Genesis 33

1 levans autem Iacob oculos suos vidit venientem Esau et cum eo quadringentos viros divisitque filios Liae et Rahel ambarumque famularum
2 et posuit utramque ancillam et liberos earum in principio Liam vero et filios eius in secundo loco Rahel autem et Ioseph novissimos
3 et ipse praegrediens adoravit pronus in terram septies donec adpropinquaret frater eius
4 currens itaque Esau obviam fratri suo amplexatus est eum stringensque collum et osculans flevit
5 levatisque oculis vidit mulieres et parvulos earum et ait quid sibi volunt isti et si ad te pertinent respondit parvuli sunt quos donavit mihi Deus servo tuo
6 et adpropinquantes ancillae et filii earum incurvati sunt
7 accessitque Lia cum liberis suis et cum similiter adorassent extremi Ioseph et Rahel adoraverunt
8 quaenam sunt inquit istae turmae quas obvias habui respondit ut invenirem gratiam coram domino meo
9 et ille habeo ait plurima frater mi sint tua tibi
10 dixit Iacob noli ita obsecro sed si inveni gratiam in oculis tuis accipe munusculum de manibus meis sic enim vidi faciem tuam quasi viderim vultum Dei esto mihi propitius
11 et suscipe benedictionem quam adtuli tibi et quam donavit mihi Deus tribuens omnia vix fratre conpellente suscipiens
12 ait gradiamur simul eroque socius itineris tui
13 dixit Iacob nosti domine mi quod parvulos habeam teneros et oves ac boves fetas mecum quas si plus in ambulando fecero laborare morientur una die cuncti greges
14 praecedat dominus meus ante servum suum et ego sequar paulatim vestigia eius sicut videro posse parvulos meos donec veniam ad dominum meum in Seir
15 respondit Esau oro te ut de populo qui mecum est saltem socii remaneant viae tuae non est inquit necesse hoc uno indigeo ut inveniam gratiam in conspectu domini mei
16 reversus est itaque illo die Esau itinere quo venerat in Seir
17 et Iacob venit in Soccoth ubi aedificata domo et fixis tentoriis appellavit nomen loci illius Soccoth id est Tabernacula
18 transivitque in Salem urbem Sycimorum quae est in terra Chanaan postquam regressus est de Mesopotamiam Syriae et habitavit iuxta oppidum
19 emitque partem agri in qua fixerat tabernaculum a filiis Emor patris Sychem centum agnis
20 et erecto ibi altari invocavit super illud Fortissimum Deum Israhel

Genesis 33 Commentary

Chapter 33

The friendly meeting of Jacob and Esau. (1-16) Jacob comes to Succoth and Shalem, He builds an altar. (17-20)

Verses 1-16 Jacob, having by prayer committed his case to God, went on his way. Come what will, nothing can come amiss to him whose heart is fixed, trusting in God. Jacob bowed to Esau. A humble, submissive behaviour goes far towards turning away wrath. Esau embraced Jacob. God has the hearts of all men in his hands, and can turn them when and how he pleases. It is not in vain to trust in God, and to call upon him in the day of trouble. And when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Esau receives Jacob as a brother, and much tenderness passes between them. Esau asks, Who are those with thee? To this common question, Jacob spoke like himself, like a man whose eyes are ever directed towards the Lord. Jacob urged Esau, though his fear was over, and he took his present. It is well when men's religion makes them generous, free-hearted, and open-handed. But Jacob declined Esau's offer to accompany him. It is not desirable to be too intimate with superior ungodly relations, who will expect us to join in their vanities, or at least to wink at them, though they blame, and perhaps mock at, our religion. Such will either be a snare to us, or offended with us. We shall venture the loss of all things, rather than endanger our souls, if we know their value; rather than renounce Christ, if we truly love him. And let Jacob's care and tender attention to his family and flocks remind us of the good Shepherd of our souls, who gathers the lambs with his arm, and carries them in his bosom, and gently leads those that are with young, ( Isaiah 40:11 ) . As parents, teachers or pastors, we should all follow his example.

Verses 17-20 Jacob did not content himself with words of thanks for God's favour to him, but gave real thanks. Also he kept up religion, and the worship of God in his family. Where we have a tent, God must have an altar. Jacob dedicated this altar to the honour of El-elohe-Israel, God, the God of Israel; to the honour of God, the only living and true God; and to the honour of the God of Israel, as a God in covenant with him. Israel's God is Israel's glory. Blessed be his name, he is still the mighty God, the God of Israel. May we praise his name, and rejoice in his love, through our pilgrimage here on earth, and for ever in the heavenly Canaan.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter we find Esau meeting Jacob in a friendly manner, contrary to his fears and expectation, having set his family in order in case of the worst, Ge 33:1-4; putting questions to Jacob concerning the women and children with him, who make their obeisance to him as Jacob had done before, Ge 33:5-7; and concerning the drove he met, which was a present to him, and which he refused at first to take, but at the urgency of Jacob accepted of it, Ge 33:8-11; proposing to travel with him, unto which Jacob desired to be excused, he, with the women, children, and flocks, not being able to keep pace with him, Ge 33:12-14, and to leave some of his men with him to guard him, which Jacob judged unnecessary, upon which they parted friendly, Ge 33:15,16; and the chapter is concluded with an account of Jacob's journey, first to Succoth, then to Shalem, where he pitched his tent, bought a field and built an altar, Ge 33:17-20.

Genesis 33 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.