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2 Kings 9

1 Heliseus autem prophetes vocavit unum de filiis prophetarum et ait illi accinge lumbos tuos et tolle lenticulam olei hanc in manu tua et vade in Ramoth Galaad
2 cumque veneris illuc videbis Hieu filium Iosaphat filii Namsi et ingressus suscitabis eum de medio fratrum suorum et introduces interius cubiculum
3 tenensque lenticulam olei fundes super caput eius et dices haec dicit Dominus unxi te regem super Israhel aperiesque ostium et fugies et non ibi subsistes
4 abiit ergo adulescens puer prophetae Ramoth Galaad
5 et ingressus est ecce autem principes exercitus sedebant et ait verbum mihi ad te princeps dixitque Hieu ad quem ex omnibus nobis at ille dixit ad te o princeps
6 et surrexit et ingressus est cubiculum at ille fudit oleum super caput eius et ait haec dicit Dominus Deus Israhel unxi te regem super populum Domini Israhel
7 et percuties domum Ahab domini tui ut ulciscar sanguinem servorum meorum prophetarum et sanguinem omnium servorum Domini de manu Hiezabel
8 perdamque omnem domum Ahab et interficiam de Ahab mingentem ad parietem et clausum et novissimum in Israhel
9 et dabo domum Ahab sicut domum Hieroboam filii Nabath et sicut domum Baasa filii Ahia
10 Hiezabel quoque comedent canes in agro Hiezrahel nec erit qui sepeliat eam aperuitque ostium et fugit
11 Hieu autem egressus est ad servos domini sui qui dixerunt ei rectene sunt omnia quid venit insanus iste ad te qui ait eis nostis hominem et quid locutus sit
12 at illi responderunt falsum est sed magis narra nobis qui ait eis haec et haec locutus est mihi et ait haec dicit Dominus unxi te regem super Israhel
13 festinaverunt itaque et unusquisque tollens pallium suum posuerunt sub pedibus eius in similitudinem tribunalis et cecinerunt tuba atque dixerunt regnavit Hieu
14 coniuravit ergo Hieu filius Iosaphat filii Namsi contra Ioram porro Ioram obsederat Ramoth Galaad ipse et omnis Israhel contra Azahel regem Syriae
15 et reversus fuerat ut curaretur in Hiezrahel propter vulnera quia percusserant eum Syri proeliantem contra Azahel regem Syriae dixitque Hieu si placet vobis nemo egrediatur profugus de civitate ne vadat et nuntiet in Hiezrahel
16 et ascendit et profectus est in Hiezrahel Ioram enim aegrotabat ibi et Ahazia rex Iuda descenderat ad visitandum Ioram
17 igitur speculator qui stabat super turrem Hiezrahel vidit globum Hieu venientis et ait video ego globum dixitque Ioram tolle currum et mitte in occursum eorum et dicat vadens rectene sunt omnia
18 abiit igitur qui ascenderat currum in occursum eius et ait haec dicit rex pacata sunt omnia dixitque ei Hieu quid tibi et paci transi et sequere me nuntiavit quoque speculator dicens venit nuntius ad eos et non revertitur
19 misit etiam currum equorum secundum venitque ad eos et ait haec dicit rex num pax est et ait Hieu quid tibi et paci transi et sequere me
20 nuntiavit autem speculator dicens venit usque ad eos et non revertitur est autem incessus quasi incessus Hieu filii Namsi praeceps enim graditur
21 et ait Ioram iunge currum iunxeruntque currum eius et egressus est Ioram rex Israhel et Ahazias rex Iuda singuli in curribus suis egressique sunt in occursum Hieu et invenerunt eum in agro Naboth Hiezrahelitis
22 cumque vidisset Ioram Hieu dixit pax est Hieu at ille respondit quae pax adhuc fornicationes Hiezabel matris tuae et veneficia eius multa vigent
23 convertit autem Ioram manum suam et fugiens ait ad Ahaziam insidiae Ahazia
24 porro Hieu tetendit arcum manu et percussit Ioram inter scapulas et egressa est sagitta per cor eius statimque corruit in curru suo
25 dixitque Hieu ad Baddacer ducem tolle proice eum in agro Naboth Hiezrahelitae memini enim quando ego et tu sedentes in curru sequebamur Ahab patrem huius quod Dominus onus hoc levaverit super eum dicens
26 si non pro sanguine Naboth et pro sanguine filiorum eius quem vidi heri ait Dominus reddam tibi in agro isto dicit Dominus nunc igitur tolle proice eum in agro iuxta verbum Domini
27 Ahazias autem rex Iuda videns hoc fugit per viam domus horti persecutusque est eum Hieu et ait etiam hunc percutite in curru suo in ascensu Gaber qui est iuxta Ieblaam qui fugit in Mageddo et mortuus est ibi
28 et inposuerunt eum servi eius super currum suum et tulerunt Hierusalem sepelieruntque in sepulchro cum patribus suis in civitate David
29 anno undecimo Ioram filii Ahab rege Ahazia super Iudam
30 venit Hieu Hiezrahel porro Hiezabel introitu eius audito depinxit oculos suos stibio et ornavit caput suum et respexit per fenestram
31 ingredientem Hieu per portam et ait numquid pax esse potest Zamri qui interfecit dominum suum
32 levavitque Hieu faciem suam ad fenestram et ait quae est ista et inclinaverunt se ad eum duo vel tres eunuchi
33 at ille dixit eis praecipitate eam deorsum et praecipitaverunt eam aspersusque est sanguine paries et equorum ungulae qui conculcaverunt eam
34 cumque ingressus esset et comederet bibissetque ait ite videte maledictam illam et sepelite eam quia filia regis est
35 cumque issent ut sepelirent eam non invenerunt nisi calvariam et pedes et summas manus
36 reversique nuntiaverunt ei et ait Hieu sermo Domini est quem locutus est per servum suum Heliam Thesbiten dicens in agro Hiezrahel comedent canes carnes Hiezabel
37 et erunt carnes Hiezabel sicut stercus super faciem terrae in agro Hiezrahel ita ut praetereuntes dicant haecine est illa Hiezabel

