Isaiah 7:22

22 et prae ubertate lactis comedet butyrum butyrum enim et mel manducabit omnis qui relictus fuerit in medio terrae

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Isaiah 7:22 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 7:22

And it shall come to pass, for the abundance of milk
[that] they shall give
The cow and the two sheep, having large pastures, and few cattle to feed upon them, those few would give such abundance of milk, that the owner of them would make butter of it, and live upon it, having no occasion to eat milk; and there being few or none to sell it to: he shall eat butter;
the milk producing a sufficient quantity of it for himself and his family: for butter and honey shall everyone eat that is left in the land:
signifying that though they would be few, they would enjoy a plenty of such sort of food as their small flocks and herds would furnish them with, and the bees produce. The Targum and Jarchi interpret this of the righteous that shall be left in the land; but it is rather to be extended unto all, righteous and unrighteous.

Isaiah 7:22 In-Context

20 in die illa radet Dominus in novacula conducta in his qui trans Flumen sunt in rege Assyriorum caput et pilos pedum et barbam universam
21 et erit in die illa nutriet homo vaccam boum et duas oves
22 et prae ubertate lactis comedet butyrum butyrum enim et mel manducabit omnis qui relictus fuerit in medio terrae
23 et erit in die illa omnis locus ubi fuerint mille vites mille argenteis et in spinas et in vepres erunt
24 cum sagittis et arcu ingredientur illuc vepres enim et spinae erunt in universa terra
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.