Isaiah 41:12

12 quaeres eos et non invenies viros rebelles tuos erunt quasi non sint et veluti consumptio homines bellantes adversum te

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Isaiah 41:12 Meaning and Commentary

Ver. 12 Thou shall seek them, and shalt not find them
They not existing, or being fled into holes and corners, to rocks and mountains, to hide themselves from the wrath of the Lamb, ( Revelation 6:15-17 ) : even them that contended with thee;
or, "the men of thy contention" {p}; who contended with them, not by words and arguments, but by severe persecutions, striving thereby to hinder the progress of the Gospel, and to root Christianity out of the world: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of
or, "the men of thy war" F17; that proclaimed and carried on war against the Christians, in order to destroy them utterly; yet they, and all their efforts, came to nothing, the Gospel prevailed, and Paganism was utterly abolished; which came to pass in Constantine's time, at the opening of the sixth seal, ( Revelation 6:12-14 ) which is a proper comment on this text.

F16 (Kytum yvna) "viros jurgii tui", Montanus.
F17 (Ktmxlm yvna) "viri belli tui", Vatablus; "pugnae tuae", Montanus.

Isaiah 41:12 In-Context

10 ne timeas quia tecum sum ego ne declines quia ego Deus tuus confortavi te et auxiliatus sum tui et suscepi te dextera iusti mei
11 ecce confundentur et erubescent omnes qui pugnant adversum te erunt quasi non sint et peribunt viri qui contradicunt tibi
12 quaeres eos et non invenies viros rebelles tuos erunt quasi non sint et veluti consumptio homines bellantes adversum te
13 quia ego Dominus Deus tuus adprehendens manum tuam dicensque tibi ne timeas ego adiuvi te
14 noli timere vermis Iacob qui mortui estis ex Israhel ego auxiliatus sum tui dicit Dominus et redemptor tuus Sanctus Israhel
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.