Numbers 35

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in ye feldes of Moab by Iordayne Iericho sayenge:
2 commaunde the childern of Israel that they geue vnto the leuites of the enheritauce of their possession: cities to dwell in. And ye shall geue also vnto the cities of ye leuites suburbes rounde aboute them.
3 The cities shalbe for them to dwell in and ye suburbes for their catell possession and all maner bestes of theirs.
4 And the suburbes of the cities which ye shall geue vnto the leuites shall reach from the wall of ye citie outwarde a thousande cubites rounde aboute.
5 And ye shall measure without the citie and make the utmost border of the eastsyde: two thousande cubites And the vtmost border of the south syde: two thousande cubetes And the vtmost border of the west syde: two thousande cubetes: and the vtmost border of the north syde: two thousande cubetes also: and the citie shalbe in the myddes. And these shall be the suburbes of their cities.
6 And amonge the cities which ye shall geue vnto the leuites there shall be sixe cities of fraunches which ye shall geue to that intent that he which killeth maye flye thyder. And to them ye shall adde .xlij. cities mo:
7 so that all the cities which ye shall geue the leuites shalbe .xlviij. with their suburbes.
8 And of the cities which ye shall geue oute of the possessyons of the childern of Israel ye shall geue many out of their possessions that haue moche and fewe out of their possessios that haue litle: so that euery tribe shall geue of his cities vnto the leuites acordinge to the enheritaunce which he enhereteth.
9 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
10 speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto them: when ye be come ouer Iordayne in to the londe of Canaan
11 ye shall bylde cities whiche shalbe preuyleged townes for you: that he whiche sleeth a man vnwares maye flye thither.
12 And the cities shalbe to flee from the executer of bloude that he whyche kylled dye not vntill he stonde before the congregacion in iudgement.
13 And of these vi. fre cities
14 which ye shall geue .iij. ye shall geue on this syde Iordayne and .iij. in ye londe of Canaan.
15 And these sixe fre cities shalbe for the childern of Israel and for the straunger and for him that dwelleth amonge you yt all thei which kill any persone vnwares maye flee thither.
16 Yf any man smyte another with a wepo of yerne that he dye than he is a murtherer and shall dye for it.
17 Yf he smyte him with a throwinge stone that he dye therwith then he shall dye: for he is a murtherer and shalbe slayne therfore.
18 Yf he smyte him with a handwepon of wodd that he dye therwith then he shall dye: for he is a murtherer and shalbe slayne therfore.
19 The iudge of bloude shall slee the murtherer as sone as he fyndeth him:
20 Yf he thrust him of hate or hourle at him with layenge of wayte that he dye
21 or smyte him with his hande of enuye that he dye he that smote him shall dye for he is a murtherer. The iustice of bloude shall slee him as soone as he fyndeth him.
22 But and yf he pusshed him by chaunce and not of hate or cast at him with any maner of thynge and not of layenge of wayte:
23 or cast any maner of stone at him that he dye therewith and sawe him not: And he cast it apon him and he dyed but was not his enemye nether soughte him ony harme:
24 Then the cogregacion shall iudge betwene the sleer ad the executer of bloude in soche cases.
25 And the congregacion shall delyuer the sleer out of the hande of the iudge of bloude and shall restore him agayne vnto the fraunchesed cytye whother he was fleed. And he shall byde there vnto the dethe off the hye preaste whiche was anoynted with holy oyle.
26 But and yf he came without the borders of his preuyleged citie whether he was fled
27 yf the bloudvenger fynde him without the borders of his fre towne he shall flee the murtherer and be giltlesse
28 because he shulde haue hidden in his fre towne vntyll the deth of the hye preaste and after the deth of the hye preast he shall returne agayne vnto the londe of his possessyon.
29 And this shalbe an ordinaunce and a lawe vnto you amonge youre childern after you in all youre habitacions.
30 Whosoeuer sleeth shalbe slaine at ye mouthe of witnesses. For one witnesse shall not answere agenste one persone to put him to deeth.
31 Moreouer ye shall take none amendes for the lyfe of the murtherer whiche is worthy to dye: But he shall be put to deeth.
32 Also ye shall take none atonement for him yt is fled to a fre citie that he shulde come agayne and dwell in the londe before the deeth of the hye preast.
33 And se that ye polute not the londe which ye are in for bloude defyleth the londe. And the londe can none other wyse be clensed of ye bloude that is shed therein but by the bloude of it that shed it.
34 Defyle not therfore the londe which ye inhabitt and in the myddes of which I also dwell for I am ye Lorde which dwell amonge the childern of Israel.

