God. As one tender of the life of every Israelite, Aaron made all possible speed. We must render good for evil. Observe especially, that Aaron was a type of Christ. There is an infection of sin in the world, which only the cross and intercession of Jesus Christ can stay and remove. He enters the defiled and dying camp. He stands between the dead and the living; between the eternal Judge and the souls under condemnation. We must have redemption through His blood, even the remission of sins. We admire the ready devotion of Aaron: shall we not bless and praise the unspeakable grace and love which filled the Saviour's heart, when he placed himself in our stead, and bought us with his life? Greatly indeed hath God commended his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, ( Romans 5:8 ) .

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of a sedition of Korah and others against Moses and Aaron, Nu 16:1-4, with whom Moses expostulates, and shows the unreasonableness of their clamour against Aaron, Nu 16:5-11; sends for Dathan and Abiram, who were in the confederacy, but refused to come, which greatly angered Moses, Nu 16:12-15; orders Korah and his company to appear before the Lord the next day, with Aaron, to have the controversy decided, Nu 16:16-18; when all the congregation gathered together would have been, consumed had it not been for the intercession of Moses and Aaron, Nu 16:19-22; and who, being separated from the rebels by the command of the Lord, some of the rebels were swallowed up in the earth, and others destroyed by fire from heaven, Nu 16:23-35; and their censers were made a covering for the altar, as a memorial of their sin, Nu 16:36-40; on which there was a new insurrection of the people, which brought a plague upon them, and destroyed 14,700 persons, and which was stopped at the intercession of Aaron, Nu 16:41-50.

Numbers 16 Commentaries

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