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Isaiah 62:2

2 et videbunt gentes iustum tuum et cuncti reges inclitum tuum et vocabitur tibi nomen novum quod os Domini nominabit

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Isaiah 62:2 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 62:2

And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness
The innocence of her case, and the justness of her cause, and the vengeance took on her enemies, all being so clear as before declared; as well as her justifying righteousness, which being published in the Gospel to the Gentiles, they shall see it, embrace it, and shall be justified by it, ( Romans 1:17 ) ( 3:30 ) or "thy righteous One", as the Vulgate Latin version, Christ:

and all kings thy glory;
or, "thy glorious One", as the same version; her Lord in whom she glories, and who is a glory to her, whom kings shall fall down before and worship, ( Psalms 72:10 Psalms 72:11 ) or the glorious state of the church, which shall draw the eyes of kings unto it, and who shall promote it by bringing their glory into it, ( Isaiah 60:1-3 ) ( 49:23 ) ( Revelation 21:24 ) . Vitringa thinks all this refers to the times of Constantine, before which kings had not seen the glory of the church, nor had she seen kings subject to her; but now they began to see the glory of the kingdom of Christ: but it is better to interpret it of the latter day, when not only kings begin to see, not a few of them, but all in general shall see it:

and thou shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord
shall name;
either "Jehovah Shammah", "The Lord is there"; his presence being among his church and people at this time in a remarkable manner, ( Ezekiel 48:35 ) or Jehovah our righteousness; this being most clearly revealed, as before observed, ( Jeremiah 33:16 ) or Christ, to whom she is so closely united, and so nearly allied, as to have his name on her, ( 1 Corinthians 12:12 ) or the church, and church of God, and of Christ, names only to be met with in the New Testament, and under the Gospel dispensation; or the name of Christians from Christ, ( Acts 11:26 ) , or, as is more commonly received, the name of the sons of God, which the church of converted Jews shall have in the latter day, when the name of "Loammi" is taken off from them, ( Hosea 1:10 ) , and to this passage there may be an allusion in ( Revelation 2:17 ) ( 3:12 ) . This name is a new name; a renewed one, at the time of regeneration and faith, which was anciently provided in predestination, and bestowed in the covenant of grace; a renowned one, better than that of sons and daughters of the greatest potentates, and attended with various privileges; a wonderful name, an instance of marvellous grace in God, who stood in no need of adopted ones, and to them so unworthy of it; and which is ever new, and will always continue; this blessing of grace is of God, and not of men, and is to be ascribed to the grace of God, Father, Son and Spirit. Kimchi makes this new name to be "Hephzibah", ( Isaiah 62:4 ) , not amiss.

Isaiah 62:2 In-Context

1 propter Sion non tacebo et propter Hierusalem non quiescam donec egrediatur ut splendor iustus eius et salvator eius ut lampas accendatur
2 et videbunt gentes iustum tuum et cuncti reges inclitum tuum et vocabitur tibi nomen novum quod os Domini nominabit
3 et eris corona gloriae in manu Domini et diadema regni in manu Dei tui
4 non vocaberis ultra Derelicta et terra tua non vocabitur amplius Desolata sed vocaberis Voluntas mea in ea et terra tua Inhabitata quia conplacuit Domino in te et terra tua inhabitabitur
5 habitabit enim iuvenis cum virgine et habitabunt in te filii tui et gaudebit sponsus super sponsam gaudebit super te Deus tuus
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.