Numbers 35 Commentary

Chapter 35

The cities of the Levites. (1-8) The cities of refuge, The laws about murder. (9-34)

Verses 1-8 The cities of the priests and Levites were not only to accommodate them, but to place them, as religious teachers, in several parts of the land. For though the typical service of the tabernacle or temple was only in one place, the preaching of the word of God, and prayer and praise, were not thus confined. These cities were to be given out of each tribe. Each thus made a grateful acknowledgement to God. Each tribe had the benefit of the Levites dwelling amongst them, to teach them the knowledge of the Lord; thus no parts of the country were left to sit in darkness. The gospel provides that he who is taught in the word, should communicate to him that teaches, in all good things, Ga. 6:6 . We are to free God's ministers from distracting cares, and to leave them at leisure for the duties of their station; so that they may be wholly employed therein, and avail themselves of every opportunity, by acts of kindness, to gain the good-will of the people, and to draw their attention.

Verses 9-34 To show plainly the abhorrence of murder, and to provide the more effectually for the punishment of the murderer, the nearest relation of the deceased, under the title of avenger of blood, (or the redeemer of blood,) in notorious cases, might pursue, and execute vengeance. A distinction is made, not between sudden anger and malice aforethought, both which are the crime of murder; but between intentionally striking a man with any weapon likely to cause death, and an unintentional blow. In the latter case alone, the city of refuge afforded protection. Murder in all its forms, and under all disguises, pollutes a land. Alas! that so many murders, under the name of duels, prize-fights, &c. should pass unpunished. There were six cities of refuge; one or other might be reached in less than a day's journey from any part of the land. To these, man-slayers might flee for refuge, and be safe, till they had a fair trial. If acquitted from the charge, they were protected from the avenger of blood; yet they must continue within the bounds of the city till the death of the high priest. Thus we are reminded that the death of the great High Priest is the only means whereby sins are pardoned, and sinners set at liberty. These cities are plainly alluded to, both in the Old and New Testament, we cannot doubt the typical character of their appointment. Turn ye to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope, saith the voice of mercy, ( Zechariah 9:12 ) , alluding to the city of refuge. St. Paul describes the strong consolation of fleeing for refuge to the hope set before us, in a passage always applied to the gracious appointment of the cities of refuge, ( Hebrews 6:18 ) . The rich mercies of salvation, through Christ, prefigured by these cities, demand our regard. 1. Did the ancient city rear its towers of safety on high? See Christ raised up on the cross; and is he not exalted at the right hand of his Father, to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance and remission of sins? 2. Does not the highway of salvation, resemble the smooth and plain path to the city of refuge? Survey the path that leads to the Redeemer. Is there any stumbling-block to be found therein, except that which an evil heart of unbelief supplies for its own fall? 3. Waymarks were set up pointing to the city. And is it not the office of the ministers of the gospel to direct sinners to Him? 4. The gate of the city stood open night and day. Has not Christ declared, Him that cometh unto me I will in nowise cast out? 5. The city of refuge afforded support to every one who entered its walls. Those who have reached the refuge, may live by faith on Him whose flesh is meat indeed, and whose blood is drink indeed. 6. The city was a refuge for all. In the gospel there is no respect of persons. That soul lives not which deserves not Divine wrath; that soul lives not which may not in simple faith hope for salvation and life eternal, through the Son of God.

Chapter Summary


Though the tribe of Levi had no part in the division of the land, yet cities out of the several tribes are here ordered to be given them to dwell in, to the number of forty eight, Nu 35:1-8, six of which were to be cities of refuge, Nu 35:9-15, but not for wilful murderers, in whatsoever way they might kill a man, Nu 35:16-21, but for such who had killed a man unawares, Nu 35:22-24, and several rules are given relating to such persons, Nu 35:25-29, but no satisfaction was to be taken in case of murder, nor to excuse a person's return to his own house before the death of the high priest, who had fled to a city of refuge, that so the land might not be defiled, Nu 35:30-34.

Numbers 35 Commentaries

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