2 Kings 9 Commentary

Chapter 9

Elisha sends to anoint Jehu. (1-10) Jehu and the captains. (11-15) Joram and Ahaziah slain by Jehu. (16-29) Jezebel eaten by dogs. (30-37)

Verses 1-10 In these and the like events, we must acknowledge the secret working of God, disposing men to fulfil his purposes respecting them. Jehu was anointed king over Israel, by the Lord's special choice. The Lord still had a remnant of his people, and would yet preserve his worship among them. Of this Jehu was reminded. He was commanded to destroy the house of Ahab, and, as far as he acted in obedience to God, and upon right principles, he needed not to regard reproach or opposition. The murder of God's prophets is strongly noticed. Jezebel persisted in idolatry and enmity to Jehovah and his servants, and her iniquity was now full.

Verses 11-15 Those who faithfully deliver the Lord's message to sinners, have in all ages been treated as madmen. Their judgment, speech, and conduct are contrary to those of other men; they endure much in pursuit of objects, and are influenced by motives, into which the others cannot enter. But above all, the charge is brought by the worldly and ungodly of all sorts, who are mad indeed; while the principles and practice of the devoted servants of God, prove to be wise and reasonable. Some faith in the word of God, seems to have animated Jehu to this undertaking.

Verses 16-29 Jehu was a man of eager spirit. The wisdom of God is seen in the choice of those employed in his work. But it is not for any man's reputation to be known by his fury. He that has rule over his own spirit, is better than the mighty. Joram met Jehu in the portion of Naboth. The circumstances of events are sometimes ordered by Divine Providence to make the punishment answer to the sin, as face answers to face in a glass. The way of sin can never be the way of peace, ( Isaiah 57:21 ) . What peace can sinners have with God? No peace so long as sin is persisted in; but when it is repented of and forsaken, there is peace. Joram died as a criminal, under the sentence of the law. Ahaziah was joined with the house of Ahab. He was one of them; he had made himself so by sin. It is dangerous to join evil-doers; we shall be entangled in guilt and misery by it.

Verses 30-37 Instead of hiding herself, as one afraid of Divine vengeance, Jezebel mocked at fear. See how a heart, hardened against God, will brave it out to the last. There is not a surer presage of ruin, than an unhumbled heart under humbling providences. Let those look at Jezebel's conduct and fate, who use arts to seduce others to commit wickedness, and to draw them aside from the ways of truth and righteousness. Jehu called for aid against Jezebel. When reformation-work is on foot, it is time to ask, Who sides with it? Her attendants delivered her up. Thus she was put to death. See the end of pride and cruelty, and say, The Lord is righteous. When we pamper our bodies, let us think how vile they are; shortly they will be a feast for worms under ground, or beasts above ground. May we all flee from that wrath which is revealed from heaven, against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter we are told that one of the sons of the prophets was sent by Elisha to anoint Jehu king of Israel, and to order him to smite and destroy the whole house of Ahab, 2Ki 9:1-10, which being done unto him, and the order received by Jehu, he acquainted his captains with it, 2Ki 9:11-15, who set out with him immediately to Jezreel, 2Ki 9:16-21, where he slew Joram king of Israel, 2Ki 9:22-26, and Ahaziah king of Judah, 2Ki 9:27-29, and Jezebel, the widow of Ahab, and mother of Joram, 2Ki 9:30-37.

2 Kings 9 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.