2 Corinthians 7:11

11 ecce enim hoc ipsum secundum Deum contristari vos quantam in vobis operatur sollicitudinem sed defensionem sed indignationem sed timorem sed desiderium sed aemulationem sed vindictam in omnibus exhibuistis vos incontaminatos esse negotio

2 Corinthians 7:11 Meaning and Commentary

2 Corinthians 7:11

For behold, this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a
godly sort
The apostle proceeds to describe godly sorrow by its effects, which are so many evidences of the sincerity and genuineness of it; some of the things mentioned are peculiar to the case of the Corinthians, and others common to evangelical repentance in any:

what carefulness it wrought in you;
to remove the incestuous person from communion with them, which they were very negligent of before; to sin no more after this sort; to keep up, for the future, a more strict and regular discipline in the church; to perform good works in general, and not to offend God:

yea, what clearing of yourselves;
not by denying the fact, or lessening, or defending it; but by acknowledging their neglect, praying it might be overlooked, declaring that they were not partakers of the sin; nor did they approve of it, but disliked and abhorred it, and were highly pleased with the method the apostle advised to:

yea, what indignation;
not against the person of the offender, but against his sin; and not his only but their own too, in not appearing against him, and taking notice of him sooner; and particularly that they should act in such a manner, as to deserve the just rebuke of the apostle:

yea, what fear;
not of hell and damnation, as in wicked men and devils, who repent not; but of God, and of grieving his ministers; and lest the corruption should spread in the church, as the apostle had suggested, "a little leaven leavens the whole lump";

yea, what vehement desire;
of seeing the apostle; of giving him full satisfaction; of behaving in quite another manner for the time to come; and to be kept from evil, and to honour God by a becoming conversation:

yea, what zeal;
for God and his glory; for restoring the discipline of the church: for the doctrines of the Gospel; for the ordinances of Christ's house; for the supporting the character of the apostle, and other ministers of the word, against the false apostles:

yea, what revenge;
not of persons in a private way, vengeance belongs to God; but of all disobedience, particularly that of the unhappy criminal among them, which has shown in the punishment inflicted on him by many:

in all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this
of the incestuous person: it appeared plainly that they did not consent to, and approve of his sin; and though at first they were unconcerned about it, did not mourn over it as they ought, nor make such haste to deal with the offender as they should, yet having discovered true repentance for their sloth, negligence, and indulgence, they are acquitted, and stand, in the apostle's view of them, as if they had not offended.

2 Corinthians 7:11 In-Context

9 nunc gaudeo non quia contristati estis sed quia contristati estis ad paenitentiam contristati enim estis secundum Deum ut in nullo detrimentum patiamini ex nobis
10 quae enim secundum Deum tristitia est paenitentiam in salutem stabilem operatur saeculi autem tristitia mortem operatur
11 ecce enim hoc ipsum secundum Deum contristari vos quantam in vobis operatur sollicitudinem sed defensionem sed indignationem sed timorem sed desiderium sed aemulationem sed vindictam in omnibus exhibuistis vos incontaminatos esse negotio
12 igitur et si scripsi vobis non propter eum qui fecit iniuriam nec propter eum qui passus est sed ad manifestandam sollicitudinem nostram quam pro vobis habemus ad vos coram Deo
13 ideo consolati sumus in consolatione autem nostra abundantius magis gavisi sumus super gaudium Titi quia refectus est spiritus eius ab omnibus vobis
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