Giobbe 22

1 ED Elifaz Temanita rispose e disse:
2 L’uomo può egli fare alcun profitto a Dio? Anzi a sè stesso fa profitto l’uomo intendente.
3 L’Onnipotente riceve egli alcun diletto, se tu sei giusto? O alcun guadagno, se tu cammini in integrità?
4 Ti castiga egli per paura che abbia di te? O viene egli teco a giudicio?
5 La tua malvagità non è essa grande? E le tue iniquità non son esse senza fine?
6 Conciossiachè tu abbi preso pegno da’ tuoi fratelli senza cagione, Ed abbi spogliati gl’ignudi de’ lor vestimenti.
7 Tu non hai pur dato a bere dell’acqua allo stanco, Ed hai rifiutato il pane all’affamato.
8 Ma la terra è stata per l’uomo possente, E l’uomo di rispetto è abitato in essa.
9 Tu hai rimandate le vedove a vuoto, E le braccia degli orfani son da te state fiaccate.
10 Perciò tu hai de’ lacci d’intorno, Ed uno spavento di subito ti ha conturbato.
11 Tu hai eziandio delle tenebre d’intorno, sì che tu non puoi vedere; Ed una piena d’acque ti ha coperto.
12 Iddio non è egli nell’alto de’ cieli? Riguarda il sommo delle stelle, come sono eccelse.
13 E pur tu hai detto: Che cosa conosce Iddio? Giudicherà egli per mezzo la caligine?
14 Le nuvole gli sono un nascondimento, ed egli non vede nulla, E passeggia per lo giro del cielo.
15 Hai tu posto mente al cammino Che gli uomini iniqui hanno tenuto d’ogni tempo?
16 I quali sono stati ricisi fuor di tempo, E il cui fondamento è scorso come un fiume;
17 I quali dicevano a Dio: Dipartiti da noi. E che avea loro fatto l’Onnipotente?
18 Egli avea loro ripiene le case di beni; Per ciò, sia lungi da me il consiglio degli empi.
19 I giusti vedranno queste cose, e se ne rallegreranno; E l’innocente si befferà di coloro.
20 Se la nostra sostanza non è stata distrutta, Pure ha il fuoco consumato il lor rimanente.
21 Deh! fa’ conoscenza con Dio, e rappacificati con lui; Per questo mezzo ti avverrà il bene.
22 Deh! ricevi la legge dalla sua bocca, E riponi le sue parole nel cuor tuo.
23 Se tu ti converti all’Onnipotente, tu sarai ristabilito, Se tu allontani dal tuo tabernacolo l’iniquità;
24 E metterai l’oro in su la polvere, E l’oro di Ofir in su le selci de’ fiumi.
25 E l’Onnipotente sarà il tuo oro, E il tuo argento, e le tue forze.
26 Perciocchè allora tu prenderai diletto nell’Onnipotente, Ed alzerai la tua faccia a Dio.
27 Tu gli supplicherai, ed egli ti esaudirà, E tu gli pagherai i tuoi voti.
28 Quando avrai determinato di fare alcuna cosa, Ella ti riuscirà sicuramente, E la luce risplenderà sopra le tue vie.
29 Quando quelle saranno abbassate, allora dirai: Esaltazione; E Iddio salverà l’uomo con gli occhi chini.
30 Egli lo libererà, quantunque non sia innocente; Anzi sarà liberato per la purità delle tue mani.

Giobbe 22 Commentary

Chapter 22

Eliphaz shows that a man's goodness profits not God. (1-4) Job accused of oppression. (5-14) The world before the flood. (15-20) Eliphaz exhorts Job to repentance. (21-30)

Verses 1-4 Eliphaz considers that, because Job complained so much of his afflictions, he thought God was unjust in afflicting him; but Job was far from thinking so. What Eliphaz says, is unjustly applied to Job, but it is very true, that when God does us good it is not because he is indebted to us. Man's piety is no profit to God, no gain. The gains of religion to men are infinitely greater than the losses of it. God is a Sovereign, who gives no account of his conduct; but he is perfectly wise, just, faithful, good, and merciful. He approves the likeness of his own holiness, and delights in the fruits of his Spirit; he accepts the thankful services of the humble believer, while he rejects the proud claim of the self-confident.

Verses 5-14 Eliphaz brought heavy charges against Job, without reason for his accusations, except that Job was visited as he supposed God always visited every wicked man. He charges him with oppression, and that he did harm with his wealth and power in the time of his prosperity.

Verses 15-20 Eliphaz would have Job mark the old way that wicked men have trodden, and see what the end of their way was. It is good for us to mark it, that we may not walk therein. But if others are consumed, and we are not, instead of blaming them, and lifting up ourselves, as Eliphaz does here, we ought to be thankful to God, and take it for a warning.

Verses 21-30 The answer of Eliphaz wrongly implied that Job had hitherto not known God, and that prosperity in this life would follow his sincere conversion. The counsel Eliphaz here gives is good, though, as to Job, it was built upon a false supposition that he was a stranger and enemy to God. Let us beware of slandering our brethren; and if it be our lot to suffer in this manner, let us remember how Job was treated; yea, how Jesus was reviled, that we may be patient. Let us examine whether there may not be some colour for the slander, and walk watchfully, so as to be clear of all appearances of evil.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains the third and last reply of Eliphaz to Job, in which he charges him with having too high an opinion of himself, of his holiness and righteousness, as if God was profited by it, and laid thereby under obligation to him, whereas he was not, Job 22:1-3; and as if he reproved and chastised him, because of his fear of him, whereas it was because of his sins, Job 22:4,5; an enumeration of which he gives, as of injustice, oppression, cruelty to the poor, and even of atheism and infidelity, for which snares and fears were around him, and various calamities, Job 22:6-14; and compares his way and course of life to that of the men of the old world, and the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, and suggests that his end would be like theirs, unless he repented, Job 22:15-20; and then concludes with an exhortation to him to return to God by repentance, and to reform, when he should see happy times again, and enjoy much outward and inward prosperity, and be an instrument of doing much good to many, Job 22:21-30.

Giobbe 22 Commentaries

The Giovanni Diodati Bible is in the public domain.