Hiob 20:21

21 Nichts entging seiner Freßgier; darum wird sein Wohlstand nicht dauernd sein.

Hiob 20:21 Meaning and Commentary

Job 20:21

There shall none of his meat be left
Not in his belly, all shall be cast up; none of his substance left for himself or others; none of his riches for his children or heirs, all being consumed: or this may respect either the profuseness or niggardliness of his living, that he should live in great luxury himself, but take no care of the poor; or else keep so mean a table, that there would be nothing left for the poor, not so much as a few crumbs to fall from it; but the first sense seems best; though some render the words, "there shall be none left for his meat" F2, or his substance; he shall leave no children, have no heirs, all his family shall be cut off, see ( Job 18:19 ) ;

therefore shall no man look for his goods;
for there shall be none to look for them; or rather there shall be none to look for, all being gone: a man in good circumstances of life, his heirs expect to enjoy much at his death, but when he is stripped of all, as Job was, his relations and friends are in no expectation of having anything at his death; and therefore do not think it worth their while to look out, or make an inquiry whether there is anything for them or not, see ( Job 20:28 ) .


F2 (wlkal dyrv Nya) "non erit superstes haeres qui ejus bonis fruetur"; so some in Mercer. Drusius.

Hiob 20:21 In-Context

19 Denn er hat mißhandelt, verlassen die Armen; Häuser hat er an sich gerissen und wird sie nicht ausbauen.
20 Denn er kannte keine Ruhe in seinem Innern: mit seinem Teuersten wird er nicht entrinnen.
21 Nichts entging seiner Freßgier; darum wird sein Wohlstand nicht dauernd sein.
22 In der Fülle seines Überflusses wird er in Bedrängnis sein; die Hand jedes Notleidenden wird über ihn kommen.
23 Es wird geschehen: um seinen Bauch zu füllen, wird Gott die Glut seines Zornes in ihn entsenden, und sie auf ihn regnen lassen in sein Fleisch hinein.
The Elberfelder Bible is in the public domain.